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Elder Scrolls V SKYRIM !! !!-11-11


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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

P.S. My girlfriend doesn't get that I make fun of anyone who plays World Of Warcraft but I'm a crack head for your sexiness. Elaborately explain your supremely sultry ways to her so I no longer have to.

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i had this really epic time the other night where i got in fight with a dragon and led it to a group of giants and so it was 2 giants vs me vs a dragon and i was running around hiding behind rocks while the dragon blew fire at me and then id hear the giants come and i have to get up and run away and then get them to attack eachother and it was probably the most epic 15 minutes i ever had in a video game

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If you have a good Nvidia GPU you can enable SSAO in the drivers. The game is CPU-limited anyway, so you should be able to use this with a half-decent card without getting a framerate hit.



Use Nvidia inspector

With these settings.


There are also some nice ini tweaks already and a patch to make the game address more memory. But that's not really stable for me at the moment. But this game can be very pretty: http://deadendthrills.com/?cat=314

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Yeah, this is a great game, I didn't really like Oblivion, but this pretty much fixes everything that was wrong with that game and improves on the rest.

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Guest futuregirlfriend

I think I completed the Dark Brotherhood quests last night and fuck me but

I may have just killed off Shadowmere by being too much of an idiot. Jumped off something a little too high, hurt myself badly, sent Shadowmere neighing through the rocks.

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Yeah, this is a great game, I didn't really like Oblivion, but this pretty much fixes everything that was wrong with that game and improves on the rest.


If you have a good Nvidia GPU you can enable SSAO in the drivers. The game is CPU-limited anyway, so you should be able to use this with a half-decent card without getting a framerate hit.



Use Nvidia inspector

With these settings.


There are also some nice ini tweaks already and a patch to make the game address more memory. But that's not really stable for me at the moment. But this game can be very pretty: http://deadendthrills.com/?cat=314

cool, thanks

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Woah, that'd be awesome if that was a proper featured spell rather than a bug - along with that music it'd be the world's most ambient game.


I can't wait for this to be a little cheaper, it looks every bit the evolution from Oblivion that I hoped it'd be.

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I absolutely love getting attacked by random dragons... just wish they were tougher. I feel like I can take them down more easily than I can boss necromancers, at level 21.

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i just had my first random dragon encounter, right outside of whiterun, but it wouldn't land! i kept trying to hit it with arrows and shouting at it, i even climbed up on a rooftop to get closer to it but it just ignored me, and after a while it just took off.


any idea how to get them to come down and fight?

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They generally won't land on hills or in water... but they're perfectly happy perching on rooftops and burning shopkeepers and quest-givers... sometimes they just won't land though and you have to keep hitting them with spells or arrows, I'm not sure if it's a glitch or if it's intentional though.

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Guest disparaissant


accidentally sold my dwarf helmet and couldnt afford to buy it back (exquisite! 900 gold! i sold it on accident! IS THERE AN UNDO!?!??!) and was like aw damn but then i remembered how cool my character looks so i took this picture.


that is how it looks on my computer.

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i bought a horse for 1000g, turns out it's pretty much useless, only slightly faster than running and lydia(?) keeps falling behind, was hoping she'd get one too, or atleast get to ride on the back of mine. now i feel like i have to bring it with me everywhere i go or it might get lost. blah.

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Guest disparaissant

yeah i bought a horse too at first but then reloaded for that reason. fuck horses.


horses seem awful in every game because of red dead redemption.

and also mount and blade.

those two games got it right.

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finally getting into some combat. i put the game on expert difficulty. it's hardcore. you basically have to play as a sniper to survive. hide in the shadows (via 'sneak'), nail them with an arrow, wait until you're 'hidden' again, repeat... it's funny, they'll walk right up to you, stare at you, and then turn around and go back to their set positions.


also, you can distract them by firing arrows off things nearby.


reminds me of "thief".


some of the ai is still disappointing. if you can trick them into following you into the water, you can just get back on shore and they'll stand there in the water, letting you fire arrow after arrow into their face.


as a programmer, i really can't understand why games have this problem. a little bit of additional ai/logic should take care of it:


if: you're getting hit by something

and: you're not moving

then: start moving in the opposite direction at maximum speed


bam. no more stupid ai. mass effect had the exact same problem with enemies that would just stand still when being shot.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

If you don't get your horse killed, no matter where it runs to or where you leave it, horsey will be at the nearest stable or right next you when you fast travel anywhere. I think they are worth the one thousand gold, only problem is I have got them killed by Dragons a few times.


