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WATMM Fitness Thread


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morning cardio pre breakfast supposedly burns more body fat cause you are at your lowest insulin levels when you wake up. No glucose in the blood to burn for fuel. So your body uses fat for energy


No that is stupid. If you run in the morning you should eat something prior to working out, or you risk "hitting the wall". If what you said was the case then we wouldn't need glucose to survive, but you do need it... or else you'll feel fatigued and would probably faint.


So if you plan on running in the morning, I suggest eating something small (like a banana) and then after your run, eating a full breakfast.

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completely turned my habits around as of january 1st, cliche i know, but eating healthier and not drinking any soda, mixed with moderate exercise, i'm down almost 50 lbs! my goal is another 40 or so. such a good feeling to wear old clothes and just have generally more confidence

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morning cardio pre breakfast supposedly burns more body fat cause you are at your lowest insulin levels when you wake up. No glucose in the blood to burn for fuel. So your body uses fat for energy


No that is stupid. If you run in the morning you should eat something prior to working out, or you risk "hitting the wall". If what you said was the case then we wouldn't need glucose to survive, but you do need it... or else you'll feel fatigued and would probably faint.


So if you plan on running in the morning, I suggest eating something small (like a banana) and then after your run, eating a full breakfast.


And what makes you an expert? I think marf is right.

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Perfect timing for this thread. I want to start running because I sometimes feel like my legs can't stand the pressure and I'm a skinny guy so I guess that's a bad sign.


You know what? I'm gonna start tomorrow.

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Perfect timing for this thread. I want to start running because I sometimes feel like my legs can't stand the pressure and I'm a skinny guy so I guess that's a bad sign.


You know what? I'm gonna start tomorrow.


You dont need running. You need weights man.


This is the sorta shit you should aim to be able to do

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

swim 3 mornings a week for an hour. feeling good but not building muscle except on my shoulders it seems. i'd swim everyday if the pool was closer by my house.

so started adding pushups to my regime also.

want to add sit-ups but i hate them


my problem is i sit around all day long, not enough incidental exercise

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I haven't been in the gym for about two years, now, but when I switched to this workout my time in the gym was decreased yet gains shot through the roof.


It's all about the squats.


Did that for a while. High weight low rep. Gets you pretty fucking massive.


But now Ive switched to high rep with the same weight. You lose mass, but I need to because now Im playing football.


Thats how they do it here.

-Get massive as fuck

-Lose a portion of it to make way for speed.

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anyone do pullups? im about to drive off to buy a pullup bar....heard those work practically all the muscles in your upper body.



ive been doing pushups too, in addition to a 30-40 min bike everyday...hopin the pullup bar helps

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Yeah I have a pull-up bar. Good purchase.Works your arms and your back pretty well. Tough at first but if you keep at it then it'll work your back real nice.


Was supposed to go for a run today but it was just wayyy tooo coold. Did a 30 minute spin yesterday, going for a run tomorrow as well as some pushups.

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anyone do pullups? im about to drive off to buy a pullup bar....heard those work practically all the muscles in your upper body.



ive been doing pushups too, in addition to a 30-40 min bike everyday...hopin the pullup bar helps



I love chin ups. No kidding, they become addictive. As long as you do them properly, theyre awesome.

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You're better doing pull-ups for back work. Whilst chins do indeed work your back, your biceps play quite a large role in the lift when you grasp the bar with your palms facing towards you.

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Try doing deadlifts and dumbbell/bar rows.


Ran 2.8 km in 14 minutes after going to the sugar shack. Almost threw up hence the short distance. Stomach killed me. Even after 4 hours of eating I was still full haha.

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morning cardio pre breakfast supposedly burns more body fat cause you are at your lowest insulin levels when you wake up. No glucose in the blood to burn for fuel. So your body uses fat for energy

i wish i could do this. generally people don't understand how difficult losing weight is for diabetics.

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Monday - Chest/Back/Bicep - 3 different exercises with 20 reps/3 sets

Wednesday - Tricep/Legs/Shoulders - 3 different exercises with 20 reps/3 sets

Friday/Saturday - Abs/Dorsal/Bicep - 3 different exercises with 20 reps/3 sets


If I have enough time, I do 1 hour of cardio before each weight lifting session, if not I'll do 30 min.

After over a year of keeping this up, I've learned that stretching is very key to a solid workout, so I do about 20-30 min of stretching before cardio and weightlifting. Stretching also keeps up your muscle retention, so if you take a week off you don't go back to looking like flabby duck.

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I'm vegetarian and I ride my bike ~10 miles a day [unless I don't feel well or it's raining]. I normally eat around 1400-1500 calories a day because I don't really get more hungry than that. Of course, if I go drinking, it's more than that. I try to limit the fatty foods, like cheese. If possible, I try to make perfect proteins [brown rice and black beans, lentils and whole wheat, etc]. I always try to eat something before exercising, and wait long enough for my body to utilize that energy.


I'm going to buy a weight set soon, so I can get some upper body strength. Most of my muscle is in my legs, and I want to get my upper body just as toned.

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Guest Carlo1Brito



Why is this? Excuse my ignorance, I've always done it the other way round. Am I breaking an unknown fundemental rule?


Same here.

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Im fairly sure its due to the nature of the work out. Im only basing this on my on logical basis for muscles;


But running, cycling and other cardio is about duration, not always but still. If youre running for 20 minutes, your leg muscles are loose after.


Weights is more about the fast twitch muscles, you need them to be tighter to get tension out of them. Id explain what I mean better if I wasnt hammered

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Monday - Chest/Back/Bicep - 3 different exercises with 20 reps/3 sets

Wednesday - Tricep/Legs/Shoulders - 3 different exercises with 20 reps/3 sets

Friday/Saturday - Abs/Dorsal/Bicep - 3 different exercises with 20 reps/3 sets


If I have enough time, I do 1 hour of cardio before each weight lifting session, if not I'll do 30 min.

After over a year of keeping this up, I've learned that stretching is very key to a solid workout, so I do about 20-30 min of stretching before cardio and weightlifting. Stretching also keeps up your muscle retention, so if you take a week off you don't go back to looking like flabby duck.


You should do cardio after weightlifting. Also don't stretch before lifting. Stretch after though.

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