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what's the point?

Guest Ricky Downtown

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Guest Ricky Downtown

I'm expecting to do better than i expect grade-wise this semester, if that makes any sense.


fucking great sentence


lol thanks ramalambo

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Guest Ricky Downtown

I'm expecting to do better than i expect.


you don't sound like you're depressed. quite the opposite in fact.


may or may not have been a coffee zoom when i wrote this. i can confirm ricky is quite depressed

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I think the problem with being hung up over a girl is pervading the rest of your problems. It tend to be the way for young fellas, I'm sure we've all been there, that's how Robert Smith got rich. It can easily feel like your whole life is shit when it's really just one small aspect that seems sub-par, and that is still a matter of opinion.

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it is what you make of it, it only appears more complex than that...but it really is that simple.



Read some Nietzsche and proceed to dominate all which surrounds you, and you will know the meaning of life.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

have a well paying job or two, avoid the people you hate, stop doing cocaine, and don't put so much emphasis on your grades. the women thing sounds like the biggest problem though. that should probably stop soon if you want to feel like YOU mean something to yourself


or ask xxx. you never know, he might have an answer

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Guest morphis2525

you all know Nietzsche went mad and died in a sanitarium at 40. i'm not sure his philosophy is sound, not someone i would read whilst depressed. maybe read viktor frankl instead? ora at least check him out on youtube

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do you consider your life to be meaningful?

i'm finding it hard to continue living this one i'm in a huge depression and i've got no direction in life. i produce mediocre music, get b's and c's in class, i continue to fuck girls that mean nothing to me. the bitch that i did love just got back with her ex-boyfriend.all the time i devotedd to her is down the drain. i hate where i live, hate the people i see every day, without this girl life is going to be 2x tougher maybe 3x, d'angelo doesn't even help me any more like it used to. i'm alone in college with no one i would call a real friend. in the middle of no where and all i do for fun is cocaine and breaking into buildings


i need help real bad


sorry if this seems like a desperate low-life watmm type thread, i'm on the last string and i'm asking for help, please is there anyone out there??

May I ask have you seen a psychiatrist yet to get a proper diagnosis?

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My view is you need to just let this girl get out of your head and let the emotional resonance of yearning for her to disapate. At the moment its probably skewing your view of things somewhat.


I suspect this is just a temporary thing which is essentially the difference between actually being 'really' depressed and just being down/low.


Anyways hope you get better and by the sounds of it you are! :smile:

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DUDE LOL! I"m in the exact same shit as you, minus the coke part. Heck you even have it better than me, you can at least fuck girls. I can't even find one who is interested in me let alone fuck one.


I make less than "mediocre" music.


I'm in college make B's and C's in classes that are easy as shit.


I have no direction in life.


All my friends no longer live in this city and I'm forced to talk to people that are sorry excuses for friends and meet people everyday that piss me off.


I feel like i'm going to a school full of retards and I'm one of em.


I have no girl and can't seem to find a decent one to talk to. It seems I only talk to fat chicks (No offense to any here).


So you feel shity? Shit I should have killed myself a while back. The only thing keeping me alive is the fact that I'm 19 (practically 20). I've got some time left before I can say "well i'm really fucked now" regarding the whole girl and life issue. And what is that age? Well I can't say but I know it ain't 20.



As for your girl issue. Screw her man. Plenty of fish in the sea. Some chicks are really fucked up and those are the ones you want to stay away from (THEY WILL DESTROY YOU, I've seen it happen many times), those and the ones who just don't care about you.

My situation has been pretty much the same lately... :sad:

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Guest dese manz hatin

I think the problem with being hung up over a girl is pervading the rest of your problems. It tend to be the way for young fellas, I'm sure we've all been there, that's how Robert Smith got rich. It can easily feel like your whole life is shit when it's really just one small aspect that seems sub-par, and that is still a matter of opinion.

yes, but what if you feel the most important aspect of life is love? i dont know that much about other peoples perspectives, but thats my point of view pretty much. i mean what else is there? career? illusion IMHO.


Also Nietsche....yeah. I feel you can learn a lot from him and I truly enjoy his writings. But, as someone else already pointed out: he went mad, and he went mad for a reason, and these reasons are mirrored in his philosophy. NEVER take anything Nietzsche wrote wordly or as truth, especially his later works. He is a very dangerous writer when approached in the wrong sense.

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I think the problem with being hung up over a girl is pervading the rest of your problems. It tend to be the way for young fellas, I'm sure we've all been there, that's how Robert Smith got rich. It can easily feel like your whole life is shit when it's really just one small aspect that seems sub-par, and that is still a matter of opinion.

yes, but what if you feel the most important aspect of life is love? i dont know that much about other peoples perspectives, but thats my point of view pretty much. i mean what else is there? career? illusion IMHO.


Also Nietsche....yeah. I feel you can learn a lot from him and I truly enjoy his writings. But, as someone else already pointed out: he went mad, and he went mad for a reason, and these reasons are mirrored in his philosophy. NEVER take anything Nietzsche wrote wordly or as truth, especially his later works. He is a very dangerous writer when approached in the wrong sense.



everyone approaches him in the "wrong" sense, that's why its "wrong."


he went crazy because his physical body was no longer necessary.

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