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UFO's over El Paso, Bronx ,and Brazil


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my huband fall every time in abnormal fury and del tremence symptoms -

atnasa,ufo tehems and not only udne rspary-.

will conclude abotu this later again.


kremlin directshuts up lastUFO infromation =connection-(NY case)-

by debil starvation directive vblakmcialign on proeprty paymnetlose simultaneoulsbut in reality only naivcourn to ERASE understanding


by construction of del tremence scandal.only.


I did not beleive in information spreaded by all west media abotu 13th.,october UFO case.(judegbythe way also said abotu number 13th on the hearing on 12vewhatis gans strange)


now,anylyzing the informtaion and kremlin,s adventuristic an d panic racistic to own population denial of it-

and also under new wave of strating ofhusband unexpectedely



I am really shocked with the coinclusions which are mathematically obviously and unite interestsofdo all theworld-eps




centring on

israel and other middleeast countries.


as authorities and sect are super repressiverleyfight for my understanding ofmy own-an dwhattheydecided for me-

I will say here only

whtathey count to hide the most-but from myself-as racistically relatefto own population and intellectula elite.

but whtayou fixateof coures yourself.

abotu 12ve-october.,my video of9.30 a.m. before court herign wheri say categorizacally about -youhavenasa event for sure-and thati express protest to all authorities who are in agreementa gainst me about my vision capabilities.

but i said abotu nasa launch orland

whatis very few on thecoppararywith UFO

if it was real.


I am afraid much of repressions with whochi will nto be able to manage-becall this and mylast

now conclusions.

I am afraid to type thid here

as th einformation is veryexpensive-but clearmathematically-

husband tired me all the eveining-i am afradi not to formulate it enough



I do tno wnatto give it up so

but warn kremlin ,islaqmsitic driving areinmcreasing an dwill ienrrepress -and my contact with israle.usa officials is unovergoning-


authorities the first of all increase some poisoning subds and directdurgs tried to expose me to drusginfluencein the corut today colelctign the turn udner them

iu left=

contoling cassation term and warning secretary to reduce fabricatiuons

thati ahve100 pers memory out any camewr

a and i haceretrospective memory whochremind more in mroe fardistance.

thsi warnign medssageos about.




understoiood all an dknow abotu lastcase an dotehr casesofufo.


theydo tno wantto admit i to express this what is udnertsnadable for them.

so i warn

not to repress me for this knowledge-not vision now-conclusions-

because -uder affect and abuse i can produce unexpectedely things an dproduction ect...


they also continu to press by psychiatry suggestion and insluts,whtais not impressive but they hold in mind to remove.




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Weather or not the universe is infinite it can always have a center. Like 0 on the number line that extends infinitely in both directions.


Sure, but if it's infinite it can be any point that is the center. It's arbitrary.

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Weather or not the universe is infinite it can always have a center. Like 0 on the number line that extends infinitely in both directions.


Sure, but if it's infinite it can be any point that is the center. It's arbitrary.


I don't see how? It would just be really hard to know the exact center?

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Weather or not the universe is infinite it can always have a center. Like 0 on the number line that extends infinitely in both directions.


Sure, but if it's infinite it can be any point that is the center. It's arbitrary.


I don't see how? It would just be really hard to know the exact center?

Ahhhhhh Zig, you adequately fill the hole that sup has left here on WATMM. If something is infinite, there is no center, no median. Here's a good way to think about infinity:

If numbers are infinite, then there are just as many even numbers as there are even and odd numbers combined.


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Weather or not the universe is infinite it can always have a center. Like 0 on the number line that extends infinitely in both directions.


Sure, but if it's infinite it can be any point that is the center. It's arbitrary.


I don't see how? It would just be really hard to know the exact center?

Ahhhhhh Zig, you adequately fill the hole that sup has left here on WATMM. If something is infinite, there is no center, no median. Here's a good way to think about infinity:

If numbers are infinite, then there are just as many even numbers as there are even and odd numbers combined.



Who's sup? Anyways you failed to help me so I just Googled my question.







It seems there is no center for the universe when you go with the Big Bang Theory, since the center of the universe is always relative to the observer. However, I still believe in the possibility that even though we might not be able to observe the true center that there might still be one.

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Babar: Interesting, but not convincing enough. It's too X-fileish, there's just no logic behind anything. Then again in the case of aliens I'll believe in one no sooner than see one. A good philosopher could convince me in the existence of god, but for ufo's, he'd have to take me for a ride in one for me to believe in them haha

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I would just assume there's a center to the universe since there's a center in every galaxy...


