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Large Hadron Collider creates mini big bang


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"The experiment created temperatures a million times hotter than the centre of the Sun."


Holy shit! How do they keep something like that contained?? Is there a good site with more info about the process and how it all works? (Aside from Google, smart-ass.)


You know how you can touch something hot enough to burn you but if you pull away quick enough you don't get burned?


The temperatures only existed for a zillionth of a second.


Exactly! The same way the pistol shrimp creates a cavitation bubble thats 5,000 Kelvin.


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"The experiment created temperatures a million times hotter than the centre of the Sun."


Holy shit! How do they keep something like that contained?? Is there a good site with more info about the process and how it all works? (Aside from Google, smart-ass.)


Centre of the sun isnt every hot. In fact, relative to the surface of the sun, its quite cold.


It's the other way around.

Core: 13,600,000 K.

Surface: 5,800 K.

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"The experiment created temperatures a million times hotter than the centre of the Sun."


Holy shit! How do they keep something like that contained?? Is there a good site with more info about the process and how it all works? (Aside from Google, smart-ass.)


Centre of the sun isnt every hot. In fact, relative to the surface of the sun, its quite cold.


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do you think only musicians should be allowed to write music reviews? that would be nice


I think it was Schumann who also worked as a music critic. He was quite good at it.

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Guest analogue wings
"At these temperatures even protons and neutrons, which make up the nuclei of atoms, melt resulting in a hot dense soup of quarks and gluons known as a quark-gluon plasma."


Quarks and gluons are sub-atomic particles - some of the building blocks of matter. In the state known as quark-gluon plasma, they are freed of their attraction to one another. This plasma is believed to have existed just after the Big Bang.


They made a new state of matter. Well, new for the first time since that other time

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"The experiment created temperatures a million times hotter than the centre of the Sun."


Holy shit! How do they keep something like that contained?? Is there a good site with more info about the process and how it all works? (Aside from Google, smart-ass.)


Centre of the sun isnt every hot. In fact, relative to the surface of the sun, its quite cold.


It's the other way around.

Core: 13,600,000 K.

Surface: 5,800 K.

And the corona is around 5 million K. It is a mystery.

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Going to end up blowing the universe up and making another one in its place, where in 13 billion years they shall make a hadron collider.... :facepalm:





haha perfect.


but this is very cool news. i get the feeling they kind of know what they are doing with this thing but waiting for that news story where something goes haywire and results in a massive explosion or something terrible.

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I really doubt something catastrophic will happen at the LHC. Maybe some explosion could occur, but as far as creating black holes that could devour the planet I can't see happening. This is after all a multi billion project, decades in the making, and all the worst case scenarios and possibilities have been thoroughly investigated and evaluated.


Otherwise I think the LHC is probably the coolest and most important scientific endeavor since the Moon landing. They are basically trying to figure out the basic fundamentals on how our reality works, which in my book is awesome as fuck. Who doesn't think that smashing parts of atoms close to the speed of light in huge ass machines is remarkable when it's only a couple of hundred years since the steam machine was all the rage.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Clark's Totem Flare is currently colliding 1734412.32122111112 Niggawatts of hardons in my cortex at .0009th the temperature of your grammy's rectum

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Clark's Totem Flare is currently colliding 1734412.32122111112 Niggawatts of hardons in my cortex at .0009th the temperature of your grammy's rectum


This made me severely :lol:


Side Note: Clark's Totem Flare is one heck of an album.


Go Out side go outside don't turn around girl take me down to the rainbow girl I want to go inside the rainbow girl of a molecule girl.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

That being said my extreme excitement for Totems Flare was partly do to the fact that I was listening to it for the first time while hallucinating a little/heightened senses etc. from a cube of the boob.


The clarity and depth with that level of compression is fucking outstanding and unbelievable. It isn't quite as bewildering now but the way he blends acoustic elements with extremely electronic layers together so well and transformers them into completely different dimensions really didn't seem technically possible at the time.


First Clark record I had ever heard and I went from listen to youtubes on my other computer in mono to listening to that record on my other computer in 320k stereo when I started to peak so needless to say the listening experience was primed to be overwhelming and religious.

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i don't understand how something 1,000,000 times the heat of the center of the sun wouldn't destroy the entire earth instantly. even if it's that small wouldn't that be... i don't know.


basically i don't understand any of this whatsoever. still, how do they contain that heat in their machine?

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i don't understand how something 1,000,000 times the heat of the center of the sun wouldn't destroy the entire earth instantly. even if it's that small wouldn't that be... i don't know.


basically i don't understand any of this whatsoever. still, how do they contain that heat in their machine?


you know how they say an ant can carry 50 times its own weight, but at the end of the day is still just an ant?



Well, this is nothing like that.

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