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18 u.s. military veterans commit suicide every day

Guest tht tne

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Guest Wall Bird

Nigga, GW be putting that gun in your hands, best believe if someone hadn't have run interference for you. But, I guess you'd probably take jail or Canada, although Canada was punting our guys back in the 70's THANKS FOR NOTHING CANADA!!! And, granted, I would do "conscientious objector" as long as I could too. But, the U.S. government has ways of making you join the War Machine :shuriken:


Even Bukowski was affected by all his peers going to fight and him sleeping drunk on park benches and he was a self-described "tough sonofabitch" so if it got to him, don't think the power of influence wouldn't get to you. Milgram already established that we all have a little OBEY! in us with the right coaxing. Hank tried to enlist--twice, I think--but failed psych. ( :emotawesomepm9:) so that was that.


So, your Flower Power concept of no one wielding the guns or aiming the cannons stopping war, well, like Judas Priest warned "you gotta another thing comin'!" Did you register at 18 like a good boy? THEN YOU ALL IN SON! The hundreds of thousands of draftees were even willing to die instead of go to Vietnam but ultimately, they wielded those weapons and you would too.


Unfortunately I did register for selected service (I think that's what it's called) when I was 18. I just accepted it because I had no opinion on the matter. In retrospect I would not have done so. Does anyone know of a way that I might recant my formal agreement?


Your labeling of my tactical decisions as flower power is condescending and makes it hard for me to take any arguments of yours seriously.


If you believe that the United States military can make you or me fight in a war then perhaps you need to ask yourself whether there even needs to be anyone around to enforce the government's policies. You're policing yourself it would seem, and apparently you're doing just fine without any authority figures around. Your perception of an all-powerful body and subsequent mental submission before any such conflict even exists - and I don't no how to put this - is saddening.

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Guest Wall Bird

I'm trying not to be condescending to you, but this is how I feel about it. I hope that you can sense my genuine concern, even if you agree with me. I truly think that non-cooperation or not participating in activities you disapprove of is the most effective form of resistance before a situation becomes completely unbearable. At that point the dialectic becomes a bit more complicated. (Think WWII and the question raised earlier about an offensive strike being an acceptable course of action.)

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Guest disparaissant

If you believe that the United States military can make you or me fight in a war then perhaps you need to ask yourself whether there even needs to be anyone around to enforce the government's policies. You're policing yourself it would seem, and apparently you're doing just fine without any authority figures around. Your perception of an all-powerful body and subsequent mental submission before any such conflict even exists - and I don't no how to put this - is saddening.

i dunno, nearly every male teacher i had growing up who was of a certain age was only a teacher because enrolling in a teaching program meant they avoided the draft. my science teacher in high school was an associate of michio kaku and had pictures of himself with bohr and einstein. he was well on track to being a renowned physicist but vietnam happened and rather than fight, he stuck to his guns and became a high school teacher. so no, the government cannot MAKE you fight, but they sure as hell can make your life miserable if you choose not to.

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Guest disparaissant

The government doesn't need to make your life miserable, with a bit of advertising and a lifetime of propaganda a good percentage of the population will be ready to do that for them.

oh for sure. lots of people see it as the only option. advertising works.

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Guest disparaissant

troon if you were a psychologist and someone came in and said "i have this compulsion where i can't stop washing my hands, doctor, it's awful!" i'd imagine you'd say something along the lines of "well, stop it! you don't need to!"

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Veteran =/= veterinary surgeon

:facepalm::facepalm: :facepalm: Why didnt I make that connection. You might as well disregard anything I saw tonight. Ive been taking my pain pills and antibiotics too frequently.



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troon if you were a psychologist and someone came in and said "i have this compulsion where i can't stop washing my hands, doctor, it's awful!" i'd imagine you'd say something along the lines of "well, stop it! you don't need to!"


good morning lol

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Guest disparaissant

You'd suggest becoming vegan to help them.

yeah, it would be that or "just stop."


seriously though troon, what's your solution for this situation? come on, get to the root of the problem, guy!

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You'd suggest becoming vegan to help them.



You'd suggest becoming vegan to help them.
yeah, it would be that or "just stop."seriously though troon, what's your solution for this situation? come on, get to the root of the problem, guy!



clearly this is a waste of my time - my time is precious and i will not waste it on the three of you

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clearly this is a waste of my time - my time is precious and i will not waste it on the two of you


oh god lol



if your time had any not-to-be-wasted preciousness you wouldn't be on these forums in the first place :emotawesomepm9:



how to make good use of ones oh so precious time :emotawesomepm9:



so that's no excuse


try another evasive troll attempt :emotawesomepm9:

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Guest Wall Bird

clearly that website is the solution to this problem THANK YUO TROON U SAVD US ALL


That's not very helpful. Non-violence is not the be-all-end-all solution to the world's problems. It is simply another set of tactics for achieving the ends one seeks. One more skill to employ.


Troon made no claim that it was a final solution, so your ridicule of him seems unwarranted.


I for one, think we could stand to have more dialogue on the non-violent options available to us. Gene Sharp wrote a great three book set on 'The Politics of Nonviolent Action', 'The Techniques of Nonviolent Action', and 'The Dynamics of Nonviolent Action', which are a great survey of the topic, all with historical examples of most of them in action.

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while I am no lover of troon, I don't see the problem here: non-violence is a totally viable alternative. You have to believe in your shit of course, but if someone like Muhammed Ali can spend time for not joining up, why the fuck can't others?

I understand about the socio-economic factors, but there's no reason to ridicule people offering suggestions. I don't know why your panties are in such a bunch over this disparaissant - it's unlike you...

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