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Detroit needs a statue of Robocop


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Watch the video on their Kickstarter page.

It is basically a 10 minute epic rap about the plot of Robocop.











“Your friend has recommended that you check out "Detroit Needs A Statue of Robocop!", a Kickstarter project by Imagination Station Detroit.



The Story:


We live in a new world, and sometimes it takes funny things to show us all that. On Monday, February 7th a random dude in Massachusetts tweeted a message to Detroit Mayor David Bing:



Shortly after, Mayor Bing tweeted back:



The internet went haywire over the idea. Detroiter John Leonard started a Facebook group called Build a statue of RoboCop in Detroit and galvanized an effort to bring Robo to life. Now, teaming up with friends and doers from around the city, region, country, and world, we're making use of newfangled internet fundraising tools and social networks to can bring this vision to reality.


The Location:


Detroit, silly!


Specifically, the Imagination Station is offering a piece of its property on Roosevelt Park facing Michigan Central Station as Robocop's new home. If this is were Robo goes, this is approximately what his view will be:



We say "if", because in our quest to choose the best location possible, if another even better location appears before installation, Robo might move. Rest assured that the absolute worst we can do is incredibly awesome.


The Production:


None of us have ever made a giant solid metal permanent sculpture before. It turns out to be a pretty expensive process (who would have thought?), but not too much for the world to fund. After talking to numerous sculptors and metal workers, the current game plan is this: We can take a relatively small figure of RoboCop (conceivably even an action figure), have it 3D scanned by lasers (cool!) and scale its form to create a light-weight model of any size we'd like, which can then be used to pour and cast liquid metal.


Casey V. Westbrook and crew are currently leading the charge to create a weatherized 7 foot tall iron statue. Take a look at his work here. The last project Casey worked on was an epic action installation with Matthew Barney in Detroit. See a picture and read about it in Art Forum here.


How Now RoboCow?


You can spread the RoboCop statue love by sharing the link detroitneedsrobocop.com with your friends (it's the easiest way to get to this Kickstarter page and donate). If you have advice on the process, funding, support, materials, *anything* please get in touch with us. Lord knows this is going to evolve. You can reach Brandon Walley at brandon@facethestation.com or 313-510-8049.


PS More rewards for backers coming soon...









pledged of $50,000 goal


days to go

This project will only be funded if at least $50,000 is pledged by Saturday Mar 26, 11:19pm EDT.

Back This Project

or simply learn more

$1 Minimum Pledge


Pledge $1 or more


"I'd fund that for a dollar!" Everyone who contributes to the RoboCop statue at any level will have their name listed in a credits section on detroitneedsrobocop.com and receive a personalized digital badge. So when your friends say, "Hey! Did you hear about that new statue of RoboCop in Detroit?" You can say, "I helped build that, *and I'll show you the proof*."

Backer 167 BACKERs

Pledge $35 or more


Receive a RoboCop Detroit pin. If you get pulled over just show this to the officer. It probably won't help, but you will certainly be upholding the awesome: www.bit.ly/hkllz5.

Backer 2 BACKERs

Pledge $50 or more


When the fundraising is done, PJ will buy you 2 drinks (up to $10 total value) at PJ's Lager House in Detroit (pjslagerhouse.com). Not in Detroit? All the more reason to come, plus they already have a big RoboCop painting out back!

Backer 2 BACKERs

Pledge $100 or more


RoboCop Detroit t-shirt! Original artwork by John Leonard

Backer 71 BACKERs

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I was waiting to hear your take on this. My guess was you'd be for it.


I am totally for it and would travel to see it. I am most likely going to donate money haha. I was wearing my OCP shirt when I heard the news about it.

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I cried a bit just now, Robocop deserves so much love it is overwhelming....






new systems of government,


give Murphy the works!

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