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The Dark Knight Rises

Rubin Farr

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Just because most of us have gained a lot of free entertainment, music software, information, LOLz and what not from the interwebz does not mean it's really been helpful to our society as whole.


Maybe most people are just inherently annoying but, it sure seems like people are getting increasingly jaded and critical where they need not be.

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I think Hollywood is just pretty disappointing lately, cause I don't see the same level of jadedness on the music side of things on this forum. Overall though without any kind of tests or evidence you really have no basis to blame the internet because not everyone likes the bat man. Differing opinions are fine and stuff... the only thing I get tired of is repetitive attention given to mediocracy as a form of entertainment. If you didn't like it, that's cool brother... share your qualms. But this isn't the Colosseum, there's nothing to win by trying to prove you are right about not liking something. Thats when I find myself not enjoying the internet. Overall the internet is a very good thing though.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I'm not nearly even close to so short sighted that I'm making these statements or questions based on this movie. I couldn't give a fuck what people think about the Nolan Batman trilogy alone. My opinions and concern are based around seeing the increasingly anal retentive internet critics emerging, experiencing everything as though it's a pop quiz to try to find flaws, not concerned with enjoying entertainment, just barely in attendance to slightly observe and mostly report. I've seen an absurd degree of jaded mindsets about everything under the sun more and more so lately.

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I'm not nearly even close to so short sighted that I'm making these statements or questions based on this movie. I couldn't give a fuck what people think about the Nolan Batman trilogy alone. My opinions and concern are based around seeing the increasingly anal retentive internet critics emerging, experiencing everything as though it's a pop quiz to try to find flaws, not concerned with enjoying entertainment, just barely in attendance to slightly observe and mostly report. I've seen an absurd degree of jaded mindsets about everything under the sun more and more so lately.


That bunch is just louder. So all that shit is always gonna be more up front... while most will be rolling their eyes.

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Batman is so fucking stupid. I can't believe the franchise is so popular. I can barely watch any of the movies without cracking up, and everyone in the movie as well as the audience is so fucking serious about it. How can you take a man in tights and a mask with twiddly little "ears" so fucking seriously, for real? It's embarrassing.


Adam West did it right. Batman as a campy joke was brilliant. Everything after that is a big fat failure.

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I'm not nearly even close to so short sighted that I'm making these statements or questions based on this movie. I couldn't give a fuck what people think about the Nolan Batman trilogy alone. My opinions and concern are based around seeing the increasingly anal retentive internet critics emerging, experiencing everything as though it's a pop quiz to try to find flaws, not concerned with enjoying entertainment, just barely in attendance to slightly observe and mostly report. I've seen an absurd degree of jaded mindsets about everything under the sun more and more so lately.



I really agree with you. The internet is a massive problem. It's very important not to forget that the BAD side is exactly equal with the GOOD side. The reason it's a problem is that barely anyone seems to notice the bad side. Nothing monumental, we just need to pay closer attention.

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Batman is not supposed to be "fun and humorous". It's supposed to be dark and gritty.

See... WATMM hadn't made me lol all day, and I can't read this without giggling. Batman is such a goddamn try-hard at being "DARK" it's hilarious.


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A friend told me: the internet makes everyone more specific. We can see our arguments in much greater detail.


It's a known fact that the more knowledge one has about something, the less they understand it, or realize their ignorance. While the less one knows, the more they think they know. At the same time, it has been shown that those who "know more" in a field become more stubborn, perhaps of their ignorance.


This relates to the internet, as it drives people apart due to the extreme "specialization" in online interaction. Each person becomes more themself, and thus more different from others around them.


Perhaps this is to blame for the increasing cynicism. There are many opinions, and people are dug more into their own, coming more and more to perceive the other posters as being more and more different, as they become more entrenched in their specialization.


As soon as people become aware of the complete lack of objective truth in reality, they will be able to transcend this idiotic fighting. As soon as a person realizes his opinions are utterly without merit, cohesion may begin. It is only from that point.


So, that would require a leap into a territory where the critic is not right, the angry fan is not right, and the commentator is not right. Damn, I don't know.


Just spouting bullshit, because this is not right. I can't even proclaim that. All statements are useless.




1. Fuck DKR. It sucks, the world is in the depths of shit. Anyone who disagrees must be a fucking moron.

2. I love DKR. C-Nolan is awesome. Anyone who disagrees is an idiot.

3. DKR is a film of the fascist empire!

4. You're all idiots, DKR, critics, fans... neither here nor there. Only I know that you are all morons!

5. We're all idiots, why are we even disagreeing? This is a complete waste of energy!

6. Because, if you guys go see the movie, you're encouraging shitty film! This is ruining my life! It matters!

7. White people are mean.

7.77777. All of the BELOW, and only the ~BELOW~ *sperm*

8. This post is a domination tactic masquerading as friendly conversation.

9. All of the above, and thus none of the above?

10. All of the above, and thus the opposite of none of the above?

11. Philosophy is useless, we must devote our energy to real concerns: doctors, patients, camera people.




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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Does it concern me that the only person I have ignored on here currently agrees with me and just went on an incredibly emberassing rant? Yes, yes it does concern me. My present demographic does not seem very promising.

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Does it concern me that the only person I have ignored on here currently agrees with me and just went on an incredibly emberassing rant? Yes, yes it does concern me. My present demographic does not seem very promising.



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Batman is so fucking stupid. I can't believe the franchise is so popular. I can barely watch any of the movies without cracking up, and everyone in the movie as well as the audience is so fucking serious about it. How can you take a man in tights and a mask with twiddly little "ears" so fucking seriously, for real? It's embarrassing.


Adam West did it right. Batman as a campy joke was brilliant. Everything after that is a big fat failure.



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I dunno. I'm gonna watch the fuck outta this movie. Jus wanna see some epicness thas all.


No really, I just want to spend the afternoon with some friends, watch this on some motherfuckin' IMAX, get some beers, and shoot the shit. Perfect. Why not. Life.

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Guest chunky

Such a great story, thanks to Wikipedia I enjoyed the whole thing for free and it only wasted 5 minutes of my life.

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Guest RadarJammer

honz zammer dark gnat zebra stuff




As you know, next week premieres the final part of The Dark Knight trilogy. For the soundtrack HZ used a custom built Zebra with Diva filters and some prototype features originally planned for Zebra3. He got us to do this in return for some rights. Now the gist is, part of what we're releasing requires that pimped version of Zebra, hence it will be bundled. It isn't perfect, e.g. the "Diva" filters are mono, there's no multicore support, significant CPU drain if the extras are used. We call it ZebraHZ, and it will run nicely as a *separate* plugin!


So, hehe, I can't hold back anymore, and it has been guessed rightly a few times - all Zebra patches by HZ/HS designed for Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises, accompanied by ZebraHZ. Sells for 99$, requires an existing Zebra license.

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I just came back from the theater. It was by far the worst movie of the trilogy. I didn't have any expectations even though I really enjoyed Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, to be honest.

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