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NYC Smoking Ban


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As a nation of law, and law based on precedence... it was only a matter of time. First restaurants, then bars and nightclubs, now parks and beaches and Times Square... coming soon, sidewalks and outdoors. Step by step, one by one - civil liberties fade away. And you wonder why the gun lobby (or any other lobby for that matter) has zero tolerance for compromise... Give these fuckers an inch, and they'll take every last liberty away from you.


One of the things I love about travelling to europe... sitting in a pub and having a smoke.

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Guest ezkerraldean

One of the things I love about travelling to europe... sitting in a pub and having a smoke.

sure about that? most countries have banned that shit now. shame I think. I grew up thinking that pubs should smell like fag smoke
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One of the things I love about travelling to europe... sitting in a pub and having a smoke.

sure about that? most countries have banned that shit now. shame I think. I grew up thinking that pubs should smell like fag smoke

Cigarette smoke is better than rotting beer, body odor, and fruit flies...

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One of the things I love about travelling to europe... sitting in a pub and having a smoke.

sure about that? most countries have banned that shit now. shame I think. I grew up thinking that pubs should smell like fag smoke

Cigarette smoke is better than rotting beer, body odor, and fruit flies...


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i thought pretty much all of manhattan smelled like a big sewer when i was there, and people are complaining about walking into a cloud of smoke every now and then?

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Guest Wall Bird

Cigarettes are fucking disgusting and I'm glad to see them banned in enclosed spaces. I have no problem with them being smoked outside since decent ventilation or sufficient space to avoid smokers is usually present. What does bother me are cigarette butts everywhere. Thank god those things are biodegradable.

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Guest hahathhat

Cigarettes are fucking disgusting and I'm glad to see them banned in enclosed spaces. I have no problem with them being smoked outside since decent ventilation or sufficient space to avoid smokers is usually present. What does bother me are cigarette butts everywhere. Thank god those things are biodegradable.


dont u want to be cool

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As a nation of law, and law based on precedence... it was only a matter of time. First restaurants, then bars and nightclubs, now parks and beaches and Times Square... coming soon, sidewalks and outdoors. Step by step, one by one - civil liberties fade away. And you wonder why the gun lobby (or any other lobby for that matter) has zero tolerance for compromise... Give these fuckers an inch, and they'll take every last liberty away from you.


One of the things I love about travelling to europe... sitting in a pub and having a smoke.

I have no problem with this.


The joke is on you.

Not only are you choosing to get repeatedly raped for $13 a pack, but you're also going to fucking die of cancer.



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the smoking ban has led to an interesting cultural subphenomenon here - heading outside for a smoke is a great place to pick up girls. straight off the bat you have something in common.

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the smoking ban has led to an interesting cultural subphenomenon here - heading outside for a smoke is a great place to pick up girls. straight off the bat you have something in common.



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As a nation of law, and law based on precedence... it was only a matter of time. First restaurants, then bars and nightclubs, now parks and beaches and Times Square... coming soon, sidewalks and outdoors. Step by step, one by one - civil liberties fade away. And you wonder why the gun lobby (or any other lobby for that matter) has zero tolerance for compromise... Give these fuckers an inch, and they'll take every last liberty away from you.


One of the things I love about travelling to europe... sitting in a pub and having a smoke.

I have no problem with this.


The joke is on you.

Not only are you choosing to get repeatedly raped for $13 a pack, but you're also going to fucking die of cancer.




"I'd quit smoking if I didn't think I'd become one of you."

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the smoking ban has led to an interesting cultural subphenomenon here - heading outside for a smoke is a great place to pick up girls. straight off the bat you have something in common.

i've been considering taking up smoking actually, lol

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They just passed the same thing here.


the smoking ban has led to an interesting cultural subphenomenon here - heading outside for a smoke is a great place to pick up girls. straight off the bat you have something in common.


I don't smoke, but I've gotten some numbers just by standing outside with my friends that smoke.

