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Anyone voting Tea Party?

Guest chunky

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Guest disparaissant

I don't understand everyone's problem with Obama... The economy was more fucked at the end of Bush's terms, he started an (illegal) war, cut taxes for the richest people, and now people are angry??? About what exactly? Giving the poor healthcare/not fixing the economy fast enough?? He can't magically wish the countries problems, which have taken years and years to create, away.


my problems with Obama are far different from the tea party or republican criticisms of him.

Obama has effectively established a new 'normal' for the US carrying out insane policy like premptive wars, torture, rendition, holding people in prison indefinitely without trial. Under Bush most rational people understood these policies were clearly insane and immoral. However now that Obama has continued (with no end in sight) what i just described, people, especially his supporters now defend these policies. Under bush they would have never done this. SO i think it's actually very dangerous to the country, for a president who's perceived as 'pragmatic' 'intelligent' 'reasonable' to be continuing policies that ridiculous. He has done positive things, i won't deny that but he's also made some insanely bad political moves too. The fact that the justice department is defending DADT and DOMA in court under his administration will not help him win points in his base. Also i'm dumbfounded by how anybody can say the Iraq war is over, i was watching Bill Maher's show the other week and he said 'stop whining, obama got our ass out of iraq' when? last time i checked 50,000 troops were there.


obama didn't establish that as normal, bush did. that's the nature of the office. whenever a politician changes a policy so that their office has more power, it's like that until it's challenged in court. that's the way our fucked up system works. maybe it's me being cynical, maybe it's me being pragmatic, but i voted for obama under the assumption that he wouldn't discontinue those ridiculous practices. i don't think ANYONE taking the office of president after bush would get rid of those practices. yay america.


same with the dadt and doma shit. it's fucked, but that's the way the system goes. if obama's administration DOESN'T challenge those, we may end up fucked over horribly years down the road.


also same with the reason the democrats won't just let the republicans filibuster and look bad.


i guess what i'm saying is we need a pretty huge governmental overhaul. i don't think there's a government on earth that is using the same rules they were using 200 years ago save for the US. things have changed, slightly. but only for the worse. it's utterly insane.

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my problems with Obama are far different from the tea party or republican criticisms of him.

Obama has effectively established a new 'normal' for the US carrying out insane policy like premptive wars, torture, rendition, holding people in prison indefinitely without trial. Under Bush most rational people understood these policies were clearly insane and immoral. However now that Obama has continued (with no end in sight) what i just described, people, especially his supporters now defend these policies. Under bush they would have never done this. SO i think it's actually very dangerous to the country, for a president who's perceived as 'pragmatic' 'intelligent' 'reasonable' to be continuing policies that ridiculous. He has done positive things, i won't deny that but he's also made some insanely bad political moves too. The fact that the justice department is defending DADT and DOMA in court under his administration will not help him win points in his base. Also i'm dumbfounded by how anybody can say the Iraq war is over, i was watching Bill Maher's show the other week and he said 'stop whining, obama got our ass out of iraq' when? last time i checked 50,000 troops were there.


obama didn't establish that as normal, bush did.


When Bush did it most of the country thought it was outrageous after a period of time. What i mean by a new normal is that people in general knew that what Bush was doing wasn't 'normal' it was radical as all shit. Obama, whether you agree with them or not is continuing some of the same ludicrously illegal policies. Most of his supporters feel compelled to defend his policies because of basic partisan team loyalty. Thus the same people who screamed about these policies under Bush can somehow find them acceptable now. What once was perceived as extreme radical policy, under Obama becomes 'normal'. I get your point, but i think this is a very extreme case of this happening. Not since Ford pardoned Nixon has an administration 'let go' so many clearly illegal actions and made them seem like the norm.

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Guest disparaissant

my point is, ANY CANDIDATE would have done that. anyone taking that office would have. it's not an obama thing, it's an "office of the president" thing. power, once attained, is never given up.

which is why we need an overhaul of government.

which i guess can only really be boiled down to revolution.

which will obviously never happen.

