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new years eve 99/00


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I was wasted with my highschool friends in a piazza in Rome, with fireworks being thrown in the crowd.

Good times.


We were all let down when nothing apocalyptic happened. Probably for the best though.

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i went over to my friend's house and we played rush 2 on his n64. I think we also watched the matrix on his brand new compaq presario desktop c00524236.jpg :sup:

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what did you do that year?

remember everyone thought computers would crash? lol crazy times.


the only reason they didn't is that a LOT of coders put in a LOT of hours all over the world.

unappreciated heroes.


every place here decided to charge 50 quid in, so nobody went and everybody just had house parties instead.

my hangover the next day was more memorable than that NYE.

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I went to a house party after getting off work. Smoked out of a gasmask bong, ate some hallucinogens and got very drunk hoping the computers would crash. It didn't and I kept drinking! The next day was shite...


Ahhhhhhhhh, high school

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I was with a lot of family. I remember some fireworks. It was the best of times it was the blurst o' bimes.


Was safe hands there? Gary, i wish you would make references to David more. Your posts should be constantly making reference to David whenever possible.

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i was there the year before. now THAT was a good NYE.


Yes. It was the best NYE I've ever had. Amsterdam was packed that night... we ended up sleeping in the car in an alley, being woke up by someone trying to break into the car. don't remember anything else. :wink:

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I went to a party, I went out at midnight in the worst fucking rainstorm to watch the fireworks, but it was all obsucred by clouds/wind/rain in my eyes, then I went to another party. I can't really remember what happened there, I think I was smashed.

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i was there the year before. now THAT was a good NYE.


Yes. It was the best NYE I've ever had. Amsterdam was packed that night... we ended up sleeping in the car in an alley, being woke up by someone trying to break into the car. don't remember anything else. :wink:


i was living in tilburg (in the far south of NL) at the time, but had been home for christmas. flew in NYE, stashed all our shit at schiphol airport, and hit the town. at 6am we got a train back out to schiphol, collected our shit, and got a train down to tilburg. slept for the best part of 24 hours.

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i was a systems admin for AOL at the time. spent the entire night tailing error logs and running scripts to make sure everyone got their fucking spam delivered without error. from 10pm on Dec. 31st until 6am Jan 1.


waste of a perfectly good NYE.

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Guest disparaissant

i was 15, was over at a friends house, we stole her mom's silver tequila, replaced it with water, and went overboard, both passed out before 12 haha. woke up to see that the world was still there, disappointed.

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Guest ansgaria

I have absolutely no idea what I did that day. I think I was about 5-6 years old at the time. I was probably scared shitless by my dancing parents.

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i was in sydney, australia, selling glo-sticks in the streets around the opera house area...



i was there the year before. now THAT was a good NYE.


i think i was there that year too, mostly dodging fireworks, pilled out my head

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i was in sydney, australia, selling glo-sticks in the streets around the opera house area...



i was there the year before. now THAT was a good NYE.


i think i was there that year too, mostly dodging fireworks, pilled out my head


aye, my gf at the time got hit in the back of the hit with an unlit firework in dam square. dam square was like fucking beirut.

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