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For those of you who haven't seen this yet do yourself a favor and watch them announce their exclusive partnership with AT&T @ 1:50.


Best. Reaction. Ever.

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Haha. I saw those guys demoing Kinect. What site are they from? I want to follow that shit.




Best gaming site ever. Their Quicklooks of new games tell you so much more than your average review because they say whatever they feel like, and their Podcast/Bombcast is fucking brilliant as well.

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BioShock ftw.


Fuck me that looks amazing


it really does. all in-game footage too. extremely stoked for this game.


Aye, maybe in 4 years I'll have the equipment to run it :/

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dude. decent midrange GPUs have never been cheaper. no excuses!

well, i can't install one on my lappy. I need a new desktop. My lappy is great in all respects except for the GPU, which is sub par for the rest of the specs. 4 years was an exaggeration though. Once I get a job that is more constant than what I'm doing now, it should only be a few months or so. Maybe by the end of the year.


Is there any way to buy an add on to improve the GPU on a laptop with an intel integrated gfx card?

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it very much depends on individual specs/free slots/physical space available in your machine. this is a nice article, if a little outdated: http://www.pcworld.com/article/148909/upgrading_your_laptops_graphics_card.html


my desktop came with integrated ATI gfx and when i installed my radeon HD5770, it simply took precedence over the integrated chipset automatically.

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it very much depends on individual specs/free slots/physical space available in your machine. this is a nice article, if a little outdated: http://www.pcworld.com/article/148909/upgrading_your_laptops_graphics_card.html


my desktop came with integrated ATI gfx and when i installed my radeon HD5770, it simply took precedence over the integrated chipset automatically.



hmm, looks tricky. imma have to see if this particular asus can even accept a new card right?


sorry to hijack the thread....

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damn, i must admit this is disappointing and makes me re-think my enthusiasm for the pc version.


watching the g4 video i had a mixed reaction. i think the stat system looks dumb. a chain of perks? in space?


i dont know, i still have high hopes for it. at first i was kind of annoyed by oblivion's focus on combat and the console-based menu system. but after playing for a while, i found it hard to go back to morrowind because the combat was so much less engaging, and travel was so much more time consuming.


i still think morrowind was the stylistic peak of the series though. skyrim looks beautiful but the art and architecture still doesn't match the exotic beauty of morrowind. when i first played that game, i had never seen anything like the shell buildings of ald-ruhn or the mushroom cities of the telvanni. but dragons and nordic castles we have all seen many times before.


at the very least i think skyrim will be extremely fun to play and look at, and i guess thats what really counts.

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Guest AcrossCanyons

I never understand why hurr durr pc master race are so confused as to why they always get the shit deal when all they do is pirate everything...

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I never understand why hurr durr pc master race are so confused as to why they always get the shit deal when all they do is pirate everything...


And I was just about to say that I can never understand people who are confused as to why developers focus on the consoles instead of PCs. Let's take a bestseller like Call of Duty: Black Ops as an example. It has sold around 23 million copies on the consoles whereas it has only sold around 1.2 million copies for the PC. Valve never tells how many copies are sold through Steam but it's safe to assume that it's not something that'll skyrocket the PC sales number that much more. So only 5% of Call of Duty: Black Ops games sold were for PC.


Consoles = Profit!

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Guest Ultravisitor

i still think morrowind was the stylistic peak of the series though. skyrim looks beautiful but the art and architecture still doesn't match the exotic beauty of morrowind. when i first played that game, i had never seen anything like the shell buildings of ald-ruhn or the mushroom cities of the telvanni. but dragons and nordic castles we have all seen many times before.


at the very least i think skyrim will be extremely fun to play and look at, and i guess thats what really counts.

It might variate though. We didn't really see much.

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I never understand why hurr durr pc master race are so confused as to why they always get the shit deal when all they do is pirate everything...

you are a confused person.

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damn, i must admit this is disappointing and makes me re-think my enthusiasm for the pc version.


watching the g4 video i had a mixed reaction. i think the stat system looks dumb. a chain of perks? in space?




Yeah, if i see the graphics on a top-spec PC, maybe i'll be less frightened.




Yeah, ffxiii skills tree. heh.

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Guest AcrossCanyons

I never understand why hurr durr pc master race are so confused as to why they always get the shit deal when all they do is pirate everything...

you are a confused person.

Why do you say that?

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