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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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Pirated an ebook which won't sync between my Kindle and my PC Kindle application (at work) thus I have to keep skipping ahead to the correct chapter.

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I almost broke down in tears and threw a little 4-track against a wall today because every piece of recording gear I have is broken. I'm severely depressed about this.


but you've got a computer ;)

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I almost broke down in tears and threw a little 4-track against a wall today because every piece of recording gear I have is broken. I'm severely depressed about this.


but you've got a computer ;)



Yeah but it's absolute misery lugging a desktop back and forth, and obviously I can't setup my drums in my apartment. I'm trying to move away from my computer besides...


Wow, I can't believe how much this is affecting me. But I guess it kinda makes sense since I've basically devoted my life to music since I was 11...

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My loyal little Creative mp3 player that I've had for almost 10 years has finally died after providing the soundtrack to pretty much everything that has happened in my life ever. Goodnight, sweet prince. Also, I'm really considering buying the exact same model even though fuck-all websites sell them anymore because it served me so well.


Also, I'm apparently the only person in the world not watching Breaking Bad.


I know those feels, meng. I also haven't seen BB.

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speaking of .. i didnt get the table i wanted .. its reservedb.. all the good real estate in this joint is reserved and noones sitting on those tsbles .. plus they havent got veal scnitzel only steak and its a smaller lunch menu serve not a proper one .. i hope they give me the regular lasagne not the lunch menu oneb.. but i havent ordered it before here so how woild i know .. i'm at the mercy of the organisation levels of the kitchen staff ..


arghh !!

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oh no .. not mr tascam ..


Disregard all my previous whinging because...


*snare rushl*


I fixed my Tascam 388 tonight! After 3 months of diagnostic frustration, turns out one of the transistor boards was just loose.


(I'm so happy that I need to post a silly internet meme)


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in over my head in physics, gonna have to drop the class or fail... if i drop or fail, i lose my scholarship, so i'm just gonna drop it and be in school for another quarter. ugh. :facepalm:

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Came to the realization that I can't get an A in a Protools class im taking because the teacher has no idea what he's doing. Really hoping for the day that one of my classmates curses him out for not fucking teaching. Also getting a little burnt out on school in general.

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if i have any this happens .. i feel cheated.

yeah, caffeine doesn't agree with me either. I think it's better in the long run - nice to avoid a chemical dependency imo.

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