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watmm interviews: rambo


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Hah, at the timeit's taking to reply. He's had to go an hire a team of writers, cause of performance anxiety. As it was cool just palming off one liners in other threads, there wasn't the pressure of being put on the spot and under the microscope that there is here.


(yes yes, i know that he went to bed/the prob. work/ifdyuepsduexat)

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Guest Rambo

I see that there's a few questions here now. I will try to answer them truthfully.


Kaini's questions


how many times is acceptable to "this time it's to save his friend" that shit?


As many times as he needs saving imo



which closet lesbian: michelle rodriguez or vasquez from aliens?


Vasquez. Put it this way, if we were both stranded in the desert before i collapsed and died due to exposure, i am fairly certain she would utilise my corpse efficiently and without sentiment. I do like Rodriguez though. I would kiss them both right on the mouth.



who would win in a fight: you or alan 'dutch' schaefer?


lol. I actually just had to google alan 'dutch' schaefer. That's how little that movie means to me Kaini.



do you ever feel bad about stallone's role in 'stop or my mom will shoot'?


I haven't watched that movie and i will never watch it. That's how little that movie means to me.



if you had to only take four items into the jungle, what would they be?


I'm not going to lie. These kinds of questions actually give me quiet orgasms. It's like a ripple of pleasure that's indescribable. It's tempting to try to make myself look more sophisticated here but it wouldn't be the truth.


1. Saw-toothed knife. Used primarily for hunting and close range combat situations but also as a mirror. You must never let anyone see you use it as a mirror because it suggests vanity but i need to know that i look good, that's just me.

2. Simpsons Top Trumps. Just for pleasure.

3. M60 Machine gun. For killing, mainly. I just kill with it. This is literally my best gun for killing. Also if you have a bad back but need to wash or drink from a lake or a spring, there's no need to bend down, just stand over the water, whip out the M60, open your mouth wide and shoot the shit out of the water. Splashback will take care of all your needs.

4. Nail file. Yeah i get a bit obsessive about my nails. Many years ago, i found that if i'm pointing a weapon and my nails dont look right i literally cant stop looking at my nails. If you dont believe me check out any image taken from First Blood Part II onwards, my nails look amazing.



what are your feelings on the US government's constant flip-flopping with regards to the mujahideen?

they were the good guys, then the bad guys, and now i dunno wtf they are, i mean wtf?


I wrote a song about this very question, Kaini. It's called What are we fightin' for? (and where is love?) But that only came about during one of my contemplative phases recently. When you are actually in battle it's best not to think about it. You are simply icing bitches left and right.



best rambo-related video game?


Tony Hawk's Pro Skating 3. I really loved that game. And Tony said it was inspired by me after i threatened him.

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Guest Rambo

What has caused you the most laughter that you have experienced on WATMM/CHATMM? Most discomfort?


The thread where watmmers described how they would seduce each other was a roflcoaster. I'm trying to think of my most uncomfortable moment and i cant. Possibly when i shouted at Fred one time lol. No-one pisses me off that much so it doesn't come up.

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Guest Rambo

VERY. I noticed the crowd singing happy birthday to Dalglish as well which was ace.


Have you ever fucked your own ass, and if so please describe the experience. If not, what's the closest thing to fucking your own ass that you've ever done and why?


I tried to masturbate to a picture of myself once. I hope that counts.

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Guest Rambo

also, you're not allowed boxing day you huge fag.


rambo: you have three bullets, and sirch, boxing day, and MAXIMUS MISCHIEF are lined up in front of you.

what do you do?


I throw one of the bullets at Sirch killing him instantly. I forward roll and shoot Maximus Mischief in the pelvis. I stick my cock right into the bloody gaping wound and thrust elegantly back and forth like its 1999. Boxing Day walks over to see if he can get in on the action so i snap his neck, instantly killing him and then shoot him in the leg.

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Guest Rambo



How many honeys do you have hanging from your arms when you cut the line at night clubs?


I actually have an elaborate gameplan when it comes to entering any public place where spirits are on sale and testosterone is ample. Firstly i will scout the building out for several weeks prior to my date. I never go into a public building blind so to speak. I send the girls in through the front then i prefer to enter from the roof but in the absence of rooftop access i will take the rear like a horny veteran in a prisoner of war camp.



What do you think of Rocky Balboa?


He is a great fighter who represents the American spirit and a desire to conquer adversity. A kindred spirit who never knows when to quit even when he keeps getting punched in the head. I'm guessing he spent a good 40 minutes getting punched in the head during the Rocky series but it didn't diminish the love he had for his wife who had a guys name.


