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Guest Mirezzi

Almost a 90% on RT


Yeah. RT is like a coin-flipping site. It was either "Good" or "Bad". I prefer Metacritic.


Anyhow, this review sums up what I expect...and I do expect to enjoy it. That doesn't mean it won't be shit though.


"An awe-inspiring, mind-gouging, eye-blazing spectacle of high-pitched disappointment."

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Guest zaphod

i don't like either site. how does metacritic even get a percentage from unrated reviews? seems totally arbitrary.


this is going to be a messy pile of shit. i just hope it's entertaining.

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I'm confused. The only reason I am pointing to RT and such is because like you guys are saying it's gonna be shit. But that's something you won't know until you actually see the film for yourself. The review sites might give an indicator of the level of quality or what have you, but its generally very inaccurate; same goes for award shows. So whats all this nonsense about it being shit then? Why would one go watch shit? It's like you say you are gonna probably enjoy it, but you're still saying it's gonna be shit? Doesn't make a lot sense.


Perhaps I am behind the times and kids these days have warped language and the point of film to such a degree that the entire point of it all is to predict what it will be. So predict everything and you will take home the gold.


I'm just gonna go watch the movie and then I'll proclaim what I think. Even then, sometimes I grow to like something or grow to hate it.


Things change.


I just don't understand.

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Guest Mirezzi

i don't like either site. how does metacritic even get a percentage from unrated reviews? seems totally arbitrary.


It's a bit more scientific than you might think, or at least, there's some considerable thought and review behind their scoring:




Of course, it's just a guideline though, but it's more fucking useful than "80% fresh!" IMO.

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i don't like either site. how does metacritic even get a percentage from unrated reviews? seems totally arbitrary.


It's a bit more scientific than you might think, or at least, there's some considerable thought and review behind their scoring:




Of course, it's just a guideline though, but it's more fucking useful than "80% fresh!" IMO.


But it isn't scientific, it's just usually some old persons opinion ya know. And perhaps sometimes a critics review will be interesting. If it goes into more in depth rather than just a score or thumbs up/down what have you. But it's only interesting to read those in depth critical analysis of the film until after you've seen it yourself. So if you're gonna see the film, what's point of proclaiming the quality at all?


I feel like people go to the movies to kind just laugh ya know. Like they don't anticipate seeing anything really amazing so they just anticipate everything to be just kind of bad but funny. So like trailers and such, ya make fun of them. And like during a film, ya thinking, "ok I spent $10 here for this, right, and at this point I think this film is like a 6.5/10 or something, so I kind regret buying this ticket, but I'm still watch it and see what happens even though I know I made a mistake. I still want to make sure ya know?" And so you sit and wait and watch rest and you just thinking the whole time "ok well we're almost done" *looks at watch* "20 minutes maybe left"... And so my main point in all this is that the present in gone. No longer are people just observing in the moment their thinking, "ok well this gonna mostly shit, so I know when done watching this one, I'm probably gonna say what I think now. And I think I will feel better knowing that I anticipated feeling like I wasted money."

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Guest sirch

i don't like either site. how does metacritic even get a percentage from unrated reviews? seems totally arbitrary.


It's a bit more scientific than you might think, or at least, there's some considerable thought and review behind their scoring:




Of course, it's just a guideline though, but it's more fucking useful than "80% fresh!" IMO.


But it isn't scientific, it's just usually some old persons opinion ya know. And perhaps sometimes a critics review will be interesting. If it goes into more in depth rather than just a score or thumbs up/down what have you. But it's only interesting to read those in depth critical analysis of the film until after you've seen it yourself. So if you're gonna see the film, what's point of proclaiming the quality at all?


I feel like people go to the movies to kind just laugh ya know. Like they don't anticipate seeing anything really amazing so they just anticipate everything to be just kind of bad but funny. So like trailers and such, ya make fun of them. And like during a film, ya thinking, "ok I spent $10 here for this, right, and at this point I think this film is like a 6.5/10 or something, so I kind regret buying this ticket, but I'm still watch it and see what happens even though I know I made a mistake. I still want to make sure ya know?" And so you sit and wait and watch rest and you just thinking the whole time "ok well we're almost done" *looks at watch* "20 minutes maybe left"... And so my main point in all this is that the present in gone. No longer are people just observing in the moment their thinking, "ok well this gonna mostly shit, so I know when done watching this one, I'm probably gonna say what I think now. And I think I will feel better knowing that I anticipated feeling like I wasted money."



