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br3aking porn


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apparently this site used to be called "teens against porn", but they've since upgraded to a more hip and cool sounding name. with a 3 in the title.




Hey guys, I did something bad tonight...I really messed up. I was at a party earlier tonight, there was some booze there but I wasn't drinking. Anyway, I start talking to this girl and we're kind of connecting and maybe some of you can see where this is going. We went to a more private location and started hooking up, nothing too bad but still, but the whole time I felt really sick about it. Eventually I told her we had to stop and I like bolted out of the place and back home. I threw up like 3 times when I got back home, I took a shower. I can't get the smell off my hands, off my face, off my body. It reeks and I hate it. I don't know what happened, I'm ok with pre-martial sex. I don't have a moral objection to it, but just tonight I felt retched like I just ran over someone's dog or something. I feel foul and sick and I don't know why, I've kind of been in a downwards spiral in the short time I've been here and this is really getting towards the bottom. I could really use some help here guys, thanks. I have to go take another shower.


+ another 6000 similar posts. :cerious:




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Guest Helper ET

its ok. youre going to get through this. what has happened, is that hundreds of years ago, elite royalists decided that they could further control people, if they artificially inserted the concept of religion into society. by creating ridiculous rules, under the threat of punishment from a nonexistent god, they could then manipulate the fear aspect of the mind, and therefor manipulate your thoughts and behavior


what youre experiencing now, is an awakening to the lies youve been told your entire life. your anxiety is a confusion, based on two set of realities clashing together with no resolve


i have no advice for you

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personally believe that masturbation is better than fornication. In fact masturbation releases sexual energy which builds up over time, and this in turn may make one less tempted to commit fornication.


:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:


and the reply


That is not an argument that masturbation is OK. That's like saying it's better to kick someone then kill them. I'd agree, it IS better to kick someone then kill them. But that doesn't make kicking OK.


fuck sake

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A little boy always went next door to play even though his mom had warned him against doing so. This worried his mom so badly that she asked him why he was so disobedient.


He replied that Satan tempted him so bad and he did not know what to do.


His mom then advised him to say 'get behind me Satan' whenever he was tempted. She then built a fence around the house.


This worked for a week, then one sunny afternoon his mom looked out the window and there was her son playing on the neighbors lawn having cut a hole in the fence.


"Jeremiah", she yelled, "come here!" She then said "did I not tell you to say 'get behind me Satan' whenever he tempted you?"


"Yes", the boy replied, "I said, 'get behind me Satan', then he went behind me and pushed me through the hole in the fence."


Taken from the Jokes section ... lol

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At least they aren't breeding.

This is the problem though. They're not breeding NOW, but when they finally get married, they're going to have eight fucking kids.

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Hey guys, I did something bad tonight...I really messed up. I was at a party earlier tonight, there was some booze there but I wasn't drinking. Anyway, I start talking to this girl and we're kind of connecting and maybe some of you can see where this is going. We went to a more private location and started hooking up, nothing too bad but still, but the whole time I felt really sick about it. Eventually I told her we had to stop and I like bolted out of the place and back home. I threw up like 3 times when I got back home, I took a shower. I can't get the smell off my hands, off my face, off my body. It reeks and I hate it. I don't know what happened, I'm ok with pre-martial sex. I don't have a moral objection to it, but just tonight I felt retched like I just ran over someone's dog or something. I feel foul and sick and I don't know why, I've kind of been in a downwards spiral in the short time I've been here and this is really getting towards the bottom. I could really use some help here guys, thanks. I have to go take another shower.




teh gay

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Guest hahathhat

At least they aren't breeding.

This is the problem though. They're not breeding NOW, but when they finally get married, they're going to have eight fucking kids.


six, once you factor in cardiac arrest from living off mcdonalds. or maybe it'd be twelve then (because they'd be twice as heavy, get it? i am funny man)

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Guest Coalbucket PI

"I read some statistic somewhere that 98% of masturbation involves some form of lustful thoughts. "


lol. poor fools

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Guest tompty

although there are a number of lols within..


when you actually properly think about porn its pretty horrific. wanking to what are most likely abused, drug-addicted hopeless woman having sex for a couple of hundred dollars. its easy to look at it superficially and just see the act, rather than actually think about the reality.

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"I read some statistic somewhere that 98% of masturbation involves some form of lustful thoughts. "


lol. poor fools


That's weird. 98% of my masturbation involves contemplation of the Abyss.

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That's clearly a trap to catch pedophiles and deviants, look at questions 9 and 29. Plus it's a scam to sign up your emailing address.



The real problem is that there are a lot of hot chicks that are buying into this.


true story - I got my first blowjob in a church rec centre.


"I read some statistic somewhere that 98% of masturbation involves some form of lustful thoughts. "


lol. poor fools


That's weird. 98% of my masturbation involves contemplation of the Abyss.


That's just your belly button mate :)

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Guest hahathhat

"I read some statistic somewhere that 98% of masturbation involves some form of lustful thoughts. "


lol. poor fools


get the right chakras spinning and you can find that lustless 2%.

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true story - I got my first blowjob in a church rec centre.



thats priests for you


ba-dum TISH!!!



I named the lint that lives inside Choronzon.


Does he battle with him who cannot be named?

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Guest hahathhat

New Flash: Religion has brainwashed children, and now theyre on the internet.


I think this is better than that doll forum though.


i say god and jesus can't prepare them for goatse. once they're on the 'net, the ball is in our court, gentlemen.

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