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"Charlie Brooker is right about everything"


Apart from his creative English skills, the man has little talent. Behind the false persona of uncompromising ridicule, which doesn't compare to the vituperative skill of Auberon Waugh, the content is a repeat of the Islington drivel which appears in The Guardian newspaper, coupled with cheap straw man attacks against conservatism by attacking the "Daily Mail". Yawn, grow up.


"The way many Republicans seem to equate Obama and the Democrats with communism never fails to make me lol when I see them on the news."


Look up Anita Dunn for a start. It makes me lol too because the Republicans are bang on the money.


"Stay the fuck out of our politics Limeys."


Let us have our own independent nuclear deterrent, stop smearing our major oil company, get rid of your Britain hating President in 2012, stop interfering in our affairs regarding the Falkland Islands, stop supporting the invention of the federal state of Europe, stop supporting the dissolution of British sovereignty, and kick McDonald's out of Britain then we've got a deal.


"I would be all for that, but I am afraid they will start some other pointless war and thousands of innocent lives will be lost due to these idiots."


The Iraq war was a liberal interventionist war, not a conservative war. These people want to create 'global governance' and drop democracy from ten thousand feet or whatever. Conservatism would be defending your country from attack or defending your allies from attack. Iraq is something completely different, which is why it was supported by Tony Blair. And how was the Iraq war illegal? Under what law? International law... pff, is there such a thing as international law...... yet?

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Back in the day, I used to get in arguments with my dad, defending the US' good ol' down to earth common sense and generous spirit against what I perceived to be his wishy-washy, man-with-no-homeland internationalism. Now though, from the vantage point of China, I see the US is well fucked.


That's just the censors there making it seem that way.

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"Charlie Brooker is right about everything"


Apart from his creative English skills, the man has little talent. Behind the false persona of uncompromising ridicule, which doesn't compare to the vituperative skill of Auberon Waugh, the content is a repeat of the Islington drivel which appears in The Guardian newspaper, coupled with cheap straw man attacks against conservatism by attacking the "Daily Mail". Yawn, grow up.


In your opinion. /internet

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Guest hydrozone

"gay" marriage (fucking sick and stupid, yuck, sick, gross)

hmmm, i guess you must be joking. don't quite get the angle...

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"Charlie Brooker is right about everything"


Apart from his creative English skills, the man has little talent. Behind the false persona of uncompromising ridicule, which doesn't compare to the vituperative skill of Auberon Waugh, the content is a repeat of the Islington drivel which appears in The Guardian newspaper, coupled with cheap straw man attacks against conservatism by attacking the "Daily Mail". Yawn, grow up.


In your opinion. /internet


Some opinions are better than others! Face reality and drop this loser from your mind

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Guest disparaissant

you seem remarkably ill-informed.


edit: well, either ill-informed or remarkably WELL informed but also completely fucking batshit insane. take your pick, really.

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'democrats want to make you drive a pussy electric car because they believe in a made-up thing they called global warming. but, it snowed last winter, so global warming is clearly a lie.'


too funny.

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Let us have our own independent nuclear deterrent, stop smearing our major oil company, get rid of your Britain hating President in 2012, stop interfering in our affairs regarding the Falkland Islands, stop supporting the invention of the federal state of Europe, stop supporting the dissolution of British sovereignty, and kick McDonald's out of Britain then we've got a deal.


"I would be all for that, but I am afraid they will start some other pointless war and thousands of innocent lives will be lost due to these idiots."


The Iraq war was a liberal interventionist war, not a conservative war. These people want to create 'global governance' and drop democracy from ten thousand feet or whatever. Conservatism would be defending your country from attack or defending your allies from attack. Iraq is something completely different, which is why it was supported by Tony Blair. And how was the Iraq war illegal? Under what law? International law... pff, is there such a thing as international law...... yet?


Ah the fundamental disconnects of the enraged nationalist.


re: McDonald's in England. You might want to go check your history books vis a vis who fucking big upped the idea of international trade back in the day.


And just as a kicker: you know how they used to say "the sun never sets on the British Empire?" well it fucking set mate, decades ago.

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Guest Dirty Protest

"Stay the fuck out of our politics Limeys."


