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watmm member interviews: disparaissant

Guest tht tne

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Guest tht tne

this installation is long overdue, imo... so let's go


tht! tne interviews disparaissant:


  • you talk about a feminist past sometimes, what got you into that and how are you feeling about it now
  • are you more fond of classic idm like what was on the early warp releases, or do you find newer lesser-known talents more appealing
  • how did you find watmm and in your opinion what is the best thing about watmm as it currently stands
  • what is the best musical experience of your life, be it a concert, an album, or a vaguely music-related memory
  • just get something off you chest, this is not really a question just a suggestion as we all need to do it once in a while


what i know about disparaissant already:


  • she is pretty cool
  • she should post in POST YOUR MOST RECENT PIC more


what i hope to accomplish with this interview:


  • extend a belated welcome to one of watmm's most promising new members
  • run the clock down a little bit on this seasonal depression b.s.
  • congratulate you for your fictional tv-show theme thread idea


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Guest disparaissant

yowza mcbowza!


uhm okay

  • feminism and politics and all that crap is just something i've always been into, i don't know where it came from. certainly not my upbringing. maybe rebellion against it? i don't know. i guess the annoying thing is that a lot of the time i don't WANT to care about shit like that but it's not something i really have any control over. that kind of stuff just pisses me off, haha. i'm far more mellow about it than when i was younger, at least.
  • both, really. though i haven't listened to a lot of idm recently. my hard drive with all my music on it died last year and i just started listening to whatever new stuff i thought was good and i haven't really had the urge to listen to the classics for a while. i did get pretty obsessed with rediscovering astrobotnia a few months ago. but most of what i would call my favourites are from the mid 90s to the early 2000s.
  • i think futuregirlfriend mentioned it in passing a while back (i know him from elsewhere on the internet) and i ended up signing up. i really dig the upcoming releases subforum, i've found loads of good stuff from that forum.
  • hmmm. i don't know if i can pin down a "best ever," but one of my best memories involves driving around milwaukee alone listening to bochum welt. and another is seeing the flaming lips while off my tits on molly.
  • it is snowing and i am fucking sick of snow. gonna be at least 3 more months of this shit too :|

as for the rest

  • thank you!
  • i will try.


  • i still haven't read the rules
  • i know how it goes.
  • merci, it mostly came out of making an awful tune and going "this could be the theme to an awful show, i wonder what that show would be?"

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e stalking

esp the bit about the "post more pix"

did you have your lil worm in your hand as you typed that son?

the teh sadly glame meek and weak



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this is embarrassing. not for you disparaissant.

nah, it's definitely a little embarrassing for me.


I'd apologize on his behalf but he's his own man-child. Just know that this was a pickup attempt, if that wasn't plainly obvious.

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Guest disparaissant

this is embarrassing. not for you disparaissant.

nah, it's definitely a little embarrassing for me.


I'd apologize on his behalf but he's his own man-child. Just know that this was a pickup attempt, if that wasn't plainly obvious.

yyyyyyeah, see i didn't catch that when i posted a response (drunk!) and then this morning i was like oh fffff. hence the embarrassment on my part.

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Doesn't the interviewer in most cases ask the interviewee prior to an interview if they can or want to be interviewed?

Not if it's in fact a way to request more pics of the interviewee. :sup:


she should post in POST YOUR MOST RECENT PIC more
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