I'm really happy with how epic (for lack of a better less used word) some of the quests have been. Just about to beat the last main quest mission.


I do not regret leveling up my Smithing to 100 to build Dragon and Deadric armor. I'm doing some modifications to my custom armor set though combining a few different types, gotta level up my enchanting and I will post probably my final armor set in a few days. Kinda really glad that my addiction for this game is wearing off. It was really bad, I honestly had a really hard time getting off this game to go have sex or do anything I love since I started it last Saturday.

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finally getting into some combat. i put the game on expert difficulty. it's hardcore. you basically have to play as a sniper to survive. hide in the shadows (via 'sneak'), nail them with an arrow, wait until you're 'hidden' again, repeat... it's funny, they'll walk right up to you, stare at you, and then turn around and go back to their set positions.


also, you can distract them by firing arrows off things nearby.


reminds me of "thief".


some of the ai is still disappointing. if you can trick them into following you into the water, you can just get back on shore and they'll stand there in the water, letting you fire arrow after arrow into their face.


as a programmer, i really can't understand why games have this problem. a little bit of additional ai/logic should take care of it:


if: you're getting hit by something

and: you're not moving

then: start moving in the opposite direction at maximum speed


bam. no more stupid ai. mass effect had the exact same problem with enemies that would just stand still when being shot.


actually i had this expeirence where i was making a giant chase me to a place where he wouldnt go "into the water" but when he would get to the edge of the water and realize he didnt want to go in he would run away, so it was like a game where i would keep running up and hitting him with arrows and magic and luring him to the water and i beat him like that. but it didnt seem janky it just seems like giants dont like water. but he was smart enough to keep running away when i went in there


instead of letting me just shoot him endlessly.


also i have a question are there better horses at any point? i got this old horse from the white run stable who is pretty slow and i wonder if there are faster ones.

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Guest futuregirlfriend

yeah better i guess, but you don't buy it



just complete the dark brotherhood quests and you get shadowmere, who is invincible unless you fall off a cliff, but that's just a bug with it at the moment. doesn't seem any faster to me though.


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Guest Donkey Rhubarb




Me Lydia esbern and delphine ripping skyrim up! me and lydia bumped into esbern and delphine as i was inbetween quests. I forgot that i was supposed to meet them earlier on and happened upon them in a mass brawl with about 7 other guys! Then a dragon turned up. Thankfully they all came to my help. And have been following me ever since. Esbern is a killing machine! The game is really addictive. Im only at level 15.

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I'm lvl 35. I have smithing at 100, so I now have the dragon scale armor, which looks really really cool, especially the helmet. My armor rating is at 537! My weapon is the Skyforge Steel Sword (legendary) with 59 dmg + 10 shock dmg. My main skills are in the 80s. I have a fully furnished house. The most money I've carried at once is 25,000. I spent most of my money getting my smithing skill up, which brought me down to about 8,000 gold. (it was totally worth it). I'm back up to about 15,000 gold now. I've completed the companion questline. I'm over half way done the main quest. I've killed 21 dragons.


I'm not even slightly sick of this game yet. Just 15 more levels to go.

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i just made my way to solitude for the first time, on foot, it took about 2 hours due to all the things i had to stop and investigate along the way, damn this game is huge. had another dragon encounter, and right when the dragon bursts out of the ground and shit's about to go down, some dude runs up to me and is like "hey! i need you to hold on to something for me!". so while this huge dragon is raging right behind me, this guy is just standing there, calmly asking me for a favour. sort of fucked up the immersion.

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