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UFO's over El Paso, Bronx ,and Brazil


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Here's my question: would they all be amazing at martial arts or would they be too advanced to ever need unarmed combat survival skills?


Or would they be soooo advanced that they just learnt martial arts because it is so effortless for them to acquire the skills?


Or maybe they are soooooooooo advanced that they rarely operate in physical space so dont know martial arts?


Or maybe they are like sooooooooooooooooooooo advanced that living in hyper dimensional space has become passe and they have learnt karate in the same way that a hipster would wear an old mans hat?


Obviously they would be awesome warrior monks devoted to solving the mysteries of the universe and one form of their martial art would be the ability to bend reality itself by using some equivalent of tai chi, which starts as a series of physical moves but ends in doing the moves on some higher meta-level of thought and consciousness where it would be possible to manipulate the fabric of reality. Or something.


No i agree. And this is also in the future.



but now as well.

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Here's my question: would they all be amazing at martial arts or would they be too advanced to ever need unarmed combat survival skills?


Or would they be soooo advanced that they just learnt martial arts because it is so effortless for them to acquire the skills?


Or maybe they are soooooooooo advanced that they rarely operate in physical space so dont know martial arts?


Or maybe they are like sooooooooooooooooooooo advanced that living in hyper dimensional space has become passe and they have learnt karate in the same way that a hipster would wear an old mans hat?


Obviously they would be awesome warrior monks devoted to solving the mysteries of the universe and one form of their martial art would be the ability to bend reality itself by using some equivalent of tai chi, which starts as a series of physical moves but ends in doing the moves on some higher meta-level of thought and consciousness where it would be possible to manipulate the fabric of reality. Or something.


have you read neal stephenson's new book?



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Is it possible for us to conclude that hipster aliens all enjoy very active sporting lives focusing on activities such as table tennis, karate, badminton and mercy despite complete mastery over space and time?

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Is it possible for us to conclude that hipster aliens all enjoy very active sporting lives focusing on activities such as table tennis, karate, badminton and mercy despite complete mastery over space and time?


This thread is finally making some sense

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"skeptics for whom reality is limited to the material?"




this sort of thing really pisse me of. Either something is or it isn't. Even in the standard model of quantum theory. How can you say there is something, but then say that it exists but doesn't? fuck off.



I don't know where this quote comes from but I think you're misinterpreting it. You basically opposes material to "non-existent", but I think the guy who wrote it meant "material" as opposed to accounts.

That's basically what happened with the rendelsham incident. Some skeptic analysed the recordings the soldiers made during their encounter. What they describe matches the pace of the lighthouse that stands a few kilometers away. So this guys considers that the case is explained, although he doesn't explain why the soldiers reported that a few minutes later they saw a pyramid with strange markings on it that "exploded" into various objects before disappearing in the blink of an eye.


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Here's my question: would they all be amazing at martial arts or would they be too advanced to ever need unarmed combat survival skills?


Or would they be soooo advanced that they just learnt martial arts because it is so effortless for them to acquire the skills?


Or maybe they are soooooooooo advanced that they rarely operate in physical space so dont know martial arts?


Or maybe they are like sooooooooooooooooooooo advanced that living in hyper dimensional space has become passe and they have learnt karate in the same way that a hipster would wear an old mans hat?


Obviously they would be awesome warrior monks devoted to solving the mysteries of the universe and one form of their martial art would be the ability to bend reality itself by using some equivalent of tai chi, which starts as a series of physical moves but ends in doing the moves on some higher meta-level of thought and consciousness where it would be possible to manipulate the fabric of reality. Or something.


have you read neal stephenson's new book?




Hi Fraa Jad

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  • 2 weeks later...

bumping thread for the sake of it

They're back



The images of the light did not appear to be similar as the "Phoenix Lights" and the famous triangular formation as seen on March 13, 1997.


The later explanation comes from the U.S. Air Force, who identified the lights as flares that came from the Barry Goldwater Range. This is also the official explanation for the incident.


