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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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My phone (iphone5) decided to withhold an incoming text message from a cute girl for two days, only delivering it when I just happened to reset it this morning. On the plus side, maybe it's helped to make me seem like some kind of cool busy guy who takes forever to reply, but on the fwp side I nearly went insane because thought she didn't reply :shrug:

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I know most of you know... that my dad has been in and out of emergency treatment for his diabetes. I think he might lose his foot tonight. And, he's very low on iron. My dad isn't going to make it guys..... And it's really fucking me up..... He's my only role model. I have nowhere else to turn..

I'm crying and I'm a fucking man. I don't know what else to do.......

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Let me preface this by saying I know I'll be a fucking mess when my parents go. But death is an essential, amazing part of life. We have no idea what happens after. He might get to fight laser dinosaurs in space, and how awesome would that be. It's the force that gives weight to your deepest decisions. It's the end of a cycle, but not of the world. It'll force you to be your own role model. It seems early, but the fact is, it's happening now and that's a normal, hard thing. You can honor your dad's life with a good effort in yours. And always remember, he would want you to be happy, not grieving.


No one gets out alive. We'll all turn into dust that will turn into something else. That's just the way it is. There's nothing wrong with crying. That's how you stay human.


Be good, dude. Sorry this blows so hard. It'll get better.

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I can't really add anything that A/D hasn't already, except that we're here for you, Stephen.

I may act like a retard most of the time here on WATMM, but that doesn't mean I'm blind to the hard times my fellow members go through, especially in your case. If I were physically in your vicinity I'd be willing to talk in person, but even if it's behind a computer monitor in a remote location, I'll send thoughts your way. Hang in there brother.

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Fucking paperwork.



Christ, in order to make my measly fellowship I have to fill out unending forms, all of which require calling someone to fill out another form, or to fix a discrepancy between forms due to clerical error. I really hope this ends soon and I get do actual work.


I mean I know I shouldn't complain; Im going to school for free (practically), but forms are the bane of my existence.

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Guest disparaissant

a.) my roommate, who is a childish dickhole, moved out of our apartment early without telling me, leaving me to clean the entire fucking thing or lose my deposit.

b.) i think i sprained my tailbone somehow?

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I know most of you know... that my dad has been in and out of emergency treatment for his diabetes. I think he might lose his foot tonight. And, he's very low on iron. My dad isn't going to make it guys..... And it's really fucking me up..... He's my only role model. I have nowhere else to turn..

I'm crying and I'm a fucking man. I don't know what else to do.......

hang in there my man

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my elliptical exercise machine broke just as i was losing weight... hoping my stepdad can help fix it. argh, i seem to break every exercise apparatus i use, i need something really strong like one from a gym or something

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