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Kakapo banned

Guest Iain C

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Guest Mirezzi

It's weak sauce...if it had been posted by Fred McGriff, Joyrex would have publicly fellated him...but since Joyrex's sack is empty, he decides to ban again. zzzz

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Guest Space Coyote

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It was a clean kill, double tap, no PMs or warnings, no due process, it’s the American way, I was on 0% warn…


I saw his account at christmas and he was indeed on 0% warn somehow, so unless he racked up the warnings in the last six months he's telling the truth.


Disappointing if true.


So, are warns still in effect or in light of the recent bannings and discussion about it - have we now all been warned?

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Guest disparaissant

i think it's safe to say jr's puttin the ban in general banter get it get it

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It's weak sauce...if it had been posted by Fred McGriff, Joyrex would have publicly fellated him...but since Joyrex's sack is empty, he decides to ban again. zzzz


I'm tired of being nice - fuck you and the horse you rode in on.


Once again, you all assumed that someone was banned over a seemingly insignificant act, without stopping to realize and think (I know that's a stretch for some of you), "could so-and-so have done other things to finally be banned?"


Also, just to clarify things, you do not need to be warned AT ALL to be banned - if the infraction is serious enough (as in this case, it was, coupled with kakapo's long history of insubordination and open disrespect for me and the rules of this forum), you can be banned. I try and be as patient and forgiving as possible, and give people the benefit of the doubt or a second (or more) chance to fly right, but what ended up getting kakapo banned versus just a warning was serious enough to warrant his immediate expulsion. Due to the nature of what he was doing, I'm not going to go into details, but I guess a generic way of describing it was circumventing the forum's security features, and we'll leave it at that.

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what rules? you keep changing them.


They changed last when I posted the major change in forum policy announcement, early last month. Before that, it was probably a year or more since they last changed, and probably even longer before that.


Your point is?

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Guest Funktion

my point is i dont mind you banning people capriciously as long as you do it openly. banning people under the guise that it somehow benfits the forum (when in fact it's just because you don't like them) means there is one less person to contribute and donate to this site and every time someone is banned this site gets a little bit shittier.

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Guest hahathhat

i think it's terrible that kakapo is banned. it's getting hard to keep up. maybe joyrex could be a dear and send out a weekly circular, stating who got banned that week and why?


i think weve all figured it out by this point. watmm is simply a music advertising forum, organized and funded by the few successful electronic music labels who network together to promote top artists onto this site to make money. the idea is to have new and upcoming artists, appear underground, yet successful, in a pitchfork kind of way. joyrex probably sold out years ago, and the username "joyrex" and its moderator account is probably a multiuser account used by record executive teams, as to manipulate the site and its users to promote music from artificially popularized and overrated artists, while hiding behind the identity of

being the hottest electronic music social media site online. several moderators and popular users on this site are actually just fake accounts owned by these moderator teams




put that in your signature :emotawesomepm9:


and smoke it?

but first,

bury it in the back yard,

and sample it.

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my point is i dont mind you banning people capriciously as long as you do it openly. banning people under the guise that it somehow benfits the forum (when in fact it's just because you don't like them) means there is one less person to contribute and donate to this site and every time someone is banned this site gets a little bit shittier.


What, do you want some sort of 'public execution' of sorts where the accused crimes are posted for all to see? I think that would make more of a spectacle of it than just banning them, and if anyone asked (amazed how many people seem to still want to make a thread about it rather than just PM me - but that's another debate altogether), provide them with a one-on-one answer.


"Every time someone is banned this site gets a little bit shitter" - yes, because the halcyon days of Theocide and Lion are just fondly remembered...

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Guest hahathhat

jesus fuck, dude. give him a time out or something, not a ban. let him back in after a month

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I will say that kakapo seemed obsessed with the ltm forum, it seemed like he couldn't let go of that, which was unfortunate. On the other hand, there seems to be an element of self-fulfilling prophecy or however you want to put it in this, in the sense that people get more and more polarized and dug in and then the inevitable happens...would be nice to figure out how to defuse things...people like overlook, messiaen, azatoth are not troublemakers by nature. When the rank and file start to get upset, you know something is out of balance. I would say "let's all take a chill pill" except it's bothered me too...If I can offer a suggestion, I do wish JR would "preview" some of his decisions ahead of time, it would help them seem less knee-jerk and also give the impression he was receptive to community input/thoughts...for example, instead of discovering that someone was just "disappeared" from the community, have JR start a thread about why he felt it necessary to ban someone...explaining your perspective early on would help people understand things and be a sign of respect to the community etc. Almost every decision I've heard about has been very abrupt and only explained grudgingly after the fact...surely you must understand why people would be upset to have one of their online friends disappear...

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Guest Rambo

I believe a good reason why JR wouldn't want to discuss these decisions before hand is that he already knows the majority will disagree with him.

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i think it's safe to say jr's puttin the ban in general banter get it get it


I don't follow.



OH WAIT! Wait. Hmm... no, I still don't... uh.


JR, does this mean we can't discuss all the twatish, insensitive, offensive, silly humor RDJ puts into his tracks to make him come across as a giant 12 year old? Can I still post picks of Autechre picking their noses?



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Guest Coalbucket PI

I believe a good reason why JR wouldn't want to discuss these decisions before hand is that he already knows the majority will disagree with him.

Similarly why we are told to PM about this rather than discuss it out in the open, and why there are hidden crimes that we aren't to know about that only admin can see

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Guest Rambo

It's no-ones fault but i think there is a discordance between Joyrex and the general population of the site that has grown over time. This is what is causing all the problems.

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