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As a nation of law, and law based on precedence... it was only a matter of time. First restaurants, then bars and nightclubs, now parks and beaches and Times Square... coming soon, sidewalks and outdoors. Step by step, one by one - civil liberties fade away. And you wonder why the gun lobby (or any other lobby for that matter) has zero tolerance for compromise... Give these fuckers an inch, and they'll take every last liberty away from you.


One of the things I love about travelling to europe... sitting in a pub and having a smoke.

I have no problem with this.


The joke is on you.

Not only are you choosing to get repeatedly raped for $13 a pack, but you're also going to fucking die of cancer.



i don't get your hostility. did someone close to you die of a tobacco related illness?

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Cigarettes are fucking disgusting and I'm glad to see them banned in enclosed spaces. I have no problem with them being smoked outside since decent ventilation or sufficient space to avoid smokers is usually present. What does bother me are cigarette butts everywhere. Thank god those things are biodegradable.


If you've got a problem with cigarettes in enclosed spaces just visit privately owned places who's owners don't allow smoking.


There's abolutely no rhyme or reason that smoking isn't allowed in any privately owned area. If you've got a problem with it just go to some other pub or restaurant and stop supporting intensely stupid laws.

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As a nation of law, and law based on precedence... it was only a matter of time. First restaurants, then bars and nightclubs, now parks and beaches and Times Square... coming soon, sidewalks and outdoors. Step by step, one by one - civil liberties fade away. And you wonder why the gun lobby (or any other lobby for that matter) has zero tolerance for compromise... Give these fuckers an inch, and they'll take every last liberty away from you.


One of the things I love about travelling to europe... sitting in a pub and having a smoke.

I have no problem with this.


The joke is on you.

Not only are you choosing to get repeatedly raped for $13 a pack, but you're also going to fucking die of cancer.



i don't get your hostility. did someone close to you die of a tobacco related illness?

No. Well, my grandpa did, before I was born. That isn't really a motivating factor for me though.

I just think smoking cigarettes is one of the stupidest things a human can do.

It is also disgusting and incredibly inconsiderate to other people FOR NO GOOD REASON!

I was happy with the original ban in NYC. It meant I could go hang out in bars with my friends and not feel/smell like fucking dirty garbage anus afterward. Any incentive people have to quit smoking is a good thing, in my opinion.

(However, I have to say that I smoked a nice cigar in Central Park before and it was highly enjoyable.)

I quit cigarettes for good several years ago and could never even consider going back for a multitude of reasons.

Everything about them makes me feel ill.

A friend of mine is a smoker and he spends roughly $500 a month on smokes.

Knowing that honestly makes me lose a lot of respect for him.

I also feel like smoking in NYC is slowly becoming a class/status symbol. IE: if you smoke then you must have money to burn.

It makes me hate it even more.

Ugh. Sorry. It's just so fucking stupid.

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we have the ban on smoking on bars here too, but the fun thing is that most 'novelty' laws like this will end up being ignored and unenforced (like a recent ban on giving aways plastic bags for free on shops), but this one, it actually stuck, why? because people actually like it, smokers and non smokers alike.


however, banning smoking on open spaces is fucking stupid.

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Guest Gravity

I used to smoke a ton, but I quit in November '09. I can understand when people say that they want to do it and that it's their right, but I feel that everything that I liked when I smoked was because of the addiciton. I mean, can you really say that you love it without adding in anything that isn't from the addiction that comes with it? No point in getting cancer or anything just because of an addiction.


Don't get mad at me, smokers. Just saying what I think at the moment.

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Well the problem is people are too stupid not to smoke. They put huge stickers on them saying SMOKING KILLS. They put disgusting pictures of rotting innards on the packets. They have ad campaigns and quitlines.




The truth of the matter is, there probably will always be a large enough proportion of the government who will try and keep smoking alive as long as possible to rake in the taxes. But think about what would happen if cigarette smoking was outright banned, no more cigs sold in stores, without gradually weaning people off it? It would be chaos, so I genuinely think that most of the world's governments have been doing just that: gradually weaning people off smoking.


I can't understand how people in a forum that constantly complains about Christians who don't believe in evolution and all things sane and logical, are trying to somehow justify their fucking filthy, self-harming, environmentally damaging habit.

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