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researchers teleport light


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(if you ever wondered what a chaosmachine looks like... it's like that, but on fire.)


Researchers from Australia and Japan have successfully teleported wave packets of light, potentially revolutionising quantum communications and computing.


The team, led by researchers at the University of Tokyo, say this is the first-ever teleportation, or transfer, of a particular complex set of quantum information from one point to another.


They say it will make possible high-speed, high-fidelity transmission of large volumes of information, such as quantum encryption keys, via communications networks.




"There used to be two ways of doing teleportation and both had their limitations," she said.


"One was quite fast, but had a limited probability of succeeding. The other way of doing it was quite slow, but had a very good probability of working.


"What we've done is managed to get it both fast and good quality."




"So in our case what we've done is take a macroscopic beam of light and put it into a quantum superposition, which is extremely fragile, and teleported that from one place to another.




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i thought we could already do this :unsure:


to a limited degree. i remember reading about earlier experiments at least 10 years ago. but this seems to be a breakthrough in terms of actually making it useful for communications.


"The point is, we've managed to teleport it from A to B without the one and the zero getting confused."

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exciting news


lets have a drink


Can you teleport me a drink? I'm broke.

Seriously tho, this is pretty interesting stuff.


I cannot. But I will teleport this image of a drink, as a token of appreciation and celebration of this landmark research. This image might make you more thirsty, but let it not, for it is a sign of hope that one day it will be real and in your paws.



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yeah this sounds cool but I have no idea how important a breakthrough it actually is, as with most technological advances these days. So um...good going guys!


I was thinking the other day that we are living in a time when where these sort of technological advances happen, it's hard for us to grasp how significant it really is or could be. Take the internet and our ability to communicate to anyone, anywhere and anytime with such ease we don't really understand the significance of it. In retrospective people will look at this time as the information/digital revolution the same way we look at the industrial revolution or the agricultural revolution today. The fact that we can instantly communicate and acquire information will have huge implications in all levels of society and human sociology.

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Guest hahathhat

so will quantum entanglement make my internets faster?


yes, but sometimes the vial will break and your email will cease to exist

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yeah this sounds cool but I have no idea how important a breakthrough it actually is, as with most technological advances these days. So um...good going guys!


this... so are we like closer to having star trek like teleporters now, or time travel machines?

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can we teleport some light into a photo lab darkroom for teh lulz ?

photo lab darkroom? do those still exist outside of the world of the artiste?


yeah this sounds cool but I have no idea how important a breakthrough it actually is, as with most technological advances these days. So um...good going guys!


this... so are we like closer to having star trek like teleporters now, or time travel machines?

Not in China!!

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