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There's just too much anticipation and thinking before you see anything, it's like books. You read a book and you imagine your own little version of the book. But once a film kind of contrasts against your own version ya think "oh the books much better than film." And that might true, but I think we are getting too hooked up in trying to display and promote the very best. We're too aware of things outside their own context. Cause we gotta stand amongst all these people, lots of people around now. So you gotta be selective and harsh towards media, but you get wrapped in comparing things that you don't really take any value out of anything that's less than amazing.

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Guest sirch

no idea what you're talking about... apart from the book thing, and that the present is mostly gone now.

but there's probably just as many people as there's always been. it's just that we're all more aware of each other now, more than ever before.

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no idea what you're talking about... apart from the book thing, and that the present is mostly gone now.

but there's probably just as many people as there's always been. it's just that we're all more aware of each other now, more than ever before.


yeah that's all i'm saying really..


Just wish people would relax more ya know? Doesn't need to be the best thing. It's just a new thing to look at and follow the story, watch the images play around on the screen with sounds and music, things like that. And perhaps if you just relax and enjoy sitting in hopefully a decent seat amongst decent people, you might have a few moments in time where you are transported. Thats what film is all about, it's not about criticizing the things that don't stand amongst the very best, its about taking value out of all things. It's like when theres that moment in time where all these strangers in a room brains turn to moosh and they all just dissolve into one another.

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Guest sirch

fuck reviews and media bullshite. just go and see it and decide for yourself. i never read other peoples reviews of anything, ever.

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To quote a friend of mine: I want to get on an airplane, go to Hollywood, find Ridley Scott, and punch him in the dick.


It is to Alien what The Phantom Menace was to Star Wars.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse


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I wasn't even entertained. But I'm not going to complain. I'm just amazed at how much better the trailer was.

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Guest Mirezzi



I wasn't even entertained. But I'm not going to complain. I'm just amazed at how much better the trailer was.


Oh, shit. You actually saw it!

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Guest sirch

no idea what you're talking about... apart from the book thing, and that the present is mostly gone now.

but there's probably just as many people as there's always been. it's just that we're all more aware of each other now, more than ever before.


yeah that's all i'm saying really..


Just wish people would relax more ya know? Doesn't need to be the best thing. It's just a new thing to look at and follow the story, watch the images play around on the screen with sounds and music, things like that. And perhaps if you just relax and enjoy sitting in hopefully a decent seat amongst decent people, you might have a few moments in time where you are transported. Thats what film is all about, it's not about criticizing the things that don't stand amongst the very best, its about taking value out of all things. It's like when theres that moment in time where all these strangers in a room brains turn to moosh and they all just dissolve into one another.


ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i know what you're saying now. and you're right man. troof.

sometimes peoples words/reviews can spread around the net like a virus, in a mtter of hours...

it's pretty scarey really!!

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See here we are, taking one person's impression and now changing or re-affirming our anticipated perspective on it. I just don't get the point really. Squee's review basically said it sucks, it's shit. And he wants to punch Ridley's dick because of it. Personally I've never really had that kind of anger towards a film director. I mean even Michael Bay, I feel maybe a bit upset that I wasted my time watching the film, but even then it's not like my time is super precious, I can't really blame Mr Bay for it, I'm in control of my own use of time. It's just like a virus like you said Sirch. People just they want to be placed in the sub-group because on the internet, its like highschool... we don't really got physical appearance or anything superficial to contrast and compare one another with, so we have to make these bold kind of insane statements about media or anything to make sure others know which group we are in. You can't just think, "oh that was alright"

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See here we are, taking one person's impression and now changing or re-affirming our anticipated perspective on it. I just don't get the point really. Squee's review basically said it sucks, it's shit. And he wants to punch Ridley's dick because of it. Personally I've never really had that kind of anger towards a film director.


Well, I'm not actually going to punch him in the dick. If I were to punch people in the dick each time I said I would my knuckles would be skinless.

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For example here's a review I just read on another forum. Its different than Squee's, its not like im defending this review or attacking Squee's, though I find it a bit absurd but anyway, here it is:


Just came back. (non spoiler impressions)


Huge fan of the first two movies of course, was incredibly stoked to see it, but at the same time I didn't set the bar too high. I didn't expect an Alien prequel, what I wanted was a good movie in the same universe. Which is, as I see it, the right mindset for this movie, as a fan of the series.


And eh...


Holy shit. It's AMAZING.


