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Modern American Weather

vamos scorcho

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Massively terrifying storms driving through OH last night. Miles of visibility every time lightening struck. When there was no lightning nothing could be seen. The highway was flooding.


I was praying for my life the whole way back.

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Why are american houses made from timber if they're prone to tornadoes. I dont think theres any urban irish houses made from timber.


Err, unless you live in a massive apt. building, it doesn't really matter what your house is made of. A tornado can still throw it into the next county.

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  • 2 weeks later...

mad #s of trees falling down in my land


retard people wandering the upper villa. had to shout at the top of my lungs to get them downstairs. i hate people who don't take the weather cersious. because when i am the one who is mad they think that they are right.



tonight was a revelation when the storm fucked everything up hardcore. now everyone knows that when i am mad i am the one who is right.

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Guest Sprigg

Apparently a massive fucking tornado annihilated the town of Joplin a few hours away from here (Kansas City). Like 3/4 of the town is just debris.

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You've really gotta change the building code for houses in tornado alley.


Not only does the timber framing splinter, but it then gets picked up and thrown around like missiles, impaling anything and everything around it.

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LOL building code. Same reason why people build wooden houses on stilts on the beach here: no one seems to care or think that anything will happen to them. If I lived in tornado alley I'd have a low concrete house with a nice storm cellar with very strong and secure doors.

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exactly concrete with double glazed small windows. Or at least steel framed normal houses. I'm sure we'd be happy to sell your country some steel. ;-]

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if an asteroid hit the same towns every year, I wouldnt live there. if a sea monster crawled out of the ocean and terrorized the same areas every year, I wouldn't live there. if the rapture happened every year in the same area, I wouldn't live there. and if tornados hit the same area every year, well I wouldn't fucking live there either.

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Guest Sprigg

LOL building code. Same reason why people build wooden houses on stilts on the beach here: no one seems to care or think that anything will happen to them. If I lived in tornado alley I'd have a low concrete house with a nice storm cellar with very strong and secure doors.


A friend of mine lives in an in-ground home that I'm pretty sure is safe in a tornado- the back wall is exposed but the rest of the house is built into a hill. Pretty sweet, but they have really bad mold problems. I, on the other hand, live in a shitty suburb miles away from anything... but the tornado in my neighborhood a few years back spared my side of the street, so all is well. :cisfor:

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Guest hahathhat

Apparently a massive fucking tornado annihilated the town of Joplin a few hours away from here (Kansas City). Like 3/4 of the town is just debris.


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RE: Joplin. i was watching the tuesday NBC news bulletin, and they were showing debris and pointing out that the brick and concrete structures had survived. Sure the windows had blown in but that's a design issue.


Made me feel warm inside.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Franklin

just popped in to say that I really love the thread title... has a great ring to it


modern american weather


love it

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  • 1 month later...

i was at the shore this weekend and was out in the sun for 1.5 hours with no protection and I am crispy as fuck. my shins and feet are burned to all hell. the sun seemed so much stronger than years past.

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