Let us have our own independent nuclear deterrent, stop smearing our major oil company, get rid of your Britain hating President in 2012, stop interfering in our affairs regarding the Falkland Islands, stop supporting the invention of the federal state of Europe, stop supporting the dissolution of British sovereignty, and kick McDonald's out of Britain then we've got a deal.



I might be wrong, but I think you be satirised by a clever piece of juxtaposition from Rubin Farr. But then you might be right and the worlds just lost a little bit of soul.

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Guest Scrambled Ears

Ah the fundamental disconnects of the enraged nationalist.


re: McDonald's in England. You might want to go check your history books vis a vis who fucking big upped the idea of international trade back in the day.


And just as a kicker: you know how they used to say "the sun never sets on the British Empire?" well it fucking set mate, decades ago.

the wealth of sunburns

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No this has nothing to do with David Duke, the Ku Klux Klan, or whatever. Don't be so bloody thick, the fool manchild who made that dishonest suggestion.




Let us have our own independent nuclear deterrent, stop smearing our major oil company, get rid of your Britain hating President in 2012, stop interfering in our affairs regarding the Falkland Islands, stop supporting the invention of the federal state of Europe, stop supporting the dissolution of British sovereignty, and kick McDonald's out of Britain then we've got a deal.


"I would be all for that, but I am afraid they will start some other pointless war and thousands of innocent lives will be lost due to these idiots."


The Iraq war was a liberal interventionist war, not a conservative war. These people want to create 'global governance' and drop democracy from ten thousand feet or whatever. Conservatism would be defending your country from attack or defending your allies from attack. Iraq is something completely different, which is why it was supported by Tony Blair. And how was the Iraq war illegal? Under what law? International law... pff, is there such a thing as international law...... yet?


Ah the fundamental disconnects of the enraged nationalist.


re: McDonald's in England. You might want to go check your history books vis a vis who fucking big upped the idea of international trade back in the day.


And just as a kicker: you know how they used to say "the sun never sets on the British Empire?" well it fucking set mate, decades ago.


I'm hardly an "enraged nationalist" but I do question the notion of global governance. What kind of people want a government that nobody can escape from?


You say ""the sun never sets on the British Empire?" well it fucking set mate, decades ago." but this is a lame cariacature of my position. It amuses me because leftists used to say similar things to Enoch Powell 40 years ago, where if they had taken five minutes to find his actual views, they would have found that he wasn't in denial about the loss of empire, he was a very realistic person with a mind grounded in objective truth rather than idealism. BTW I'd recommend "Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World" by Patrick Buchanan as a MUST READ for anyone who is sick of Marxist idiot comedians, cultural Marxism, and unintelligent women. :sorcerer: Ya'll notice the 'Unnecessary War' part of the title? :beer:

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omg I just realized if we hadn't have gone to war with Japan, they might still be thinking Hirohito was a demigod, and we might never have gotten tentacle porn and panty vending machines! Pearl Harbor --> tubgirl

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For once I'd like to hear something positive from a brit regarding english politics. All I ever hear is how fucking stupid we are as you hide your tail between legs and hope no one fucks with us.

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Guest Dirty Protest

For once I'd like to hear something positive from a brit regarding english politics. All I ever hear is how fucking stupid we are as you hide your tail between legs and hope no one fucks with us.


The welfare state mucker. Like most of Europe, British politics appreciates that a country is only as strong as its weaker citizens and thats pretty much accepted accross bench. What does your last line mean anyway? I dont have a tail and generally I dont like people fucking with me.

We have a scared underclass like the tea party folk, flailing about trying to hold on to ideals best left a century ago when white men ruled the world, black people knew their place and rape was playful banter. They seem to go by the name the English defence league these days, they mostly go round mob handed into Asian areas shouting at mothers in burkas trying to do their shopping. Hopefully they wont last long, as new laws are being brought in to stop them, but theyll just appear under a different guise soon enough, angry impotent men always need to make others feel small.

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Guest the anonymous forumite

I can understand (even if I don't agree) criticisms againt Obama but what I don't uderstand, however, is why there are so many people falling for the Tea Party propaganda and idiocy ? Can someone (American) explain this to me ? Ok to be dumb enough to vote republican, but how mentally challenged do you have to be to agree with the Tea Party ?

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