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baby trashes bar


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Love it when she pours the puppets drink onto the table.


Is anyone else creating a storyline around it? To me, she's the floozy of a drug-baron. Twisted on coke and hell-bent on self-destruction, she's going to spend his money and do whatever she wants with the club/restaurant he bought for her. No-one stops her, she's surrounded by powerful, dangerous people, and maybe that's what depresses her most.

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maybe im just baby crazy but that is the most hilariously adorable thing ever

yeah pretty much. almost makes me want a child just so i can get him/her to do cute things all the time

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maybe im just baby crazy but that is the most hilariously adorable thing ever

yeah pretty much. almost makes me want a child just so i can get him/her to do cute things all the time


That doesn't last very long.

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yeah, look at that fucking mess. it's cute until you realize that you have to clean that shit up. kids don't seem very cute/cool until they're potty trained imo. until then they're just filthy, incompetent whiners who can't do anything for themselves and will probably fall down the stairs or into a pool or choke on their own hand and die if you don't hover over them every second of every day.


back on topic: i was literally crying from laughter at this video, even 2 min after the second time i watched it.


i've had a fair number of drinks tonight.

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Guest disparaissant

i'm basically an au pair for a 2 year old for a living so i know how it is, been taking care of him since he was 8 months, so i know how awful it is.


does not cure the baby crazies though. sigh.

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