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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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that's a positive imo


that's the way I'm thinking too! But my wife is upset about it and doesn't want to move!!!


So I ran the numbers and even if she stays here (where I own two houses) and I rent an apartment in Taber, I'll still come out ahead about 20,000 a year. Also the position is designed for 5 promotions in 7 years, with a minimum 8% of my salary as an annual bonus....


So it's ALL positive, I guess. Except my wife is mad. =(

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I have to move out in two days and I have not locked down a new residence.


Damn, hope you find something quick or maybe a place that'll let you crash til you do lock something down.

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that's a positive imo


that's the way I'm thinking too! But my wife is upset about it and doesn't want to move!!!


So I ran the numbers and even if she stays here (where I own two houses) and I rent an apartment in Taber, I'll still come out ahead about 20,000 a year. Also the position is designed for 5 promotions in 7 years, with a minimum 8% of my salary as an annual bonus....


So it's ALL positive, I guess. Except my wife is mad. =(



For what do you need all that money and all those residences? Also, how are you functioning at such a high level while also being an alcoholic? I'm like sincerely curious.



I have to move out in two days and I have not locked down a new residence.


Damn, hope you find something quick or maybe a place that'll let you crash til you do lock something down.



Thanks m8 trying to get things sorted. Fingers crossed.

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that's a positive imo


that's the way I'm thinking too! But my wife is upset about it and doesn't want to move!!!


So I ran the numbers and even if she stays here (where I own two houses) and I rent an apartment in Taber, I'll still come out ahead about 20,000 a year. Also the position is designed for 5 promotions in 7 years, with a minimum 8% of my salary as an annual bonus....


So it's ALL positive, I guess. Except my wife is mad. =(



For what do you need all that money and all those residences? Also, how are you functioning at such a high level while also being an alcoholic? I'm like sincerely curious.



I have to move out in two days and I have not locked down a new residence.


Damn, hope you find something quick or maybe a place that'll let you crash til you do lock something down.



Thanks m8 trying to get things sorted. Fingers crossed.



That's what I am. A high functioning alcoholic. =(



sad panda

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that's a positive imo


that's the way I'm thinking too! But my wife is upset about it and doesn't want to move!!!


So I ran the numbers and even if she stays here (where I own two houses) and I rent an apartment in Taber, I'll still come out ahead about 20,000 a year. Also the position is designed for 5 promotions in 7 years, with a minimum 8% of my salary as an annual bonus....


So it's ALL positive, I guess. Except my wife is mad. =(



For what do you need all that money and all those residences? Also, how are you functioning at such a high level while also being an alcoholic? I'm like sincerely curious.



I have to move out in two days and I have not locked down a new residence.


Damn, hope you find something quick or maybe a place that'll let you crash til you do lock something down.



Thanks m8 trying to get things sorted. Fingers crossed.



That's what I am. A high functioning alcoholic. =(



sad panda



Well, fuck it man. Get that money. Get your retirement and get out of the game. Then you can kick your habit with no demands or real stress right?

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That's what I'm thinking! I'd love to retire early. REAL early. 45-50 years old early! lol


I'm working on kicking the habit before then though. I've been working on it the last few weeks anyways. Things have been going good in that regard, last week I only had maybe 30 beers (I was on vacation).


Would rather have a toke than get wasted lol.

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That's what I'm thinking! I'd love to retire early. REAL early. 45-50 years old early! lol


I'm working on kicking the habit before then though. I've been working on it the last few weeks anyways. Things have been going good in that regard, last week I only had maybe 30 beers (I was on vacation).


Would rather have a toke than get wasted lol.


Yeah, start smoking weed man. At least if you are a stoner you won't have near as many adverse health effects.

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besides mental health


Eh, any of the mental issues (if any arise) can be reversed by discontinuing use. Physically is has positive effects on the brain. Much better than liver failure, and diabeetus.

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is that 30 pints/big cans or small bottle/can??


small cans, 355ml.




besides mental health


Eh, any of the mental issues (if any arise) can be reversed by discontinuing use. Physically is has positive effects on the brain. Much better than liver failure, and diabeetus.



agreed. =)

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moderate use is fine but steve, you are an addict. i can't believe anyone would encourage you to smoke. there's a high chance you'll just be stuck with two bad habits to get over.

Edited by tauboo
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moderate use is fine but steve, you are an addict. i can't believe anyone would encourage you to smoke. there's a high chance you'll just be stuck with two bad habits to get over.


I do have an addictive personality, you're right. But I've found that I don't use weed or cigarettes habitually for some reason. I can smoke weed once on the weekend and then not again for weeks or months.


Honestly, I need to stay away from all substances you're right. But it might help to have something to fall back on as a tool to help with the alcohol, I'm not sure... =/

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Lol living in taber would suck for real.


My fwp: need to start saving money for upcoming trip to Japan. But income has been low this month and grad school starts next month.

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Lol living in taber would suck for real.


My fwp: need to start saving money for upcoming trip to Japan. But income has been low this month and grad school starts next month.


I know!


But it's enough money that even after renting an apartment out there I'd come out way ahead. And it's a tier 1 company (PepsiCo) and they want to fast track me into a sr position so it's kind of difficult to say no. I'm 24 so I don't think this level of opportunity will come around again...


But taber... really?


Well, to be fully honest they haven't put the full offer on the table yet. Fingers crossed....


Corn. =(

Edited by StephenG
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After I parked in front of a restaurant earlier today, I lifted my left arm to see how bad I was shaking from all the caffeine in my body. As I did so, some woman who happened to walk past flipped me off, mistakenly thinking I was waving at her.

She was rather unattractive anyway. But even if she looked like a supermodel, I wouldn't be waving unless I knew her.

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Secured a place to live. No worries.

Seems like this thread and the First World Successes thread are too easy to confuse with one another. But congratulations anyway.

I had challenges just to find a place to live three months ago, so I know the feeling.

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Secured a place to live. No worries.

Seems like this thread and the First World Successes thread are too easy to confuse with one another. But congratulations anyway.

I had challenges just to find a place to live three months ago, so I know the feeling.



No, I considered posting in the other thread, but I posted my issue first here, and was only posting this as an update to my situation.


Also, fuck a person that will flip you off for waving.


But to add another FWP. The movers will be here in 11 hours and I have only just started packing.

Edited by AdieuErsatzEnnui
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my wolf cat just bit another friggin cable to pieces, probably number 20 by now

this time it's a cable from my smart tv and now we have to use 3 remotes again ffffuuuuuuuuuuuu

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Can't decide whether to buy this tee off Bleep now it's 20% off. They diddled me with the wrong Fennesz order and I haven't managed to send it back so think it may be too late to now. I don't want to give them any more money but I would quite like the shirt.



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