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Do you wear clothing to bed?


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nah, i hav en't turned the heat on in my apartment since i moved in. i sleep way better when it's cold. and the cold shock of the morning tends to wake me up for work. and i am usually under a blanket most of the day if i am at home. my blood is too hot!

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Well then you're not really nude all day at home if you're under a blanket. :emotawesomepm9:


Seriously, though, I'd rock the nudity all the time if I could stand being cold. Another reason I can't wait to move south.


Also, empathy for the waking up with a hardon. Happens to me every single time. The other night I had a dream I picked up some random redhead in my car, got pulled over by the cops, and fingered her while they were writing me a ticket. I woke up with a rock solid and jerked off twice.

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my roommate is sorta cheap so we leave the heat at 50 Fahrenheit...which means about 45 in the bedroom....other than these months i only wear boxers. even though im meticulous about washing my ass, im scared to death that one night ill go to bed naked and wake up with huge muddy tracks all over my beautiful soft white sheets.

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Essines, do you keep your place ridiculously warm?


I usually go nude during the summer months, but all winter I can't stand getting out of a cozy bed into the cold temperatures completely nude. Wearing flannel pajamas pretty much is the only way I can get out of bed & go to work at 6am on a February or January morning.



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i always wake up with a hard on. and it doesn't matter what i'm wearing, i always wake up retardedly horny.


it just boggles my mind that most people are basically never, ever nude. i am nude basically whenever i am not at work. fuck clothing.


this is eye opening, i think i am a bit of a weirdo.



I completely agree. The most you need around the house is a hoodie and pants.

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I don't worry about poop tracks in my bed because I wipe my ass after I shit.



I don't worry about poop tracks in my bed because I wipe my ass after I shit.

chewing food, .. wipping ass. these things all seems very hard to do



hasn't happened yet. its a horrible horrible fear I have.



you two seem to harbor resentment though....i wonder...

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Not during the summer but loose fitting clothes in the other three seasons. I cannot wear socks to bed though, I can't go to sleep with socks on for some reason.

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I'm all over the place in this area. Sometimes fully clothed (with socks), sometimes fully naked. This week I've taken to wearing a t-shirt and nothing else, but sometimes I go pants-only (with or without underwear) or sometimes socks-only (on my feet). idk. It always depends on my mood and the temperature of my room.

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I'm all over the place in this area. Sometimes fully clothed (with socks), sometimes fully naked. This week I've taken to wearing a t-shirt and nothing else, but sometimes I go pants-only (with or without underwear) or sometimes socks-only (on my feet). idk. It always depends on my mood and the temperature of my room.

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one time I slept with only a tshirt and the girl I was with didn't like it. I looked in the mirror, and agreed. peekaboo cock?

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Guest beatfanatic

i tried going to bed naked lastnight, but when i woke up in the morning i was surprised to find that i'd somehow put my underwear on in my sleep. zole!


Ive done the opposite of this several times. I usually wear a T-shirt and boxers to bed but on some mornings when I wake up my T-shirt would be laying on my floor and I would have no recollection of when I took it off.

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Nothing, unless sleeping at someone else's place or sharing sleeping quarters with someone. Sleeping is one of the rare moments of the day where you can have your junk free, so of course you should go for it.

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