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smoking weed and producing

Guest yikes

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its so necessary like peanut butter and pussy [jelly]

i find teh thc's to be indispensable for mixing and mastering!


the only thing i have to do is not delete ANYTHING permanently.


i have this tendency to just toss stuff after i get sick of working on it

after reaching "sickness " level of working on a track i will sometimes say


and delete

then the next day you hear it and it sounds so much better

so my trash can is like a wayward sub station pre purge purgatory place where i sometimes find good reworking of a track or mixes that i tossed in a THC haze of frustration and disgust/self loathing.

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I like to smoke weed whilst working on a track, but I do find it can be quite counter productive as well sometimes. I often end up just listening to the same 4 bar pattern over and over again for ages and not actually getting anywhere...

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Guest David R James

I like to smoke weed whilst working on a track, but I do find it can be quite counter productive as well sometimes. I often end up just listening to the same 4 bar pattern over and over again for ages and not actually getting anywhere...


yeah i agree. I've been a massive weed smoker, but it's pretty obvious that creating things is a natural human need, where drugs are not. It's all down to the thought process, just because you think something, doesn't mean it is real. Ive fallen into this trap myself.

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those who think it adds to their creative process have not truly accessed their abilities without it. a fully realized musician with

a clear head is always going to represent themselves better when all is said and done. weed and whatnot are the seemingly easy way

but there are all kinds of complications and compromises along the way, we often times just don't realize it cause we're blasted and

everything sounds so good when your on the chemicals. i think it best to make trac's that alter states not alter states

to create trac's.

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Guest ryanmcallister

i prefer to write a track during the day, then get high at night and listen to it. you come at it from a completely different angle and hear things that are shit that need to be taken out or things that are missing that would absolutely be killer (melodies, rhythms, timbres, whatever). the key for me though is to take notes. write things down and come back to those later when you aren't fucked up. that way you get the best of both worlds, the thc-influenced ideas but the sober attentiveness.


i recently have been spending a lot of time focusing on the art of an idea. i don't know about you guys but my process often involves sitting down at the computer and trying to write something from scratch, and it often sounds like shit. but when i'm bored at work driving my forklift i'll often start beatboxing and coming up with the most brilliant ideas ever, and they always just go to waste. i'm thinking about picking up a little tiny pocket recorder or something that i can do overdubs on and just start recording these ideas with my mouth and then taking them home and transferring them to workable projects. i'm mentioning this because i think it will also be very useful to me when hitting the chronic.

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Guest hahathhat

I like to smoke weed whilst working on a track, but I do find it can be quite counter productive as well sometimes. I often end up just listening to the same 4 bar pattern over and over again for ages and not actually getting anywhere...


i think it is best when you already have a direction to go in... an idea, an approach, a theme for the track, whatever. it's no good to sit down in front of a blank project file baked as shit and simply start fucking around with no agenda. that's when you get stuck in those goddamn four bars

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Guest hahathhat

also, to answer the original question:


smoking a joint is always nice for writing music. after i smoke, though, i tend to get really into working. many hours might go by before i even think of smoking again. so, despite being a hopeless smoker, i do about half my shit sober.

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the body is a chemistry all in itself its just a case of balancing the right ones that work for you in the right amount from keeping one alive, to enhance physical performance and of course recreation


THC can help focus, enhance perception and boost creativity but its all on the individual there is no right or wrong however I doubt this forum would even exist if it wasn't for the old herb


anyone who thinks psychoactive substances are just for dopey junkies and has nothing to do with creating music the music of the past century should take a look where they are and get da fuck oudda here imho



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I doubt this forum would even exist if it wasn't for the old herb


watmm would not exist in the same way rather, might be better but we will never know..




anyone who thinks psychoactive substances are just for dopey junkies and has nothing to do with creating music the music of the past century should take a look where they are and get da fuck oudda here imho

saying that weeds and such have not had an influence on many of the music's of the past century would be naive, however the truth is that we will never know how it could have been without it.

to say that the music's would have suffered i think is just as naive a statement. some are convinced these stuffs are the secret ingredient, the catalyst for their creative process but i would urge

them to question what they might be truly capable of without it.