You know what I thought the same.


But the galaxies are not like the universe. The universe is infinite galaxies are finite. If something is never ending then each point in that something would qualify as the center ergo why the center is relative to each observer.


It took me a longer then I would have liked to realize it till I found this thread.



Another good analogy is this. Imagine we are sitting on the line of a circle. Our point on the line could be considered the center, but so could the point next to us and the point next to that and the point across from that. Each point would earn the right to claiming they are at the center. We would all be right.


I now know what azatoth meant by arbitrary. Sorry yo lol.

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I would just assume there's a center to the universe since there's a center in every galaxy...

Then you are also assuming that the universe is finite.

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Personally what I think is that the advance civilizations (Ones who have had more time to evolve) exist in the galaxies toward the center of the universe and would work their way out from the center to us.


Why? Well assuming the Big Bang is true then the first space that would exist and thus the planets and galaxies that would form first would be the ones following right after the explosion. The bit that expanded last and is expanding would be the last to start developing.


So if we knew our place in the universe we could look toward the center of the universe and expect to find the advanced life we all long for and also take note in our ring what should be as developed as us as well as where we stand amongst it all.


I think when you keep saying universe, you really mean galaxy. All galaxies are theoretically the same age, as the universe (again theoretically) came into existence at every point at the same time. There is no center. There is no part that is older, or even more dense. I think you're concept of scale is a bit out of wack.


The center of the galaxy IS much older and much more densely packed. It would be likely that more advanced life would come from there. It would be likely that any thing we ever encounter as a race will be in this galaxy.


Without FTL travel it would be impossible to travel between galaxies as they are all moving apart at very nearly the speed of light.

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Without FTL travel it would be impossible to travel between galaxies as they are all moving apart at very nearly the speed of light.

This is actually complete bullshit. In fact, the Milky Way Galaxy is on a crash course with the Andromeda Galaxy. They're moving towards each other at a rate of about 75m/s. The speed of light is approximately 186,282m/s. From all I've read, the general speed at which galaxies do move away from each other is ~45m/s.

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Personally what I think is that the advance civilizations (Ones who have had more time to evolve) exist in the galaxies toward the center of the universe and would work their way out from the center to us.


Why? Well assuming the Big Bang is true then the first space that would exist and thus the planets and galaxies that would form first would be the ones following right after the explosion. The bit that expanded last and is expanding would be the last to start developing.


So if we knew our place in the universe we could look toward the center of the universe and expect to find the advanced life we all long for and also take note in our ring what should be as developed as us as well as where we stand amongst it all.


I think when you keep saying universe, you really mean galaxy. All galaxies are theoretically the same age, as the universe (again theoretically) came into existence at every point at the same time. There is no center. There is no part that is older, or even more dense. I think you're concept of scale is a bit out of wack.


The center of the galaxy IS much older and much more densely packed. It would be likely that more advanced life would come from there. It would be likely that any thing we ever encounter as a race will be in this galaxy.


Without FTL travel it would be impossible to travel between galaxies as they are all moving apart at very nearly the speed of light.


No I meant universe and now I realize there is no absolute center of the universe so this must mean that everything formed by chance and had equally opportunity to form. Much like sperm going to an egg they are all there but by chance one gets through to fertilize it.

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Weather or not the universe is infinite it can always have a center. Like 0 on the number line that extends infinitely in both directions.


Sure, but if it's infinite it can be any point that is the center. It's arbitrary.


yeah but 0 has got some very specific properties; eg 1/0 etc...



Babar: Interesting, but not convincing enough. It's too X-fileish, there's just no logic behind anything. Then again in the case of aliens I'll believe in one no sooner than see one. A good philosopher could convince me in the existence of god, but for ufo's, he'd have to take me for a ride in one for me to believe in them haha


Well i don't understand why you say it looks like x-file. X-file is about conspiracy, x-file is about the government not telling the truth. Although it might apply to the attitude of american officials about UFOs in general (example : the phoenix lights) it's not at all what happened in belgium. Maybe you just saw a random dude with a strong accent speaking about "alleged" facts that happened in belgium at the beginning of the 90s, but then i think you're missing the whole context. I posted this video because it was the only one i found in english, but this officer actually made an official declaration, which has been broadcast on belgian TVs - : he basically said what he says in the interview i posted - minus the fact that he thinks it must be extraterrestrial.


Also, yesterday i watched a documentary about the Operaçao prato (operation saucer). Basically, in 1977 many people from a city in the north part of brazil reported sightings of strange lights in the sky. The army sent a team of military to investigate. They took numerous photos, films and made sketches of those lights. Most of these document have recently been released. Just have a look at those sketches:









So i think the question is not : do you believe in UFOs ?

but rather : do you believe these people ?

