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it happened again

Guest Helper ET

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i read your thread about being harassed by the police. in it you said you've become hardened and immune to past insights and emotions. i was like that too, and i'm still getting better, but i want you to know it's entirely possible to recover completely from that and to live a life you're proud of.


it's an uphill battle for someone with an active mind - the mind is a great tool but it is the worst enemy of the human population. what you need to do, first and foremost, is take care of your body. be in your body. though i constantly go back and forth, i know what my body really wants is peace, and love. when you're going to sleep at night, concentrate on one body part at a time, and relax it. when you wake up, stretch, feel your fingers and your toes. the morning is the easiest part of the day for me to be grabbed by my head and not let go.


as far as i know, we'll never get a banner telling us what our purpose is, and how we're meant to live our lives. but i strongly believe this: you are where you're meant to be. try something - anything - to overcome your problems instead of living them out over and over. you will elevate the whole human race with your effort and good energy.


it's totally possible you're trolling but i think i hear real stuff in your words. even if you are trolling, i'm glad i wrote this, because it helps me remind myself how i want to live.


good luck dude, and feel better. i'm sorry you are suffering. just remember, everything goes away - even on your worst days, this, too, shall pass.


are you paying attention ET? :wink:

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You must have been pretty drunk, and then belligerent to the cops. Not once in 22 years of living in Edmonton did I ever get stopped, and I spent many nights wandering around the city high on acid or drunk. The one time I did get stopped was behind a bar smoking weed, and even then the cops searched me illegally so the bastards didn't even show up in court. They probably just wanted some free weed.

Anyways, stop drinking - it's clearly no good for you (plus expensive).

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until this point i thought he grabbed the whole kit and kabootle, but no! he grabbed my pipe, yes, this much i remember. i just went outside, and to my fucking surprise, my big new fat bag of weed that i bought mere hours before the incident, was lying on the snow right beside where the cop took the pipe









what a day


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Guest happycase

i read your thread about being harassed by the police. in it you said you've become hardened and immune to past insights and emotions. i was like that too, and i'm still getting better, but i want you to know it's entirely possible to recover completely from that and to live a life you're proud of.


it's an uphill battle for someone with an active mind - the mind is a great tool but it is the worst enemy of the human population. what you need to do, first and foremost, is take care of your body. be in your body. though i constantly go back and forth, i know what my body really wants is peace, and love. when you're going to sleep at night, concentrate on one body part at a time, and relax it. when you wake up, stretch, feel your fingers and your toes. the morning is the easiest part of the day for me to be grabbed by my head and not let go.


as far as i know, we'll never get a banner telling us what our purpose is, and how we're meant to live our lives. but i strongly believe this: you are where you're meant to be. try something - anything - to overcome your problems instead of living them out over and over. you will elevate the whole human race with your effort and good energy.


it's totally possible you're trolling but i think i hear real stuff in your words. even if you are trolling, i'm glad i wrote this, because it helps me remind myself how i want to live.


good luck dude, and feel better. i'm sorry you are suffering. just remember, everything goes away - even on your worst days, this, too, shall pass.


Hey man. That was lovely. Very nourishing. Thanks.

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the 11th is not a good day for you



and your first post was insightful...


read A/D's and Luke's posts over again ET

music has always been my favorite escape, and something i love, to unspeakable degrees. then when i realized that i was a slave, i desperately attempted to free myself. when i inevitably failed, my emotions disappeared and i hardened inside. ever since, ive been living in a dissociative state where nothing seems real and everything feels like a movie. my life has since become an obsessive attempt to regain past insights, despite obvious signs that it is impossible to go back


this has somewhat effected my ability to write music


oppression helps make great art


you must just be known by the cops, i've been drunk in public constantly and i've interacted with cops but never got wrote up for it.


then again bc wails.


Canadian cops lol!


sounds like everyone thinks the cops have a disliking towards me. and im fucking crazy for being paranoid


Well I thought the first post was about you either being abducted by inter-dimensional aliens or the men in black, so I was stoked to read it, sucks that it was cops that got you. Paranoia and insanity are best friends. And while reading the first post I pictured you as Charles Manson talking about getting abducted by aliens, because he would think any oppressor was a pig. Charlie hates pigs! And so does ET. The cops smell dislike and follow it to the source. Stop hating them so much and they will leave you alone. Stop thinking about them. Make some music. It will help you to quit the thinking about being a slave and hating cops.

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Guest hahathhat

officer alpha: what a fine, but boring night. nothing going on. whatever shall we do?


officer beta: that kid's probably stumbling out of a bar just now...


both officers: oh-ho ho!


*christmas lights off into the night*

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Guest disparaissant

because a fellow member of your species is in a state of peril and you feel inclined to help him


guys is my little note to my landlord any good or am i still just drunk?

state of peril? you got hassled by the cops. it's not like they chopped off your hands, or sent you to a work camp, or locked you up indefinitely without actually charging you with anything.


you seriously need a sense of perspective.

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I'd like to see you get harrassed by the cops and be all calm and collected about it.


If i was getting harrased by the cops in that manner i'd feel in a state of fucking peril too.


The last thing i'd be thinking about is whether or not someone else may or may not be worse off than me at this moment in time.

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Having been charged and hassled by the very same police force as ET, i can safely assure you that you are never in a state of peril with them as long as you remain calm yourself. For the most part, even if you are somewhat verbally abusive, you are never in a state of real peril. You might get a knock or two, but you're certainly never going to be in real peril.


But you know - first world problems.

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ET you sound a bit razzled. And dazzled.



What I mean is you sound a bit whacked out. Paranoid maybe? Some hints of "offness" in your writing here.


At least that's what it looks like to me. I could be wrong.


I think maybe you should consider getting away from wherever you're at. Perspective, as disparaissant said.


[when I say "getting away" I mean maybe taking a little trip. going hiking. doing some fresh thinking away from the grid]


I might be out of my element but that's what it looks like to me. I'm pretty sure I can relate in some way.

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I think that drug addiction isn't as much about the drug than it is the demons inside of the addict. Addiction isn't a perpetual abuse of drugs. That's part of it. Addiction is living in hell and not knowing it. It's abuse at the hands of imagined tormentors and a feeling of being subhuman and crushed by the weight of reality. That's probably not relevant, but this seemed like a good place to say it.


And the cure to addiction is right there in front of the addict. To let go. It feels really good too.

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