What's your best story regarding piss?


I dont know if this is my best story as there is a fair selection but when i was young i deliberately wet the bed on at least 2 occasions.



Have you ever been dumpster diving?


Do you mean routing through trash or do you mean giving oral sex to unattractive women? Well neither tbh.



What do you think of North Korea?


That little guy in charge has good hair and probably doesn't get the credit he deserves when it comes to stylistic decisions. He's a lot bolder than people think.



AMD or Intel?

Intel simply because i've never had anything that uses an AMD chip i dont think.

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Guest viscosity

when you were 6 years of age what was the most prominent, life altering moment of your life; be specific and leave no details astray

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Guest Calx Sherbet

how does beer bad for your brain?


also, you're not allowed boxing day you huge fag.rambo: you have three bullets, and sirch, boxing day, and MAXIMUS MISCHIEF are lined up in front of you.what do you do?



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Guest Rambo

Okay okay, fine... what new(er) musical artists of the last 5 years are you most exited about, and if they were a superhero (or merged to create one as the case may be) what powers would they possess?

It could sound strange but i haven't actually listened to much music in the last couple of years so its difficult. A couple i like that are liked on watmm would be Oneohtrix Point Never and Burial. If they were to combine superpowers into a single form, i can only imagine some sort of pseudospiritual rapeghost with no face would emerge, but like, in the past. Wait no, it's 1000 years in the future but the superhero existed 200 years in their past so 800 years in the future to us. It would be a rapeghost.

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Guest Rambo

What is your favorite dance move and have you ever performed it to get poon?

Sort of. I used to dance like Michael Jackson to get the babes when i was 5-10 years old.

What was the last book you read?

I'm reading Atlas Shrugged right now. They are talking about trains at the moment. It's like, where are the guns? Then it turns out it was written by a woman! I didn't know, her name fucking caught me out.



What do you consider a good question?

I like this question. Great question.


Whats my middle name?

Todd Jackson

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Okay okay, fine... what new(er) musical artists of the last 5 years are you most exited about, and if they were a superhero (or merged to create one as the case may be) what powers would they possess?

It could sound strange but i haven't actually listened to much music in the last couple of years so its difficult. A couple i like that are liked on watmm would be Oneohtrix Point Never and Burial. If they were to combine superpowers into a single form, i can only imagine some sort of pseudospiritual rapeghost with no face would emerge, but like, in the past. Wait no, it's 1000 years in the future but the superhero existed 200 years in their past so 800 years in the future to us. It would be a rapeghost.


I am 100% satisfied with this answer. And yes, trying to masturbate to a pic of yourself counts just fine. That little tidbit totally validates my first question.

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Guest Rambo

If you had to, what would be your first move in trying to take down Chuck Norris?


It's all about wrist control. If you control the wrists, you control the arms, and if you control the arms, you control the wrist, hands, fingers and shoulders.


Having said that, i go straight through the back of him at knee height, disabling his movement somewhat. I imagine his aging body screaming out for mercy as he lays with his back on the ground looking up at me. Legs and torso wriggling, i try to subdue his movement without wrist control. I have now straddled Chuck like a bullfighter. I grab the back of his head "This is for Diane" i punch him right in the kisser. "This is for little Davey" I punch him in the throat and he begins to make gurgling noises. It's like he is trying to clear his throat. I ask him if he's ok and he says he's fine so i punch him in the kisser again knocking him unconscious. I revive him, clean him up a bit and then run away.

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Guest Rambo

@ Rambo:


describe us the most worst cramp moment in your life, a situation which prevented you from nr2 for a painfully prolonged time.


Honesty is the best poilcy here. I have absolutely no idea what Nr2 is.


The worst cramp i have ever had prevented me from winning gold medal in a long distance run.

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Guest Rambo

do you always carry exploding arrowheads at all times?


As a rule but i would never fire them in a residential area. Unless i was in a battle. Tbh the arrows are just for special occasions, they dont come close to matching the immaculate high of a close range knife assault. The feeling of taking out an artery is akin to seeing a baby being born from the mothers perspective.


rambo : how have you eaten cheeseburger, in the ovens or under a couch building


Of course i have eaten cheeseburger, in the ovens or under couch building.


That's not very nice man.



Question - did you save your friend's life?


Many, many times.


rambo : why not make boxing day suffer for long periods (at least 3)


a kill is a kill unless it's foreplay.

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