If you're a fan of the universe created in the first movie, you will fall in love with Prometheus. The movie gives insight and explores so much, it's a lot to take in with one viewing. Friend I went to see it with is a huge Alien fan as well, and we couldn't stop talking about it afterwards. Food for thought and discussion, that's for sure. This movie will be stuck in my head for days. I want to see it again in the theatre and of course the blu-ray is a day one purchase. There's... a lot to talk about in this film.


There are gripes of course. Most characters outside of the principle cast are really forgettable/flat and their dialogue is pretty crappy. Thank god the main cast is good enough, but memorable minor characters would've added extra spice to the film.


I really feel like you have to be a fan of Alien to see this though. It feels like a movie created specifically for us fans, and well... it's kind of awesome that way.


So like this person thinks this and shit, but like none of this is entertaining, its all just like reading peoples' dreams or what they did today. Just not interesting unless I can compare it with my own experience. I guess comes down to the idea you have to decide whether or not to pay and see it or not, and thats all an imperfect concept... it's like if you knew there was a heaven when ya died, would you just kill yourself?

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For example here's a review I just read on another forum. Its different than Squee's, its not like im defending this review or attacking Squee's, though I find it a bit absurd but anyway, here it is:


Just came back. (non spoiler impressions)


Huge fan of the first two movies of course, was incredibly stoked to see it, but at the same time I didn't set the bar too high. I didn't expect an Alien prequel, what I wanted was a good movie in the same universe. Which is, as I see it, the right mindset for this movie, as a fan of the series.


And eh...


Holy shit. It's AMAZING.


If you're a fan of the universe created in the first movie, you will fall in love with Prometheus. The movie gives insight and explores so much, it's a lot to take in with one viewing. Friend I went to see it with is a huge Alien fan as well, and we couldn't stop talking about it afterwards. Food for thought and discussion, that's for sure. This movie will be stuck in my head for days. I want to see it again in the theatre and of course the blu-ray is a day one purchase. There's... a lot to talk about in this film.


There are gripes of course. Most characters outside of the principle cast are really forgettable/flat and their dialogue is pretty crappy. Thank god the main cast is good enough, but memorable minor characters would've added extra spice to the film.


I really feel like you have to be a fan of Alien to see this though. It feels like a movie created specifically for us fans, and well... it's kind of awesome that way.


So like this person thinks this and shit, but like none of this bullshit is entertaining, its all just like reading people dreams or what they today. Just not interesting unless I can compare with my own experience. I guess comes to down to the idea you have to decide whether or not pay and see or not, and thats all an imperfect concept... it's like if you knew there was a heaven when died, when you just kill yourself?


You're reading too much into all of this. This is the internet. Not part of some ancient scroll... yet.

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I would totally punch Mel Gibson in the dick, but I'm worried he'd make a movie about it with exquisitely detailed shots of some villain dick punching the protagonist for twenty minutes at the climax.

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For example here's a review I just read on another forum. Its different than Squee's, its not like im defending this review or attacking Squee's, though I find it a bit absurd but anyway, here it is:


Just came back. (non spoiler impressions)


Huge fan of the first two movies of course, was incredibly stoked to see it, but at the same time I didn't set the bar too high. I didn't expect an Alien prequel, what I wanted was a good movie in the same universe. Which is, as I see it, the right mindset for this movie, as a fan of the series.


And eh...


Holy shit. It's AMAZING.


If you're a fan of the universe created in the first movie, you will fall in love with Prometheus. The movie gives insight and explores so much, it's a lot to take in with one viewing. Friend I went to see it with is a huge Alien fan as well, and we couldn't stop talking about it afterwards. Food for thought and discussion, that's for sure. This movie will be stuck in my head for days. I want to see it again in the theatre and of course the blu-ray is a day one purchase. There's... a lot to talk about in this film.


There are gripes of course. Most characters outside of the principle cast are really forgettable/flat and their dialogue is pretty crappy. Thank god the main cast is good enough, but memorable minor characters would've added extra spice to the film.


I really feel like you have to be a fan of Alien to see this though. It feels like a movie created specifically for us fans, and well... it's kind of awesome that way.


So like this person thinks this and shit, but like none of this bullshit is entertaining, its all just like reading people dreams or what they today. Just not interesting unless I can compare with my own experience. I guess comes to down to the idea you have to decide whether or not pay and see or not, and thats all an imperfect concept... it's like if you knew there was a heaven when died, when you just kill yourself?


You're reading too much into all of this. This is the internet. Not part of some ancient scroll... yet.


Yeah but the internets pretty big deal? Innit?

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