I do. I think they're honest and these are not hoaxes.

But i don't believe in the latest ufo sightings above new york. Basically, some dude who has recently published a book (=money) announces there will be UFOs in the sky on october 13th ? And they don't feature typical UFO behavior (shady trajectories & brutal accelerations) but just randomly float in the sky ? Com'on people he just released a bunch of shiny balloons in the sky so as to advertise his book. It's just obvious.

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Without FTL travel it would be impossible to travel between galaxies as they are all moving apart at very nearly the speed of light.

This is actually complete bullshit. In fact, the Milky Way Galaxy is on a crash course with the Andromeda Galaxy. They're moving towards each other at a rate of about 75m/s. The speed of light is approximately 186,282m/s. From all I've read, the general speed at which galaxies do move away from each other is ~45m/s.



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Babar, I might believe those people, but I don't trust them. I'll go as far as to say some things that have been seen are really ufo's (unknown flying objects) but to go further and say Afo (alien flying objects), that seems unreasonable. I think I'll stop this conversation now as I'm ruining the mood with my distrust, disbelief and all. I have hobbies that other see as a bit pointless too. (Sorry about that one as well)

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Without FTL travel it would be impossible to travel between galaxies as they are all moving apart at very nearly the speed of light.

This is actually complete bullshit. In fact, the Milky Way Galaxy is on a crash course with the Andromeda Galaxy. They're moving towards each other at a rate of about 75m/s. The speed of light is approximately 186,282m/s. From all I've read, the general speed at which galaxies do move away from each other is ~45m/s.




she took it to the pwn zone.. checked me into the meat suite


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Ufo's look like a projection of people's desires. It all seems too childish for me.



intelligent beings, thousands, maybe even millions of years more advanced than us are too childish for you??

LOL !!


Therefore there are no aliens, and if there would be, we'd shit all over them for sure (unless they made contact with some bushmen haha)


fucking LOL. oh dear oh dear oh dear.. that's so arrogant.


Ufo's look like a projection of people's desires. It all seems too childish for me.


Plus, even if they were to come and "share" whatever with us, capitalism would just make it into sellable goods, whatever it would be.


Therefore there are no aliens, and if there would be, we'd shit all over them for sure (unless they made contact with some bushmen haha)


lol and looking out from the edge of the Universe there are no humans...


I personally think the human race is a product of alien intervention by some means.


How exactly can you THINK that? It sounds more like a believe thing like god and unicorns.


are you serious? how old are you?

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anybody seen the film "The Fourth Kind" ?

i saw it for the first time last night and all i can say is "Fuck!" .. Annunaki voices on tape?? !! fucking spaceships captured on film, too.. and a guy being levitated then having his back broken!

like, 'OMG'. dunno what to make of it, but it shit me up at 3:33 this morning i can tell you! lol


Ziggomattic, wtf man?


ftr, i was asking gaarg if he was serious, not Ziggy matic. :)

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sirch, I'm 30, you? Ever read a book?


errr, yes. quite a few.

but even if i'd never read 1 single book i'm intelligent and aware enough to realise and accept that other intelligent lifeforms must exist elsewhere in our Galaxy and the Universe. it's pretty fucking obvious if you ask me. and anyone who says "we'd shit all over them for sure" (lol) is a total arrogant idiot, imo.

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anybody seen the film "The Fourth Kind" ?

i saw it for the first time last night and all i can say is "Fuck!" .. Annunaki voices on tape?? !! fucking spaceships captured on film, too.. and a guy being levitated then having his back broken!

like, 'OMG'. dunno what to make of it, but it shit me up at 3:33 this morning i can tell you! lol


Worst movie ever.

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anybody seen the film "The Fourth Kind" ?

i saw it for the first time last night and all i can say is "Fuck!" .. Annunaki voices on tape?? !! fucking spaceships captured on film, too.. and a guy being levitated then having his back broken!

like, 'OMG'. dunno what to make of it, but it shit me up at 3:33 this morning i can tell you! lol


Worst movie ever.


lol, i actually really enjoyed it. not saying it's the best film ever in the world but it had me gripped for 2hrs.

didn't think much to that Dr. woman in the supposed original tapes, she was a bit crazy looking, but.. fuck me.. all that was actual real footage, or was it not?? - guy killing his family and then himself.. all the tapes of her putting people under hypnosis, spaceship over the family house, alien voices, etc. etc. i mean, wtf?

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