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I finally made voice contact with this girl I fell in love with

Guest happycase

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They are all shy 'till they start wearing your face as a mask.

fucking(not that fucking actually) lol.

You probably wanted to say

They are all shy 'till you start wearing their cunt as a mask.

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also you shouldn't post pics like this one. Or if you do, upload them in your attachments. Why ? Search engines index images, and I bet that within 10 years, one will be able to feed a pic of someone to google, and as a result he will be able to get all the picture on the web that feature this person. So she well may be able to find this thread one day.

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Guest Calx Sherbet
Have you guys ever gotten close to a really shy woman?
Most girls I've had had a crush on were extremely introvert, yeah. I wanted to discover them so much, I can't really explain why. This might sound intriguing for you and me to get to know a girl who has never really confessed to a boy, but it mostly leads to disappointments, believe me.


on the money.


and you'd think they'd add this to the rules one of these days

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Someone find me the biggest picture of facepalm they can, stat!

i think you're a jerk happycase and you deserve to be alone

I don't really get it. Maybe someone here (or yourself) can explain.


What's the purpose of this treatise exactly? It seems to me that you wax philosophical to a group of anonymous men about various women you're attracted to in order to gain cache and find some shred of acceptance because beyond the realm of anonymity (i.e. WATMM) you essentially are an outcast with no chance of acceptance with women or and to a lesser extent men. You desperately try to appear in control and high-handed by providing inflammatory remarks to the very people who are in fact in control of your goal: your acceptance and ultimate assimilation. You call the women you want to sleep with (one element of your desire for societal acceptance) "rigid cunts;" disrespecting them as people and instead treating them only as a necessary obstacle in the path to success. Then you disrespect the peoples' whose attention you are so pathetically vying for. "You're all virgins anyway," sadly sends the subtext of "If I act dismissive to them, it hopefully undercuts the seriousness, time and effort clearly evident in my pathetic post." Is that close to what you were thinking? You are a sadcase.

These sum up everything for me. You are truly fucked up Happycase. Please stay in your cult or whatever the hell you call it.

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Are you gonna be a mass murderer because some frigid girl won't touch your nubbin, because that's how I think it's going.


I feel happy with myself that there are others around that come out with so much bullshit about their 'feelings'.


Fucked up indeed.

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the second one looks like "boxxy" from youtube











i recently had some thoughts about this. i definitely think i've scared away some girls by my idiotic ways of trying to make things happen more quickly. i expect based on previous stuff that there is no "rushing things."


i guarantee, there is. you can't expect shit like you're going to fall in love automatically and click and everything is great.


relationships are meant to be slow, enjoyable, and so on. also if you don't think there is chemistry then let shit go.

also, don't meet people online! or at least be ready for some weird irl interactions.



i think if i was in your position with the asian girl i would have gone expecting nothing and just relaxed.


you know all that though.

personally i haven't gone on a "date" or had a sexual encounter in about a year so i'm out of the loop. but i've had failures throughout. and i've watched others and their failures as well. also successes.



i personally have a tendency to want to see everything as flowery and shit, also i think i might like a girl but in reality i'm just fucking around in my mind. i think you have to let things come, in all ways. as in, romance will come, yes, but more that you have to give people a chance, get to know people, just chill.

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Guest Scrambled Ears

On a sidenote:


So you only have passionate sex for 8-15 min? Didn't know passion could fit into that small of a time interval.


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Guest happycase

I don't really get it. Maybe someone here (or yourself) can explain.


What's the purpose of this treatise exactly? It seems to me that you wax philosophical to a group of anonymous men about various women you're attracted to in order to gain cache and find some shred of acceptance because beyond the realm of anonymity (i.e. WATMM) you essentially are an outcast with no chance of acceptance with women or and to a lesser extent men. You desperately try to appear in control and high-handed by providing inflammatory remarks to the very people who are in fact in control of your goal: your acceptance and ultimate assimilation. You call the women you want to sleep with (one element of your desire for societal acceptance) "rigid cunts;" disrespecting them as people and instead treating them only as a necessary obstacle in the path to success. Then you disrespect the peoples' whose attention you are so pathetically vying for. "You're all virgins anyway," sadly sends the subtext of "If I act dismissive to them, it hopefully undercuts the seriousness, time and effort clearly evident in my pathetic post." Is that close to what you were thinking? You are a sadcase.


i roast my rump for gumption later

i am a gummy bear squeezing fart father

"i'm disappointed in you dr lopez."

"marther farther lathe and bathe."


anyway, your analysis sucked. it is important (sort of) not to take your ideas about others seriously. you're always going to be short-sighted and narrow-minded, not by some deficiency, it is just the nature of perception (assumption) especially over the internet. i hope not to have disrespected either of the girls i mentioned because they are exquisite people and i'm interested in learning much more about them and especially staying in touch with the girl who "irl" does not "live up" to the creative intellect sitting behind the computer. i think she's a work of genius whether she's stupid as hell and can't talk without stuttering, or is completely captivating all the time.


here's where we're different - when i qualify a person (i.e. diffident rigid cunt) i don't think it says anything about them. i don't think qualities, pluses and minuses, really apply to people or anything else. when i have a judgment about someone it's not something i take seriously. i don't feel like i have come to any "conclusions" or have "Defined" or "understood" her by uttering a few words to a public audience. she could simultaneously be the most disgusting and most angelic things at once and whatever i say about her will never capture her essence, which is where my attention is focused. people are completely new beings with new capacities and different response biases in every situation. the rigid cunt comes and goes, what remains is simply the mystery of being. so when i try to get a feeling about where we're different, my feeling is that when you qualify me, saying happycase is such and such, dorkbag whatever, you think you know something, have boxed me off, whatever, whatever i say about a person or about myself, i don't think i've defined them or understand them. people are too mysterious and amazing for my puny intellect to grasp.

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Motherfucker if YOU would've been real from the get-go, those poor girls wouldn't have had to endure an entire date with you to realize how much of a fuckin creep you are.. all of us on here already know it

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