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Guest underscore

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i really want to like this show, but i've watched a couple episodes high and sober and not laughed once. Maybe my sense of humor is dying

me too... i dunno, i keep watching parks, office, idiot abroad and this show fails to deliver the same amount of lols...


i would try to make a convincing case you just have low brow taste in comedy (parks/american office), but i won't spend the effort. If you've already said you also dig 30 rock, my case has already been made for me, thank you.

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fuck the haters man, i found parks and rec, and the first few seasons of american office a joy to watch. sometimes i just like some stupid lighthearted shit to keep me happy.

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i really want to like this show, but i've watched a couple episodes high and sober and not laughed once. Maybe my sense of humor is dying

me too... i dunno, i keep watching parks, office, idiot abroad and this show fails to deliver the same amount of lols...


i would try to make a convincing case you just have low brow taste in comedy (parks/american office), but i won't spend the effort. If you've already said you also dig 30 rock, my case has already been made for me, thank you.


haha lol so douchey but i agree

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I think it's Adam, the short guy that really makes this show elicit multiple LOLs.


It can be hit and miss, but it's like 90% hit. I'll keep watching it

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i really want to like this show, but i've watched a couple episodes high and sober and not laughed once. Maybe my sense of humor is dying

me too... i dunno, i keep watching parks, office, idiot abroad and this show fails to deliver the same amount of lols...


i would try to make a convincing case you just have low brow taste in comedy (parks/american office), but i won't spend the effort. If you've already said you also dig 30 rock, my case has already been made for me, thank you.

so instead you decided to prove the entire watmm how much of a snob anal cunt you're trying (hard and failing) to be??? :trollface:


get your shit together sweetie, i never said i like 30 rock... i've never seen it... but i heard it's not that bad at all.

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just got hip to this show about a week ago, my best friend begged that i checked this show out, shit is non stop hilarity, it's about time a show this awesome exists, i super totes loved the episode where Adam meets that MILF and he dresses like a douche and attempts to fight Ders but can't because they get Boners, shit is comedic Genius <3!


shit is mad tight butthole

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i really want to like this show, but i've watched a couple episodes high and sober and not laughed once. Maybe my sense of humor is dying

me too... i dunno, i keep watching parks, office, idiot abroad and this show fails to deliver the same amount of lols...


i would try to make a convincing case you just have low brow taste in comedy (parks/american office), but i won't spend the effort. If you've already said you also dig 30 rock, my case has already been made for me, thank you.

so instead you decided to prove the entire watmm how much of a snob anal cunt you're trying (hard and failing) to be??? :trollface:


get your shit together sweetie, i never said i like 30 rock... i've never seen it... but i heard it's not that bad at all.


hey i'm not the one with bad taste in comedy. live with that

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Guest zaphod



workaholics isn't really a shining example of american comedy is it? or have standards fallen that low? or do i have no taste at all? because this shit is just annoying. the kids in it are irritating and smug and try too hard. for what it's worth i don't find 30 rock or the american office funny either.

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i gave the first 5 episodes a check out on this threads reccomendation, hate it. hate all three of them passionetely.

maybe it's more of an american cultural generation thingy? I like this show as it's really the first time pop cultural references have been directed more at the bottom half of gen y, people in their early to mid 20s who watched nick GAS and Double Dare. That's really what I find most amusing, and I don't know if that's interesting and/or funny to someone from scotland?

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Haha, just posted from the Workaholics Facebook page:



Any of you super-homies know what today is? It was 13 years ago today that Catherine Zeta-Jones first dipped beneath lasers. Pay your respects.


Along with an audio/video remix of the original Catherine Zeta Jones song lol




(Don't know how to embed this, sorry)

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workaholics isn't really a shining example of american comedy is it? or have standards fallen that low?


thought it was low standards due to it being slipped in with south park, but now i just assume it's still popular because people who don't have jobs connect with characters that make working a full time job look like a waste of time, and what really matters is hanging out with your friends and collectively being assholes to other people.

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Guest Franklin

this show is watchable but almost rarely funny. The times it is funny though it's lol-funny. I'm watching it because I'm bored basically.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Episodes 2 & 3 leaked!


Workaholics is classic as fuck at times, really funny but most of the time it's just mildly goofy. Totally worth watching though.


"Instead of god something more realistic like a dragon "


"The stuff Carl gives us has stems in it, how do we even know this comes from a plant? It's got purple stuff growing on it"

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