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Top Gear insulting Mexicans

Guest inteeliguntdesign

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Guest inteeliguntdesign

I've ignored all the Top Gear/Mexican insult stuff. One Mexican friend got quite pissed off. Never been a big fan on Clarkson et al, anyway. I did read Coogan's Guardian piece after everyone kept Tweeting it. A bit lame at the start but it does have two awesome points.


"I've been fortunate enough to work with the likes of [some of the best names in British comedy] ... with one common denominator: they could all defend and justify their comedy from a moral standpoint. Top Gear is three rich, middle-aged men laughing at poor Mexicans. Brave, groundbreaking stuff, eh?" And "Sometimes, it's true, things need a shakeup; orthodoxies need to be challenged. But this sort of ironic approach has been a licence for any halfwit to vent the prejudices they'd been keeping in the closet since Love Thy Neighbour was taken off the air."


Then I realised I am seriously in love with Stewart Lee. Blows Coogan out of the water. Gets going at 2.30:



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I usually don't get bothered by this sort of humour, but in this case it did. It's not the first time Top Gear disses or jokes about some country, but this time it seemed really inorganic and just went on and on. One or two jabs at Mexico would be funny, but it continued and made it feel like some writer really has it in for Mexico.

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it caused quite an uproar over here.


i don't mind really, although they did kinda take it a bit too far in the wrong direction, but people should just lighten up. it's not like brits aren't full of stereotyped stuff to make fun of.

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Guest disparaissant

Wow, that Stewart Lee bit was... wow. Spot on. I loathe Hammond and I never really knew why, but he just nails it, perfectly. Clarkson is a fat stupid cunt but I mean, look at the guy. Hard to take him seriously. And James May is adorrrrrrrbz.


But yeah, the racism and right wing bullshit just drives me batty. And I don't give a shit about cars. I hate living with people who give a shit about cars. The specials are cool, though!

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Guest disparaissant

And James May is adorrrrrrrbz.


no he isn't he's a cunt who looks like a cunt who looks like he listens to prog

yes well no one said i had good taste in men

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That Stewart Lee dude is annoying, unfunny, and got seriously trolled by Top Gear, what a wanker.


Hammond is a stupid cunt, but who needs yet another cunt to explain that to them.


And since when does WATMM get its collective knickers in a twist over a caricaturization of preconceptions some people may have about Mexican cars?

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The video's too long for me to be arsed watching just now, but the Top Gear thing just goes to show how far fawning public adulation has driven Clarkson et al up their own arses that they think they can get away with saying anything about anyone. Didn't they also own up to making sexist remarks about a female paramedic or something recently as well after Andy Gray got sacked? I'm not trying to have some liberal PC tirade here, just sick of cunts like those on Top Gear and cocks like Jonathan Ross (who still seems to fucking be around after that Andrew Sachs palaver) who seem to get away with, not just deliberately making ill-advised comments that a lot of people in normal jobs would get sacked for, but also being irritating and talentless cunts.

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Top Gear was fun at the start but has been an over budgeted parody of itself for a while now


cue camera filters, hip soundtrack, fancy edits, wheel spins, a lap with the stig and cue three egocentric twats trying to be fresh entertaining


glad I don't pay my licence fee

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Then I realised I am seriously in love with Stewart Lee. Blows Coogan out of the water. Gets going at 2.30:




don't be so stupid.


that vid was boring, even more boring than top gear itself.


i agree with the hammond hating, can't stick that wee bastard.


i also agree that top gear is shite now.




if we as a country go down the road of not slagging anyone off as it is offensive then we are fucked, even more fucked than we already are. at this moment in time it is all we have left ffs.


as for the offended and those who worry about others being offended then listen to what this fella has to say


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Love this extension of The Trip in Coogan's column:


"I've been fortunate enough to work with the likes of Peter Baynham, Armando Iannucci, Chris Morris, Simon Pegg, Julia Davis, Caroline Aherne, Ruth Jones, and the Mighty Boosh – some of the funniest and most innovative people in British comedy. And Rob Brydon too."

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Guest inteeliguntdesign

if we as a country go down the road of not slagging anyone off as it is offensive then we are fucked, even more fucked than we already are. at this moment in time it is all we have left ffs.


Neither of them argued for not slagging anyone off. Lee's video WAS slagging off someone, but it was done with a fucking purpose. That was the whole point of the video: that slagging someone off when you've got a moral/ethical point to make is fine, but not when it's purely to vent your bigoted views--that is, when you just want to have a go at someone different from you--then you're a cunt. It's me having a go at you because I think you're wrong, as opposed to because you're a stupid inbred English twat. (that was ironic, incidentally: I think we're both from the modern master-race).

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I didn't so much take offence at the comments in Top Gear as the fact that the 'presenters' just think they can do what they want and are so smug and arrogant about it. Like they feel they're indispensable to popular entertainment and have the Beeb over a barrel (which they may well do).

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the thing is though......


we are still talking about it.


couldn't it just be that the bbc like this......


the whole joke ross saga and the top gear saga keeping the public interested. how many people watch these guys on t.v just waiting for them to say something to jump on? a shit load if you ask me.


as the saying goes....publicity be it good or bad is still publicity.


that's it, the next time someone on t.v says that us 'jocks' drink too much, eat fried mars bars and will all die before we are 60 because of the fatty epidemic, i am making a complaint on the grounds of racism......i won't though as i hear it all the time and it is true and tbh i couldn't give two fucks.


if you ask me, those who complain about shit they here in the press or on t.v are only playing into the hands of the media.


it's all pish

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the thing is though......


we are still talking about it.


couldn't it just be that the bbc like this......


the whole joke ross saga and the top gear saga keeping the public interested. how many people watch these guys on t.v just waiting for them to say something to jump on? a shit load if you ask me.


as the saying goes....publicity be it good or bad is still publicity.


that's it, the next time someone on t.v says that us 'jocks' drink too much, eat fried mars bars and will all die before we are 60 because of the fatty epidemic, i am making a complaint on the grounds of racism......i won't though as i hear it all the time and it is true and tbh i couldn't give two fucks.


if you ask me, those who complain about shit they here in the press or on t.v are only playing into the hands of the media.


it's all pish



Wow, that much writing and you managed to make no point.

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I don't watch the show but I have a good idea of all the mexican car modding stereotypes that they could make fun of. That's what they did right?

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Guest hahathhat

ok, i started the video at 2:30, no mention of mexico by 3:30... and that's your quota of my attention span for today. sorry

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the thing is though......


we are still talking about it.


couldn't it just be that the bbc like this......


the whole joke ross saga and the top gear saga keeping the public interested. how many people watch these guys on t.v just waiting for them to say something to jump on? a shit load if you ask me.


as the saying goes....publicity be it good or bad is still publicity.


that's it, the next time someone on t.v says that us 'jocks' drink too much, eat fried mars bars and will all die before we are 60 because of the fatty epidemic, i am making a complaint on the grounds of racism......i won't though as i hear it all the time and it is true and tbh i couldn't give two fucks.


if you ask me, those who complain about shit they here in the press or on t.v are only playing into the hands of the media.


it's all pish



Wow, that much writing and you managed to make no point.


you got it in one.


there is no point to be made.


"it's all pish"

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Guest inteeliguntdesign

ok, i started the video at 2:30, no mention of mexico by 3:30... and that's your quota of my attention span for today. sorry


Yeah, sorry. It's really about Top Gear's humour and the one who was in the car crash in general, sparked by the recent insults. Stewart Lee's comedy does take a bit of persistence at first. Kind of makes you uneasy and uncertain about what he's getting at first. Worth it though.

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