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Airport in China closes due to UFO

Guest wake

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Hey an airport closed down for an hour last month. Someone took a short video of some colored spots against a black sky. Pretty amazing MUST BE ALIENS






first comment:


These UFOs have been arounda long time are not people (aliens) from another planet but here on Earth.

Stan Deyo physicist wrote about them in his book Cosmic Conspiracy back in the 80s that they are man made he even has pics of them and an inside look at how they work. He said they will appear a lot just before Jesus returns to Earth.

Another Bible expert and engineer scientist Chuck Missler teaches that UFOs are demonic and are mentioned in the Bible in Genesis Ch 6 are the Nephilim .

Who really knows?


Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3165067/UFO-closes-an-airport-in-China.html#mySunComments#ixzz11djGy0wL






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Is that godzilla in the tractor beam?



*imagines all the busy little humans looking at their watches cursing the aliens for the inconvenience*


*Imagines troon making a comment deprecating the modern world while utilising a product of industrialisation*


Oh wait, I don't have to imagine it, you've already done it for us. Bravo!

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Wow, there was a UFO sighting just a block from here. Some dude saw some triangles in the sky.. and it wound up on our national news service. This must mean something.


And now for the proof.. as they say, pics or it didn't happen:








Yes, I'm not kidding. That's really the image he submitted to the press.

UFOs in Montreal? Strange sights reported





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Guest Space Coyote

Do you have a link from a more reputable news source than The Sun that says "It is the third mysterious UFO sighting this year to have resulted in Chinese airfields being closed."?

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Guest Ranky Redlof

reporters get paid by the gambling industry to put crap like this in the papers (every bet on "aliens are gonna visit earth this year" is basically free money)

how's that for a conspiracy theory ?


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Wow, there was a UFO sighting just a block from here. Some dude saw some triangles in the sky.. and it wound up on our national news service. This must mean something.


And now for the proof.. as they say, pics or it didn't happen:








Yes, I'm not kidding. That's really the image he submitted to the press.

UFOs in Montreal? Strange sights reported






looks like your average post-poutine explosive diarrhea to me.

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*tries to save thread from failure*




Posters comments:

This was captured on my phone over Nowra (Australia) on the 17th of September 2010. This is unedited, has has no sound and is slightly blurry. I couldn't figure out how to fix it so I apologize. I didn't hear any sound from the object (probably too far away).<br />

In by saying that it's a UFO I'm not claiming it's an alien, just trying to get opinions.<br />

It creates a cool halo on the clouds. <br />


I uploaded this directly to youtube in 3p<br />

A few more details of which I did not add that may be of use:<br />

1. The time was around 0500<br />

2. I noticed a glow on the Horizon<br />

3. Within about 15 seconds I had my phone camera out of my pocket and recording.<br />

4. My phone video camera was unfortunately set to mute audio at the time, due to the mad rush I was fiddling around too much. I just wanted to get the video before I lost it. Note: I know this may all seem coincidental and very typical. I'm a painter and was preparing to go to work when I sighted this.</i>

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It's funny how it's reported in the Sun. Notorious for tits and shit news.


Anyhoo I've never beleived in this sort of thing and need things proved before I will trully beleive. But,


The other week above the village I live in there was 5/6 quite large lights just oscillating around near each other at different speeds. Some sort of jet went over but they remained. About 20 minutes after they started a jumbe went over and the lights all suddenly disappeared.




EDIT : I still can't sat I beleive in the fuckers but it makes me think.

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the only decent looking videos of "ufo" sightings I've seen are the "norway spiral" ones, but they claim that was a missile spinning out of control.

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Guest Scrambled Ears

aliens who can travel at the speed of light like to loiter around international commuter airspace


true story

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