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radiohead - lp 8

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great news! seeing their consistence i'm sure this'll be at least as good as rainbows. which to me is "no listen, instant buy" worthy.


and will they be doing the "pay what you want to pay for the digital download" thing again.

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they did their semi-straight forward studio album - now i think it's time to get back to the experimentations.

more aphex/autechre influenced trac's plees!


oh and i do hope that thom is working on something new on his own as is rumored - he has got such a wonderful gift for music's.

maybe his more recent autechre influences will come out along side that delicate and beautiful voice of his - would be lovely


will they be doing the "pay what you want to pay for the digital download" thing again.

i would suspect they will - it was such an unbelievable win for them last time.

plus they want to keep setting a good example for everyone and have already built up so much momentum - i don't see them doing it differently,

although they may improve the efficiency buy setting up multiple sites or whatever so that the work's don't get buggered again.

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shut the fuck up and google it



oh wait i did it for you fucking idiots





"Three years later, we have just finished another group of songs, and have begun to wonder about how to release them in a digital landscape that has changed again."


it will come out of nowhere like anything, regardless, they've finished the album. it's a question of release




i don't care what they do, i'm sure it will be good. i would definitely be a little more excited to hear some more experimental sounds than the last album

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shut the fuck up and google it



oh wait i did it for you fucking idiots





"Three years later, we have just finished another group of songs, and have begun to wonder about how to release them in a digital landscape that has changed again."


it will come out of nowhere like anything, regardless, they've finished the album. it's a question of release




i don't care what they do, i'm sure it will be good. i would definitely be a little more excited to hear some more experimental sounds than the last album


If you're going to start the thread. Find the info and post it yourself you retard.

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