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I like to smoke weed whilst working on a track, but I do find it can be quite counter productive as well sometimes. I often end up just listening to the same 4 bar pattern over and over again for ages and not actually getting anywhere...


same. i can't really do a lot these days after smoking a joint. it renders me pretty fucking useless for about an hour.

all i can do is put a sandwich together and/or faff about doing some pointless tasks.

when i work on tracks these days all i really have is tea and maybe a couple of beers. can't work on tracks drunk, either.

i seem to get the most done and the most pleasing results when i'm sober as a judge. funny that! lol

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I doubt this forum would even exist if it wasn't for the old herb


watmm would not exist in the same way rather, might be better but we will never know..




anyone who thinks psychoactive substances are just for dopey junkies and has nothing to do with creating music the music of the past century should take a look where they are and get da fuck oudda here imho

saying that weeds and such have not had an influence on many of the music's of the past century would be naive, however the truth is that we will never know how it could have been without it.

to say that the music's would have suffered i think is just as naive a statement. some are convinced these stuffs are the secret ingredient, the catalyst for their creative process but i would urge

them to question what they might be truly capable of without it.


I wouldn't speculate on something you've never tried or obviously know very little about dude.




I like to smoke weed whilst working on a track, but I do find it can be quite counter productive as well sometimes. I often end up just listening to the same 4 bar pattern over and over again for ages and not actually getting anywhere...


same. i can't really do a lot these days after smoking a joint. it renders me pretty fucking useless for about an hour.

all i can do is put a sandwich together and/or faff about doing some pointless tasks.

when i work on tracks these days all i really have is tea and maybe a couple of beers. can't work on tracks drunk, either.

i seem to get the most done and the most pleasing results when i'm sober as a judge. funny that! lol


you need to counter the drowsy effects with energy drinks and or caffine

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i don't know if age has something to do with it aswell tho.

i used to cane up religiously everyday when i was younger and still be able to get on with shit fine.

whereas these days just 1 small spliff will totally wipe me out! lol

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I doubt this forum would even exist if it wasn't for the old herb


watmm would not exist in the same way rather, might be better but we will never know..




anyone who thinks psychoactive substances are just for dopey junkies and has nothing to do with creating music the music of the past century should take a look where they are and get da fuck oudda here imho

saying that weeds and such have not had an influence on many of the music's of the past century would be naive, however the truth is that we will never know how it could have been without it.

to say that the music's would have suffered i think is just as naive a statement. some are convinced these stuffs are the secret ingredient, the catalyst for their creative process but i would urge

them to question what they might be truly capable of without it.


I wouldn't speculate on something you've never tried or obviously know very little about dude.


never tried? do you actually believe that you know things about me soundwave?

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i find that when i go back over stuff i made while high, i tend to remove a lot of "nonsense". ive noticed this moreso lately since ive had to lower my tolerance cause i just wasnt getting that high anymore.


i also find that when not high, most music that wouldnt really appeal to me while high, is completely abrasive and heinous, such as most popular forums of "progressive" dance music

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I am blazed about 90% of the time I am working on tracks. It's not that I have to be high, but I enjoy it, and I find that I come up with interesting ways/ideas to do things. If I get stuck in the "loop mode" I might take a break, but if I'm bent on working that's when I flip it over to arrangement view and start fucking up those 4 bars that I do have. A lot of my process is sampling my synths/beats or whatever and then mangling ad infinitum. I too get caught up in the process when I'm working, so it's not like I'm sky high the entire time, but I'm definitely not sober.


Beers while working are good too, but I find I make some real shite when I'm drunk.

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whatever your method is, just make some fucking music.

exactly, people do what people do to get themselves comfortable to do what they love. as long as the goal of focusing ones energy into creating something is intact, no one thing is hurting another /weed is a crutch argument

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