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Here's my question: would they all be amazing at martial arts or would they be too advanced to ever need unarmed combat survival skills?


Or would they be soooo advanced that they just learnt martial arts because it is so effortless for them to acquire the skills?


Or maybe they are soooooooooo advanced that they rarely operate in physical space so dont know martial arts?


Or maybe they are like sooooooooooooooooooooo advanced that living in hyper dimensional space has become passe and they have learnt karate in the same way that a hipster would wear an old mans hat?

good point. i think the Protoss are aware that apart from being superiorly advanced in time-space manipulation for millenias, they also need that good-ol' smack-that-bitch approach. just look at their dark templars. evicted emos who saved the day.


i think if we ever get to fight the alien invasion, we do stand a fair chance. it's all a simple equation: aliens = smart humans = dumb. a dumb can drag you to his level and beat you with experience. see, we are already, as a human race, full of wisdom and heart. there's no need to be afraid.

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in ten years time you'll be saying "remember when we thought the ZF-TZXXX remote counterstrike aircraft were UFO's?"



we were saying the same shit in the UK about these things ten years ago





and I'm told the US are testing shit even more advanced than this over in Afghanistan

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Aliens have been here since what, the 80's?



That move made such an impression on me its not even funny. I loved it, but that's not even close...


I watched FOTN about 6 times a week when I was 8-10.



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i want all the disbelievers of ufos and skeptics to see this for themselves... nobody is going to believe it no matter how many videos are posted up.. its just how people are


no fault of theirs, we are all like that until we realize

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Interesting videos. If I saw something like that I'd go "aliens!" rightaway lol.


I don't understand your position. Basically you say you'd believe if you saw one. But aren't you ready to believe what people say ? I don't think people lie if they don't have a good reason to do so. Even pathological liars. One of my friend is a big fucking liar. He tells us tales about his sexual life because it puts him in the spotlight. He's not gonna lie about the fact he ate chocolate bars yesterdays (he's not obese) nor will he say he hasn't drunk a couple beers (he's not an alcoholic). People usually don't lie, because lying doesn't get along well with social life. They do though, but only when there is some kind of reward for doing so.


Now, as MAXIMUS said, when you see a real life UFO (something that's impressive enough to make you shit bricks) you can't be sure that what you saw was of extraterrestrial nature. But most of time the extraterrestrial hypothesis is the best solution. A few post above, someone posted a link about a british invisible-on-radar drone. But is it going to exhibit 500G+ acceleration ? Is it going to make absolutely no sound even when it passes the sound barrier ? Will it be able to "explode" into smaller objects ?

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My position on most things is severely radical. I 100% believe in absolutely nothing. Around 80-90% is the reality real that I believe in, live in and know for a almost certain fact that its true.


In religious and more outlandish terms I believe very little. I'd say I give a good 5-10% chance there's something behind things, because of my other belief that the reality of what we imagine isn't actually unreal. Fucked up a bit but what can you do.


On ufo's, its a bit special for me, because I don't care enough, I might even hate this whole scene a little bit. The child in me (the one that loved Flight of the Navigator lol) wants ufos, wants to fly around in spaceships and especially wants to believe in out of this world life and super-technology. The adult in me tells me it can't happen because of so many reasons...


This I do hate: People that want to go to outer space to colonize planets and give humanity another go and shit. FUCK YOU! This planet still has life on it, don't fucking fuck it up to the end you fucking fuckers! ...If we did make something better (yes, better) for us HERE, then gaarg will approve spaceships to other planets.


Did I go a bit too far threadwise?

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Guest umop_apisdn

I swear, FOTN is responsible for me learning left from right as a kid (the part where they go thru the golden gate bridge).

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

At least 80% of the stuff that isn't retarded illusions or fakes is government military. Some of it real extremely advanced gravity defying perpetual energy aircraft and some of it impressive projections in the sky in which their technologies were first designed to ruse, confuse and terrorize the opposition.


Who the fuck knows why the shit is has happening so much now though.

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