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lol another elite thread in which old members rub each other's backs


low cast members please step aside


guys this is the kind of shit i'm talking about




The WATMM class system.

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Kaini, you've professed a love for mandelbrot sets (I think that's how you call it) and have thrown together a few of your own. You're clearly into the mathmatical nature of them and it gives you pause for thought, however you need to explain to somebody who has never heard the word "mandelbrot" why it means so much to you and why they should care.


How do you do this?

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Kaini, you've professed a love for mandelbrot sets (I think that's how you call it) and have thrown together a few of your own. You're clearly into the mathmatical nature of them and it gives you pause for thought, however you need to explain to somebody who has never heard the word "mandelbrot" why it means so much to you and why they should care.


How do you do this?


i usually start by explaining his essay How Long Is the Coast of Britain? Statistical Self-Similarity and Fractional Dimension (to explain the concept of area increasing as you increase the complexity of a line, and the sierpinski triangle or the koch curve. then i explain that the mandelbrot set is like this, but not exactly self-similar in the manner of the triangle or the curve. but images explain it better :)


most of my renders are some form of mandelbulb or box, though. 3-d cousins of the 2-d mandelbrot set. my interest springs from rendering mandelbrots, on a 386sx, about 15 years ago.

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wahrk, would you ever consider visiting Joyrex in real life? Why, or why not?

If there were a good reason, sure. I can't think of what that reason would be though. I wouldn't just throw down for a ticket to fly out to meet him. That's money and time that could be far better spent (no offense to joyrex).

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have you ever been (non-lethal, obviously) electrocuted?


Yep. When I was young I tried to remove a plug from its socket behind my bed, without realising that the headboard had knocked the outer casing of the plug off. I couldn't see what I was reaching for and received a nasty shock, felt like strobe lights going off in my bones. I was a little bit scared as my heart sped up beating all of a sudden and I walked downstairs to my parents thinking my heart was about to stop. I thought they'd think I was an idiot though so I ended up just making them a cup of tea.

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What is your favorite song of yours that you've released?


I'm fond of "Orange Meanies".


Bonus question, what's yours (both of your own, and of mine?)

I feel a need to familiarize myself with more of your stuff before I can choose a favorite. I've had a tab open with your site in it for weeks now, but for some reason I still only have the Raid EP. I've also got folders upon folders of stuff on my desktop that's yet to make it into my library. :/


As for my stuff, I really like "Rabbits and Wolves" from Metamateria.



I re-mixed (note: not remixed) that album a while back and will hopefully be re-releasing it in the near future. :sorcerer:


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how seriously do you take WATMM from 1-10?


if 10 is the death of your parents and 1 is the local grocery store hiring my brother's friend?





would you be better or worse off if you never posted on WATMM ever again?

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Guest Coalbucket PI

Confused, lost, scared, questions everywhere, like a rainstorm of queries, must find shelter, run, save yourselves

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acidphakist: do you own any guns? (not trolling, genuinely curious)


I own a Chinese-issue SKS and a Ruger .22 rifle. Ammo for the SKS is becoming prohibitively expensive, and the Ruger is scoped and deadly accurate, so I'm thinking of ditching the SKS.


Coalbucket PI


What was your favorite act at bloc? Would you go again next year? Am I as big a dick in person as I seem on WATMM?

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Guest Coalbucket PI

acidphakist: do you own any guns? (not trolling, genuinely curious)


I own a Chinese-issue SKS and a Ruger .22 rifle. Ammo for the SKS is becoming prohibitively expensive, and the Ruger is scoped and deadly accurate, so I'm thinking of ditching the SKS.


Coalbucket PI


What was your favorite act at bloc? Would you go again next year? Am I as big a dick in person as I seem on WATMM?

I think the acts I enjoyed the most were Kyle Hall or Laurent Garnier. I only spoke to you briefly but you seemed delightful. I'm rather awful at forming opinions about whether I like or dislike people on forums, everyone sort of blurs into 'the community' apart from the odd person who is memorable for good or bad reasons. I think half the time I don't even look at who wrote a post unless it's especially interesting. Since I've met you and also you mention that everyone thinks you're a dick I have paid a bit more attention, for example you appear to like acid a lot and dislike burkhas and like guns which I suppose would make me think I might not like you except you seemed rather nice in real life and that seems more important. If you're good enough for our fine customs officers then you're good enough for me! And yes I am almost certainly going next year, you should probably do the same.






I only really read the first and last letters of usernames, and I have avatars turned off and I am English so I don't care to know the difference between Ireland and Scotland. For this reason I can't distinguish between you and keltoi. Can you suggest any way for me to do so?

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acidphakist: do you own any guns? (not trolling, genuinely curious)


I own a Chinese-issue SKS and a Ruger .22 rifle. Ammo for the SKS is becoming prohibitively expensive, and the Ruger is scoped and deadly accurate, so I'm thinking of ditching the SKS.


Coalbucket PI


What was your favorite act at bloc? Would you go again next year? Am I as big a dick in person as I seem on WATMM?

I think the acts I enjoyed the most were Kyle Hall or Laurent Garnier. I only spoke to you briefly but you seemed delightful. I'm rather awful at forming opinions about whether I like or dislike people on forums, everyone sort of blurs into 'the community' apart from the odd person who is memorable for good or bad reasons. I think half the time I don't even look at who wrote a post unless it's especially interesting. Since I've met you and also you mention that everyone thinks you're a dick I have paid a bit more attention, for example you appear to like acid a lot and dislike burkhas and like guns which I suppose would make me think I might not like you except you seemed rather nice in real life and that seems more important. If you're good enough for our fine customs officers then you're good enough for me! And yes I am almost certainly going next year, you should probably do the same.






I only really read the first and last letters of usernames, and I have avatars turned off and I am English so I don't care to know the difference between Ireland and Scotland. For this reason I can't distinguish between you and keltoi. Can you suggest any way for me to do so?


lol if i'm to get confused with anyone i'm ok with it being kaini.

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What is your favourite acid?


That's a bit ambiguous. If you are asking producer I'd have to say EOD. If you are talking about the chemical I'm all about citrus.


Dan C


Could the love of a woman ever split up the C's for life?

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