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Bleep download issues

Guest bitroast

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Guest bitroast

is there something wrong with my internet or what's going on??

i can download from just about every file hosting site, boomkat, itunes, etc.

but i try and download a file from bleep and it times out within minutes.


anyone else experience similar issues, or is it just me?????

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is there something wrong with my internet or what's going on??

i can download from just about every file hosting site, boomkat, itunes, etc.

but i try and download a file from bleep and it times out within minutes.


anyone else experience similar issues, or is it just me?????


Yes, ALL THE FUCKING TIME. WAV files? forget it. It took me literally days to be able to download an 85mb album (in mp3), after conceding that I'll never be able to download the .wav version.


never again


edit: Australia

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I've always had problems with Bleep.

Downloaded Battles' EP C/B EP when it came out, didn't get 3 of the tracks.

Downloaded something or rather a month ago, and I didn't get it. I just let it go, since it was only 2 dollars.


But yea, get your shit together, Bleep.

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I've noticed that they guys with the problems are in the southern hemisphere - probably due to the earth's magnetic polarity swapping floating point data in the bitstream. Just change the default byte order marker in your OS to big-endian (if you haven't already) and make sure your router is listening for connections on ports 5700 and above.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Gary C

Has anyone ever managed to cancel a pre-order from Bleep? I've e-mailed them twice in a week and haven't received a reply. I mean, wtf, right? That's just rude.


I accidentally ordered two copies of Grizzly Bear's new album, about 3 months apart. I forgot I'd already ordered it. I could just take them both and sell one on, but I can't be arsed. I'd rather get my money back straight-away.

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Guest Gary C

Yeah, they charged my Paypal instantly. I feel cheated.


It also fucking blows that the initial pre-order was £22.69 and 60 days later it's £20.69.

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Guest Gary C

Turns out the phone number on their policy agreement is no longer in service.


Fourth e-mail, through another contact system. wtf, Bleep. What a shithouse.

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Guest Gary C

Whinging on Twitter got their attention.


Edit: Ugh, but they've refunded me the cheaper one. Motherfuckers. Whatever. I won't be going back.

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Guest Ron Manager

Never had a problem with downloads, generally found them to be good all the way back to Warpmart days. About a year ago, I ordered one of the Bleep Manhattan Portage record bags, and it never turned up (first time Royal Mail have ever lost any package to/from me). They couldn't send another as they'd sold out, so they gave me a full refund, which was very good of them.

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Whinging on Twitter got their attention.


Edit: Ugh, but they've refunded me the cheaper one. Motherfuckers. Whatever. I won't be going back.


Now you've toppled Bleep, you only have Gary Lineker to take down.

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Yeah i also had that problem once were it took like 8hours to download the wav's i couldn't even get it on mp3

after a few days it was back to normal though, still sucks when you purchased an album and can't listen to it, else i'm pretty happy with bleep

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