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WATMM Member Interviews: Joyrex

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this was an idea formed by Adjective for the purpose of getting to know one another. i encourage the entirety of WATMM to use this idea/platform to interview other WATMMMEMBERS, if they wish.



What I Know About Joyrex: (AKA: my current perspective)


-founder of WATMM, and therefore respected for this reason. otherwise a non-contributing administrator who makes an overly "dad-like" thread about something that's either extremely jazzB7 or just not that funny altogether.


-has made banning choices that i disagree with, strongly, in the past; which has lead to some (minor) resentment for him.


What I Hope To Achieve With This Interview


-gaining perspective on why JR is such a "dad", possibly feeling sympathy for one another or, better yet, making a strong connection through a like-minded philosophy which would bond us in some way so that i may heighten my WATMM experience to Ultimate Pleasant. (no homo)


Questions for Joyrex:


-what are your goals when posting in a thread? being informational? pissing me off? what's your problem? (j/k)


-do you get insulted easily? what's wrong with you? (lol, j/k, sorry. please answer question, though)


-got any favorite beers?


-do you use drugs?


-what are a few of your favorite movies?


-what would it take to unban a member whom has been permanently banned? (this isn't what this thread is about, i'm genuinely curious if you've ever considered it.)



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who is joyrex?


Joyrex is just an Apex Twins song. Luke is just making this thread to show up the noobs, pay no attention.

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who is joyrex?


Joyrex is just an Apex Twins song. Luke is just making this thread to show up the noobs, pay no attention.

that's another part of it, though. everyone here feels like a noob to me, because we've all changed our usernames so much in the past. i don't rightly remember who is who except a handful of the oldskool contributing member-staples who i'm familiar with. ie: FredMcGriff, essines, Encephala, Wisp, Asymm, etc.


so, it's more or less for my own benefit. (as is the case with anything we do; Projecting, etc.)


edit: also, it's a good platform for others to get to know myself, as my posts tend to just degenerate into abstracts without really contributing anything to the collective whatsoever.



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Under the current regime that would be a bannable offense.


The current regime is the same regime that was in place at the time you joined.


Oh actually that's not true, mcbpete got added as a moderator, and jedy and thanksosmuch both post less.

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Under the current regime that would be a bannable offense.


The current regime is the same regime that was in place at the time you joined.


Oh actually that's not true, mcbpete got added as a moderator, and jedy and thanksosmuch both post less.


Then I think we both know it's mcbpete you need to look out for

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how about making the opener question to Joyrex and all subsequent WATMM-views:


Where is your username from, (with some it's obvy, but others less-so) and why did you pick it/its significance?

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Guest ruiagnelo

i like this idea actually. there's only so much you can learn from reading one's posts.

possible cons: drama

possible pros: tasty drama


also I think the interviews should be done by PM instead of making a thread and waiting around for two pages.


I agree.


PM -> Post -> Discuss :spiteful:

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ya'll do it how you want. this is how i'm doin' it !


how about making the opener question to Joyrex and all subsequent WATMM-views:


Where is your username from, (with some it's obvy, but others less-so) and why did you pick it/its significance?

you just did it for me ! everyone is free to do as they please, all the time, no matter what.


God Bless America

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