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I found this jar of posh onion pickle in the cupboard the other day. It was probably in a christmas hamper or something like that. So I cracked it open with some corned beef in a sandwich. It was delicious.


I bet a toasted corned beef and cheese sandwich with this onion pickle would be mindblowing.


If you all lived in my village I would invite you all round for lunch!! Speaking of which.....

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Smashed fucking skull and splintered jawbone with your fucking brain squeezed all over the top!!! While fucking a goat to death via the anal tract with a fucking felling axe. On toast.

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Guest hahathhat

potato chips and ham sandwich. put the chips inside the sandwich, put the top slice of bread on, press down and cruuuunch to make chips meld. i thought i was alone doing this until someone did it on oprah's tv show or some shit. i hate oprah for popping my sandwich originality bubble

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  • 8 months later...

raw jalapenos, cream cheese ( fat free, flavored, who gives a fuck) and salsa


ooh yea. I made cream cheese and jalapeño burgers last summer and they were fantastic. thanks for reminding me.

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i thought we had this thread already, but i can't find it. anyway...


i had some greek yogurt left over, and decided to dump it on my spinach pasta + sauce.. damn good. it's like sour cream, but better.


greek yogurt is my new favorite food.


Your thread reminded me of this:


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