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do you work out?


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Had my first workout today (2 miles of biking). At times i thought i was going to die but i felt great afterwards.


awesome man!! i really wish I still had a bike. we have a new trail in our town..maybe ill save up...but its sweltering outside anyway.


I completely stumbled onto another means of motivation, photographs! Yes its narcissistic, but then again physical fitness is inherently narcissistic right? Every week now I take a pic of my upper body and compare it to the one next week and notice the improvements. Its amazing how well your body changes and adapts to the routines.


At this point Im starting to get pretty cut, so Im going for some bulking exercises (heavier weights, less reps, right?). I have always had incredibly small arms, especially for my size and broad shoulders, so its nice to see at least the upper half get a little thicker. Will do great for lifting boxes as well ;p


And man I cannot say enough awesome things about treadmill incline. The cardio has my energy levels through the roof (i basically do a fast powerwalk and slowjog up and down mountainsides/hills), and I now have horse legs. Gimme a cart to pull behind me.


The one annoying part about this is Ive noticed that ive lost fat just about everywhere except for my lower belly, and that shit just looks plain weird when everything else is sculpting up. it also feels weird...like I have more of a pooch than when I was drinking all the time and out of shape! Ill stay off the beer and just hope that the pooch will start to shrink over time.


But yeah, Ima keep posting in this thread to keep motivated and hopefully motivate others!! feels great!

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Guest Rabid

I had a great workout this morning. The entire time I was fueled by rage (a former friend of mine had betrayed me) and managed to lift the heaviest I ever have.


Also, I've been doing a lot of jumping rope lately, without the jump rope. It's a really efficient way to get exercise, for instance you can do it in the shower, although I do it afterwards since it dries me off.


Had my first workout today (2 miles of biking). At times i thought i was going to die but i felt great afterwards.

I completely stumbled onto another means of motivation, photographs! Yes its narcissistic, but then again physical fitness is inherently narcissistic right? Every week now I take a pic of my upper body and compare it to the one next week and notice the improvements. Its amazing how well your body changes and adapts to the routines.


Taking photographs is a great way to motivate yourself! I disagree about it, and fitness in general, being narcissistic though. Taking up a healthy lifestyle is an intelligent decision.


At this point Im starting to get pretty cut, so Im going for some bulking exercises (heavier weights, less reps, right?).




The one annoying part about this is Ive noticed that ive lost fat just about everywhere except for my lower belly, and that shit just looks plain weird when everything else is sculpting up. it also feels weird...like I have more of a pooch than when I was drinking all the time and out of shape! Ill stay off the beer and just hope that the pooch will start to shrink over time.


But yeah, Ima keep posting in this thread to keep motivated and hopefully motivate others!! feels great!


I have the same thing - all my fat is in my stomach area. :/ It's definitely genetics, because my father has a pot belly as well. Great to see you're motivated!


Anyway, I'm off for a run soon! :D

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Guest underscore

The one annoying part about this is Ive noticed that ive lost fat just about everywhere except for my lower belly, and that shit just looks plain weird when everything else is sculpting up.


I have the same thing - all my fat is in my stomach area. :/ It's definitely genetics, because my father has a pot belly as well. Great to see you're motivated!


this is called being a dude. males tend to store fat in the abdominals, and females tend to store fat on their hips and thighs. generally, as a guy, your belly is going to be the last place you'll see fat dissappear (and for most people it is only really going to disappear with consistent exercise and more importantly a "clean" diet.)

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The one annoying part about this is Ive noticed that ive lost fat just about everywhere except for my lower belly, and that shit just looks plain weird when everything else is sculpting up.


I have the same thing - all my fat is in my stomach area. :/ It's definitely genetics, because my father has a pot belly as well. Great to see you're motivated!


this is called being a dude. males tend to store fat in the abdominals, and females tend to store fat on their hips and thighs. generally, as a guy, your belly is going to be the last place you'll see fat dissappear (and for most people it is only really going to disappear with consistent exercise and more importantly a "clean" diet.)


didnt know this - all i knew was that you basically have to have no bodyfat to have well defined abs.


well shit might as well throw a towel in

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I started the stronglifts 5x5 routine recently. I was lifting and doing cardio before, but I wanted to get myself on a strictly monitored routine that charts progress. I can already tell it's going to work like a motherfucker. I can't wait to see what I'll be like in a month, two, three months.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Yeah I'll never eat clean enough for my abs to show, but I still do ab work 6 days a week.

all i knew was that you basically have to have no bodyfat to have well defined abs.


Once you get to 10% and below body fat is when you're able to see the abdominals clearly.


I suggest doing intermittent fasting and eating Paleo, it sure makes a lot of sense and works for me.

