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Brazil 2014 Logo LOL

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Guest Gary C

Oh my, that's simply perfect.


Also, there are the same concerns about EVERY major sporting host, but it usually goes ahead anyway.

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LOL that's fucking great!


BTW there are big concerns that Brazil won't be able to host due to its shitty infrastructure.


If RSA can pull it off then I am sure Brazil can get their shit together. Now Ukraine's abilty to host the Euro 2012 is a concern and Poland might also have their share of problems.

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I can't believe all these logo cost million dollars, are thrown around large companies + marketing departments + design firms yet none of them got up and said "Dude it looks like an intarweb facepalm"

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Also, there are the same concerns about EVERY major sporting host, but it usually goes ahead anyway.

not true, there were no concerns about vancouver's ability to host the Winter Olympics this year. Oh wait, you said major sporting event, never mind.





If RSA can pull it off then I am sure Brazil can get their shit together. Now Ukraine's abilty to host the Euro 2012 is a concern and Poland might also have their share of problems.

I'll try and find the article that I read, but apparently Brazil is in even worse shape than RSA was....

The thing with Ukraine and Poland - easy to find close substitutes. Germany, France blah blah...not too difficult to readjust, as infrastructure is all in place.


I guess England is doing a spectacular job in politicking away the 2018 World Cup.

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It's not THAT bad. But then, everything looks okay when compared to the 2012 Olympics logo. AND THE FUCKING MASCOTS



i think the olympics logo is just perfect?



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