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Anonymous and others start leaking


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Wasn't he convicted of a rape charge or something along the lines of that?


the beauty of character assassination! no he was never formally charged or convicted of anything, he's wanted for questioning in regards to an accusation from 2 women he had consensual sex with (this part is not even up for dispute) but apparently in Sweden it is illegal to have sex with someone without a condom if you lied and told them you were wearing a condom (don't even want to get into the intelligence of a women who can't tell shes being fucked with a condomless dick or not). So now he's going in to face the questioning, which most likely will be some form of entrapment. Going into the lions den


edit : it's been assumed by pretty much everybody (Even Pro assange folks) that Assange is hiding out so he doesn't have to face these allegations. His side of it is that he's had so many public open calls for his assassination that alone is enough reason to go into hiding, for physical safety alone.

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read thread plox



Wasn't he convicted of a rape charge or something along the lines of that?


the beauty of character assassination! no he was never formally charged or convicted of anything, he's wanted for questioning in regards to an accusation from 2 women he had consensual sex with (this part is not even up for dispute) but apparently in Sweden it is illegal to have sex with someone without a condom if you lied and told them you were wearing a condom (don't even want to get into the intelligence of a women who can't tell shes being fucked with a condomless dick or not). So now he's going into face the questioning, which most likely will be some form of entrapment. Going into the lions den


I see - thank you for clearing that up sir.

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It does not matter if assange is dead or in court or the page is taken down. the insure file will be set free if something goes wrong and they finally pull WL down

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that's the beauty of this concept, its like the end scene of Spartacus, lol


all Wikileaks is is a safe haven for whistleblowers, they are nothing more than middle men. i think the US government is beginning to realize the premise behind wikileaks is a fractal hydra

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that's the beauty of this concept, its like the end scene of Spartacus, lol


all Wikileaks is is a safe haven for whistleblowers, they are nothing more than middle men. i think the US government is beginning to realize the premise behind wikileaks is a fractal hydra


its actually a very fun part in the story and currently the whole media coverage looks like wikileaks is going down like all the others did before and its only a matter of time until they are done with them while the opposite will be the case as it seems.


by the way they only released 913 of 251.287 cables so far

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fractal hydra


I think that's a Clark track :emotawesomepm9:


I'm really getting into this now. While I'm not Assange's biggest fan, it's now about much more than him. Fascinating to see what sort of power dynamics are exposed not just by WikiLeaks, but by the reaction to Wikileaks. That essay hit it spot on; the world will enter into a "global-China" in the future if the flow of information is allowed to be controlled by governments or corporations. I like the idea of an "info war" and am a strong advocate of keeping the internet "free range." Assange gets all my support on those grounds alone...

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so who is going to download and put the cables on a physical medium? I'm going to try to.


wow thats incredible guess it'll be your name in the news next

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so who is going to download and put the cables on a physical medium? I'm going to try to.


wow thats incredible guess it'll be your name in the news next




who the fuck are you?

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so who is going to download and put the cables on a physical medium? I'm going to try to.


wow thats incredible guess it'll be your name in the news next




who the fuck are you?


the guy who doles out twats..

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so who is going to download and put the cables on a physical medium? I'm going to try to.


wow thats incredible guess it'll be your name in the news next




who the fuck are you?


someone who thinks you are a twat

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This is like Hackers, only not nearly as techno.without Angelina Jolie's tits.





instead we have what seems to be a tranny from Thailand1291025689631.jpg



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so who is going to download and put the cables on a physical medium? I'm going to try to.


wow thats incredible guess it'll be your name in the news next




who the fuck are you?


someone who thinks you are a twat


Uh yeah, one too many dry vodka martinis last night, twist, no olive, you kno how it is.

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Guest disparaissant

will he be murdered in detention, or do you think they'll charge him and then murder him, or will it go so far as him being convicted on these fraudulent charges before he is murdered? i mean all i see in the future is murder for this guy. shame.

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