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The one annoying part about this is Ive noticed that ive lost fat just about everywhere except for my lower belly, and that shit just looks plain weird when everything else is sculpting up.


I have the same thing - all my fat is in my stomach area. :/ It's definitely genetics, because my father has a pot belly as well. Great to see you're motivated!


this is called being a dude. males tend to store fat in the abdominals, and females tend to store fat on their hips and thighs. generally, as a guy, your belly is going to be the last place you'll see fat dissappear (and for most people it is only really going to disappear with consistent exercise and more importantly a "clean" diet.)

i'm pretty sure it's stomach first for all sexes of animals. at least, i know two lanky polish girls who were stressing about their supposedly big bellies. pulling their shirts over and stroking their stomachs.. they seem to be lacking in the hip/thigh area (differing genetics innit).



fuck brb

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Guest od++

Yeah but only like

a little bit

I mostly just do the thing where you have a nightmare and sit up and scream over and over


oh and I can do like a bunch of pushups

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I do weight lifting 3 times a week and HIIT twice a week.


I went from 170 to 184, obviously some is fat but I've gained quite a bit of muscle (6 feet tall).. the HIIT are just started doing and it is great.

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goddamn man...even ten pounds of muscle is a ridiculous increase. my guess is you are a fairly skinny guy? or were before the routine?


i need to follow your plan. ive always had a really big frame (6'3" really broad shoulders) but save for high school athletics never bothered to tune it up. the muscle gain process is very slow going.



on the stomach thing: well fuck it then, i love me too much ice cream and bacon related consumables to get below 10% fat.

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Guest underscore

my car broke down last month, so now instead of spending extra money on burgers/soda/heroin/cannabis I am saving for a bicycle to ride this summer as my primary mode of transport (and I am also still buying weed.)


in the meantime a co-worker is letting me borrow a mountain bike of his. it's a Trek that is four years older than I. he calls it a "pig", but I don't mind it. i live only a little over a mile from work and I really started to enjoy cycling on it the day I road it home.


since then I've been using endomondo to track many of my rides. I'd recommend it for any cyclists or joggers looking for a good free android app to track their rides/runs.


i had a really nice ride today (for me.) i did 15.5 miles with some nasty hills to climb, and some really fun ones to bomb, in an hour and six minutes. the lesson I learned today is I really need to buy some proper cycling shorts for any ride 15 miles or up. chafing can be fucking brutal!

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Having fibro myalgia makes working out a bit tough at times. But my friend just moved and has nowhere to put his workout bench. So I'm taking it off his hands and putting it in my appartment. So I should start working out a lot more once I get it. I just have to stick to a routine I guess. This should build my stamina as well. Currently I have next to no stamina due to the amount of pain I'm constantly in. But I'm determined and convinced that working out will help a lot.


So, my current weight: 209 pounds.


I'll post my progress every so often.

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damn man...good luck with it!! use the setback as further motivation....like...fuck you fibro im gettin swole, ya fuckin dick disease ya


but in all seriousness I hope it goes well..and be sure not to overexert yourself!

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Guest od++

Haha I drink pretty much every day and mine is pretty good, but I do a few situps. Like seventy or so every couple days.


I love me some drinking

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Just started getting back into running and biking a bit. Also playing some tennis with the girlfriend for some fun exercise that doesn't really seem like exercise. I got some weight to lose so hopefully the exercise and my trying to eat healthy diet will get me there

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it's weird for me cause I actually struggle to gain weight, I'm 6'5" and 185 lbs (almost 2 meters and 84 kgs). I eat all day and I still won't gain weight. The working out is making my metabolism impossible to keep up with... it's gonna be hard to get big if I can't gain weight

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My first week biking and holy shit! i can already see a difference. The energy levels are increasing and its interacting well with adderall (feel adderall is working for the first time since i began treatment and i'm just taking half my dose!). I go to sleep every night happy knowing that in the morning i will ride my bike, its awesome.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

i do not have a gym membership anymore so these days I try and play tennis twice a week and ride my bike to the pool, although that hasn't been going well so far. I was just getting back into a gym routine as well so the timing was bad but I don't really want to go to a gym in hollywood

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My first week biking and holy shit! i can already see a difference. The energy levels are increasing and its interacting well with adderall (feel adderall is working for the first time since i began treatment and i'm just taking half my dose!). I go to sleep every night happy knowing that in the morning i will ride my bike, its awesome.


Happy for you that the adderall is working. Bike riding is great, great release of endorphins, muscle building/cardio, sunshine, chicks in tight biking shorts, etc. I need to get my bike back out!



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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

if you're out on your bike - don't be put off wearing a helmet by all the cool kids not wearing their helmets. fuck those assholes.

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