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(U.S., and all) Drug Laws

Guest mafted

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i thought it was because they were bad for you.. but really, it's to make money. D.A.R.E. is essentially a priming tool for young people to break the law in defiance and generate money. what a joke.

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i thought it was because they were bad for you.. but really, it's to make money. D.A.R.E. is essentially a priming tool for young people to break the law in defiance and generate money. what a joke.


alcohol and tobacco are legal and they're pretty bad for you. the drug laws in this country obviously don't make sense.


d.a.r.e. has good intentions but the way the program is led probably makes kids do more drugs. for example, they lie a lot about drugs ("you can o/d on weed") so when the d.a.r.e. graduate learns that they have been misled, they will throw away all the perfectly good information they learned ("heroin is one of the most addictive substances known to man") because, hey, why would they trust it now? also, i can't agree with them encouraging kids to rat out their friends and family members. there was a case that made news a while back about some kid finding their parents' weed stash and taking it to the d.a.r.e. officer 'cause that's what the officer said to do if they ever found drugs. that's some 1984 shit right there. the instructions to the child should have been, "if you find drugs, don't touch them! tell your parents!"


i predict that in the future when all drugs are relatively legal d.a.r.e. will be revamped into an educational program along the lines of erowid-lite and be taught in high schools as a component to "life management" courses that already talk about sex, drugs and how to fill out a check.

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DARE was awesome, I got to learn about what different drugs did, how to identify the drug in person, and I even got a list of the names of the most popular organized gangs in the area. We got to draw pictures of scruff mcgruff, look at handguns, and I was told that "drug dealers always give you the first hit for free." That wasn't true, but it definitely led me to believe that if I just found a drug dealer, I could have some free drugs. Sometimes the cop teaching the class would do magic tricks.


Everything about DARE encouraged me to get high as shit. To be honest, those messages on arcade games that said "Losers Don't Do Drugs" had a lot more positive effect on me

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lol, yea.. it doesn't make sense. nicotine is the most addictive (over heroin) and was the first substance ever recorded, along with how they couldn't stop smoking it. then you have big health and big alcohol who lobby to keep them legal.. kind of a mess.

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

DARE was awesome, I got to learn about what different drugs did, how to identify the drug in person, and I even got a list of the names of the most popular organized gangs in the area. We got to draw pictures of scruff mcgruff, look at handguns, and I was told that "drug dealers always give you the first hit for free." That wasn't true, but it definitely led me to believe that if I just found a drug dealer, I could have some free drugs. Sometimes the cop teaching the class would do magic tricks.


Everything about DARE encouraged me to get high as shit. To be honest, those messages on arcade games that said "Losers Don't Do Drugs" had a lot more positive effect on me


here's how it should be done.


we all know that martinez' stuff is the bomb!
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How obviously fundamentally wrong is it that people profit from others being imprisoned? It's so blatantly fucked up. Just asking for trouble.

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omgwayte something is wrong with capitalism????


This has nothing to do with capitalism.


it does however, have everything to do with being fucking stupid.

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drug laws frustrated me more in my teens when i had better access to those things, but especially for the fact that i was taught my whole life that pot would essentially kill you. when i got the 'nerve' to try it out, and it didn't, it made me think all of my drug-shmeducation was a lie. so i went and did what any irrational 15 year old would do and tried every other thing in the pharmacopoeia. those are the only drug experiences i've come to regret in some aspects. it's really the only perceivable way i see pot as being a gateway drug, but i suppose that's irrelevant.


but, it's important to note also that i taught myself that that was stupid of me. people need to be left up to their own choices, after have been given proper and truthful information. personal accountability is where it's at for me. i can smoke, or whatever, or not, and do my job just fine--i put food on the table.


i understand it's a much more complicated argument than that for legislators (or they try to make it be), but i certainly don't need a government, largely steered by bigPharma, to tell me what i can/can't gobble up.

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