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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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They must be burning bush off here (light they do every winter) or some faggot thinks that 11*C is cold and has fired up his chimney. Cause my allergies are going berko over here.

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Guest disparaissant

no, really. that's fucked.

if you're getting your word usage from south park you have the mentality of a 12 year old.

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-sie- .. i'm going to bed to suffer in gummed up misery. It must be nice to overreact over something that wasn't and isn't about you in a hateful bullying way to push someone down. And then blame the person that you are targetting for the whole epsode.

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oh good grief, it's a word we use here. Didn't you watch that episode of south park that explained use of that term to the PC crowd.


Not cool, man.



-sie- .. i'm going to bed. It must be nice to overreact over something that doesn't and isn't about you in a hateful bullying way to push someone down. And then blame the person that you are targetting for the whole epsode.


No offense but this is kinda why I was surprised when you were selected to be a mod.

Edited by LimpyLoo
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Made me think of this:



I personally don't care what words people use unless they are deliberately being hateful. I get why some people get offended, but it's the user's intention that matters most. Pretty sure delet doesn't hate gay people, he just likes the sound of that word.

Edited by Zephyr_Nova
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No offense but this is kinda why I was surprised when you were selected to be a mod.



So you were around then?



I thought it happened like 10-12 months ago. Sounds like I'm mistaken.

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I personally don't care what words people use unless they are deliberately being hateful. I get why some people get offended, but it's the user's intention that matters most. Pretty sure delet doesn't hate gay people, he just likes the sound of that word.

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Made me think of this:



I personally don't care what words people use unless they are deliberately being hateful. I get why some people get offended, but it's the user's intention that matters most. Pretty sure delet doesn't hate gay people, he just likes the sound of that word.


Yeah I'm sure that Delet doesn't hate gay people. I don't think his using the word has anything to do with gay people.


But the problem is that the word is a trigger. There are gay people who got called faggot all through high-school and that word still carries the same impact.


But yeah those people should totally lighten up, right? :nelson:

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Well like I said, I understand why people get offended. But I think it's good to stop ascribing so much power to certain words so that they cease to carry so much impact.


I think the whole point is that the words carry the impact regardless.

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I agree that it's a common disparaging term for anyone. Unfortunately it's also associated with hatred and abuse of homosexual people. That makes it an awful thing to perpetuate. Take some responsibility.


Edit: I should add that I find that Louis CK bit very funny. I wish it could mean that universally, but it doesn't. Very easy to just say "asshole" or any of the fantastic options afforded by the English language.

Edited by A/D
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I got called faggot pretty often when I still lived in the midwest (not gay, just not too manly). I don't let it get to me, even though it is distasteful. fwiw I think people are more uptight about language on the internet because it's often times all we have to go by to judge another's character, so it gains extra power in communication as all the body language and personal background is just imagined.


but delet's comment was about someone being a sissy with the thermostat. I would like to suggest that being offended by the word faggot on the internet is a FWP, so at least the last few posts are on topic.

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The n word and the word faggot are not equated.... Two very different histories. Can you think of a situation where the N word would not be offensive? Unless you were an African American, people who use the N word specifically to take the power away from it?


Faggot is not an exclusively offensive word. "Nigger", is.


Like... explicitly offensive racial slurs are not the same as ambiguously/potentially offensive word...


I'm not advocating to use the word "faggot" everywhere though. Don't get me wrong!~


I think the real difference between the two words is in their potency. Regardless, they were both designed and used for the same purpose.


If we acknowledge that the n-word is not kosher to toss around, then we should at least consider that 'faggot' might have a qualitatively-similar impact that happens independent of oversensitivity or political correctness.

Edited by LimpyLoo
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The n word and the word faggot are not equated.... Two very different histories. Can you think of a situation where the N word would not be offensive? Unless you were an African American, people who use the N word specifically to take the power away from it?


Faggot is not an exclusively offensive word. "Nigger", is.


Like... explicitly offensive racial slurs are not the same as ambiguously/potentially offensive word...


I'm not advocating to use the word "faggot" everywhere though. Don't get me wrong!~


I think the real difference between the two words is in their potency. Regardless, they were both designed and used for the same purpose.


If we acknowledge that the n-word is not kosher to toss around, then we should at least consider that 'faggot' might have a qualitatively-similar impact that happens independent of oversensitivity or political correctness.



I think it boils down to knowing your audience and being sensitive that it might offend some people and not others.

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FWP: the homeless guy that stands next to the coffee shop across from my apartment that I go to everyday--whom I give a dollar to everytime I see him--has started giving me very dirty looks.


I don't know why. My guess is that I must've inadvertently slighted his dignity.

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