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Anyone hear about the massive bird deaths over the past couple days?


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Anyone heard about this extremely bizarre and rather fucked up event on the thousands of bird deaths just recently coming up in the states? Media is portraying it as "winter stress" and seismic anomalies, but ummmm yea any retard with half a brain knows how much bullshit that is. Seriously? Weather stress. Like come on. The experts of the skies come tumbling down to "explosions of fireworks"?

More like government fuck up. Just take a look for yourself..







A shocking report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by the Foreign Military Intelligence Directorate (GRU) states that one of the United States top experts in biological and chemical weapons was brutally murdered after he threatened to expose a US Military test of poison gas that killed hundreds of thousands of animals in Arkansas this past week.



Usually if there is a massacre in any causality to animal death, it's 90% likely its human-related. On that note, I'm moving to Sweden.

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Guest Drahken
A shocking report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by the Foreign Military Intelligence Directorate




I only glanced the article, but that the same line is used by just about every Sorcha Faal 'news' release. Sorcha Faal must have awesome russian contacts.


EDIT: oh wait, the link to sorcha is at the bottom...lol

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massive die-outs have been happening since life began. could be anything. human related? maybe, maybe not.


in terms of destruction, anything humans can do, nature can do better. ask the dinosaurs. ask pompeii.

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Anyone heard about this extremely bizarre and rather fucked up event on the thousands of bird deaths just recently coming up in the states? Media is portraying it as "winter stress" and seismic anomalies, but ummmm yea any retard with half a brain knows how much bullshit that is. Seriously? Weather stress. Like come on. The experts of the skies come tumbling down to "explosions of fireworks"?

More like government fuck up. Just take a look for yourself..


well, i heard an interview with the governor of arkansas on npr. Autopsies on the birds suggested blunt trauma, and earwitnesses from the area said there were cannon-like booms in the night (on new years eve no less) that probably startled the birds (which cant fly well at night) which ended up battering themselves against obstacles in the panic.


but sure, government fuck-up. Why not.

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This is interesting, to be sure, but WTF is up with that article?


From the "EU times"


Today, another great American was murdered in an effort to save his country from destruction. Sadly, his death will go barely noticed; the American people seem no longer to care as they continue to seek their solace in their propaganda media lies rather than confronting the brutal truth about the monsters they have let rule over them.


For hundreds of thousands of other Americans they have become so disassociated with what is happening to, and around them, they have proclaimed May 21, 2011 as the day the World will end and are giving up everything in preparing to meet their God.


The great American Revolutionary leader Noah Webster once said, “Every child in America should be acquainted with his own country. He should read books that furnish him with ideas that will be useful to him in life and practice. As soon as he opens his lips, he should rehearse the history of his own country.”


The Americans living today have utterly failed to heed these words and have, instead, become just what their masters have always intended for them to be… imbeciles. May God have mercy on them all.


This is the website you get your news from? Really? "May God have mercy on them all" :facepalm:




I would bet that this is somehow related to/caused by the oil spill in the gulf.


That's my guess too.

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how many fireworks would it take to blunt force trauma and couple thousand birds at the same time?


also wasn't there a more recent mass fish death as well?


will it be raining frogs anytime soon?

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in terms of destruction, anything humans can do, nature can do better. ask the dinosaurs. ask pompeii.

anything you can do nature can do better. nature can do anything better than you. no it can't! yes it can! no it can't ! yes it can!

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Guest Drahken

I think the idea behind the fireworks is they spooked birds nesting for the night, and they flew into things like walls/windows/etc in their panic, not that a firework explosion inflicted blunt trauma.

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in terms of destruction, anything humans can do, nature can do better. ask the dinosaurs. ask pompeii.

Ask Enola Gay.


pales in comparison to other random natural events that have occurred within our lifetimes.




3000 kilometer fireballs? 600 times the force of all nukes on earth combined? if a few dead birds and fish worry you, you should be shitting your pants over this.

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On that note, I'm moving to Sweden.




So much for Sweden.. :cerious:

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Anyone heard about this extremely bizarre and rather fucked up event on the thousands of bird deaths just recently coming up in the states? Media is portraying it as "winter stress" and seismic anomalies, but ummmm yea any retard with half a brain knows how much bullshit that is. Seriously? Weather stress. Like come on. The experts of the skies come tumbling down to "explosions of fireworks"?

More like government fuck up. Just take a look for yourself..


well, i heard an interview with the governor of arkansas on npr. Autopsies on the birds suggested blunt trauma, and earwitnesses from the area said there were cannon-like booms in the night (on new years eve no less) that probably startled the birds (which cant fly well at night) which ended up battering themselves against obstacles in the panic.


but sure, government fuck-up. Why not.


So if it's fireworks, why is this such a bizarre phenomenon? Last I checked we have been firing off fireworks since before New Years of 2010/2011. But who knows. Maybe we got potent ass fireworks this past year :emotawesomepm9:


Reports are still pretty scattered, so I'm waiting to hear more evidence.


Also, Sweden needs less Jackdaws anyways, annoying bastards.

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holy fuck, this just in



all the fucking dolphins in the world suddenly jumped out of the water, and flew toward space



they left a note, saying




So long, and thanks for all the fish


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i like these:



dozens of fish



several manatees





l'm sure there are more than dozens of humans and several dogs dying each day too.

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