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Elder Scrolls V SKYRIM !! !!-11-11


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Bethesda have announced the next installment of the Elder Scrolls series via the VGA awards: “Skyrim”.


The game’s trailer ended with the date: 11.11.11, implying a 2011 release.


According to our own Gavin Bard, “Skyrim is in Tamriel and is home to pissed off Redgaurds and Bretons.”


Good to see something concrete. More info as it happens.






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Yes! I hope they overhaul their engine though. Even the latest Fallout feels like a slightly upgraded Oblivion engine, which is starting to become a little dated. I guess they'll stick to Gamebryo, but Fallout often fell overly static to me.


And better character design/animations please. Everyone walks, stands and moves the same in Bethesda games.

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Guest futuregirlfriend

Time to place some bets on the frequency of NPC conversations involving mud crabs, the number of voice actors and the budget ratio between them and the big name who voices a king for 5 minutes. Nine Jeremy Soules out of Criminal scum GOTY pay with your life edition.

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They are definitely going to ditch the GameByro Engine. Question now is what engine will they adopt?


The engine they will most likely use will be id Tech 5. Which is Fing Great!!!

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*face zoom in*


my money's on gamebryo.


5 years for a sequel could certainly be indicitive of a new engine. New games take about 3 years to develop from scratch and sequels (same engine) take about a year.


Plus dragons just wouldn't fly in Gamebryo.

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i hope there are even more glitches and bugs and broken leveling systems and the same dungeon over and over and over and over and over again!!!


Maybe its time to move from your windows 95 computer. I never had any bugs or glitch encounters while playing any TES game.. Some of the dungeons were a bit repetitive but thats because of the game engine. If you played Morrowind you didn't see any repetitive dungeons and it even had more spells that they had to get rid of in Oblivion (again due to the game engine) like Levitate.


Expect DX11 in TES V and epically designed landscapes and seamless dungeon exploring due to ID Tech 5 Be sure to have a modern day PC or expect it not to work.

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I can cope with the bad character acting and animations but above all they have to sort out the repetitive oblivion gate scenario. That was by far the worst thing about TES4

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i hope there are even more glitches and bugs and broken leveling systems and the same dungeon over and over and over and over and over again!!!


Maybe its time to move from your windows 95 computer. I never had any bugs or glitch encounters while playing any TES game.. Some of the dungeons were a bit repetitive but thats because of the game engine. If you played Morrowind you didn't see any repetitive dungeons and it even had more spells that they had to get rid of in Oblivion (again due to the game engine) like Levitate.


Expect DX11 in TES V and epically designed landscapes and seamless dungeon exploring due to ID Tech 5 Be sure to have a modern day PC or expect it not to work.


woa fanboy rage


i played oblivion on a top of the line PC several times, then i played it on the xbox twice. if you didnt experience 'any bugs or glitches' then you are the luckiest person in the world and should buy a lottery ticket or something.. bethesda is notorious for releasing unpolished games.. fallout 3 is another recent example.. i doubt this new elder scrolls is going to be any different.

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i hope there are even more glitches and bugs and broken leveling systems and the same dungeon over and over and over and over and over again!!!


Maybe its time to move from your windows 95 computer. I never had any bugs or glitch encounters while playing any TES game.. Some of the dungeons were a bit repetitive but thats because of the game engine. If you played Morrowind you didn't see any repetitive dungeons and it even had more spells that they had to get rid of in Oblivion (again due to the game engine) like Levitate.


Expect DX11 in TES V and epically designed landscapes and seamless dungeon exploring due to ID Tech 5 Be sure to have a modern day PC or expect it not to work.


Woah, easy there, cowboy. He didn't touch your baby in an inappropriate way or anything. He just said that the game was bugged and repetitive - which it is/was. And the bug problem was the same in Fallout 3 and even worse in Fallout: New Vegas.

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