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Anonymous and others start leaking


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Awesome. Was confused by the 'Terence Moonseed' reference - turns out he's a conspiracy theorist character from the



And the headlines that go across the screen in the O'Reilly bit are hilarious.

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Saturday, 3 March 2005, 14:09

S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 02 LONDON 000368







E.O. 12958: N/A







Is it just me or was that like the worst party ever

last night? Christ alone knows where that stuck-up

idiot gets his ideas from.


As if the dinner wasn't bad enough, he had to go and

finish it off with those crappy third-rate chocolates.

And why stacked in a dirty great pyramid FFS?




And he takes it so bloody seriously too. Try telling

him about it! Christ if he ever saw this then the

faecal matter would really match co-ordinates with

the extraction unit.


Ah well. Such is life. At least it's another year

until we have to endure that crap again.


Next Thursday at the Latvian do? Food's crap but at

least he gets decent skirt in!


All the best,




(by barryheadwound on b3ta board)

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I don't think they would give a fuck.


idk, public consensus on vietnam turned around pretty quickly when the media started showing footage of how it wasn't all cute marching and male bonding.

yeah but we only cared then because it was us seeing our soldiers being blown to smithereens and ambushed and horrifically injured, we don't give a shit about people who aren't white.


christ my dad was right, i am incredibly cynical.

that can't be entirely true, unless the phrase "baby killer" wasn't as popular a term for returning soldiers as i thought.

but then i also see tom cruise with long hair in my mind when i think of vietnam so i could be completely tainted by Oliver Stone.


You should see Stone's 'Platoon'. THAT is a realistic depiction of what people went through. But, I'll never understand the public's hate for the returning soldiers, as if the draft was their choice to comply with.

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the cia made a mirror of wikileaks to see who was downloading the leaks. boing boing took their article for this down. suspicious. here's the cache:




here's the reddit poster that discovered it:



it was a 'mistake'


this is xeni jardin we're talking about, so i think hanlon's razor applies

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this was great


do you guys have me on ignore :emotawesomepm9: , or maybe it just got buried under the absurdity of the previous thread

( http://forum.watmm.com/topic/61670-wikileaks-next-release-is-7x-the-size-of-the-iraq-war-logs/page__view__findpost__p__1464790 )


my sister, Abby who runs this great new website www.mediaroots.org did an interview with the Rap News people here - http://www.mediaroots.org/the-minds-behind-rap-news.php.php

also side-spam, her and I (if you cant get enough of my rambling on the forum!) do a talk radio show every two weeks about politics here - http://www.mediaroots.org/listen.php

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why using LOIC is for stupid people: http://www.simpleweb.org/reports/loic-report.pdf


this is the only reason that i've not participated. i don't want to put myself at that sort of risk just yet, especially when it may not be worth it in the end. i think that the attacks on paypal have turned out to be beneficial to the cause.


i would appreciate if there was a link to some way i could make my participation truly anonymous. i think there are probably others that feel the same way, they don't want to get involved with this because they know that anonymous are being called "digital terrorists" by the media and that the consequences could be ridiculous - that is way overblown yet very real.


i think anonymous should really step up the advertising techniques to make the thinking more mainstream, but what do i know. it could end up being more serious than most might think.


check this out for folks interested in internet anonymity - the article in the quote mentioned it at the end:


TOR! free software for anonymity online!

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Guest the anonymous forumite

Since there is a lack of horrible truths...Latest news on Guardian is that North Korea asked the US to have Eric Clapton play a show in Pyongyang. :orly:

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Since there is a lack of horrible truths...Latest news on Guardian is that North Korea asked the US to have Eric Clapton play a show in Pyongyang. :orly:




But yeah, it was kinda hyped wasn't it? I was expecting groundbreaking leaks that would scare the shit out of people.

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wait...as far as i can tell we only have less than 1 percent of the leaked docs.



isn't everyone saying they are holding the best for last?



also just got a email from our university saying looking at the docs might impede our future careers.

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wait...as far as i can tell we only have less than 1 percent of the leaked docs.



isn't everyone saying they are holding the best for last?



also just got a email from our university saying looking at the docs might impede our future careers.


People will lose (or may already have lost) interest in this by the time they get around to the very last document. They should have started out with a bang. This is like a rave party that starts out with 10 hours of ambient.

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wait...as far as i can tell we only have less than 1 percent of the leaked docs.



isn't everyone saying they are holding the best for last?



also just got a email from our university saying looking at the docs might impede our future careers.


People will lose (or may already have lost) interest in this by the time they get around to the very last document. They should have started out with a bang. This is like a rave party that starts out with 10 hours of ambient.



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Since there is a lack of horrible truths...Latest news on Guardian is that North Korea asked the US to have Eric Clapton play a show in Pyongyang. :orly:

haven't those people suffered enough!?!?



if you were to use LOIC over TOR or freenet, you would just DDoS TOR or freenet.

Good point

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