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Yellowstone volcano acting up


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If the supervolcano properly erupts the whole planet is pretty fucked, like years of nuclear winter kind of fucked.

National Geographic Channel, innit.

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I was just up there last summer studying geology. Beautiful area it is. We've known it's going to happen eventually. And yes, this would affect the entire world, maybe it will block out the sun and stop global warming :sup:







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Guest hahathhat

i get the impression that this is a "disaster might happen sometime soon maybe" story as i don't see much else about it. the usual symbiotic relationship between a publicity-seeking academic and a drama-seeking news organization.

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i get the impression that this is a "disaster might happen sometime soon maybe" story as i don't see much else about it. the usual symbiotic relationship between a publicity-seeking academic and a drama-seeking news organization.


Well, this is just the latest happenings. This area has a very active geological past, and because of its large size will have an equally large impact. It might have a bit of sensationalism, but just saying "The ground has risen by as much as 10 inches in this area which sits atop a caldera of a massive volcano." doesn't usually suffice for the normal Joe.


It's just as the guy says, we don't know when it will really happen.

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