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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Posy, large size, tat covered, wannabe suicide girls aren't really my thing.


We are two different souls, you and I

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Good, it's not like we're getting married or anything. heh. I recon you'd have a great night out with me and the kelt.(edit: and tauboo lol after all he's the guy that started this) I'm quite amiable and fun when i can bother to be. Well if you can take a light dusting of jocular analysis of everything around us.

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I should have cleaned up that white area, but it kind of looks alright like that. Plus i didn't want to have to sit up on the couch to get serious with GIMP.

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wax poetics asked me to animate a video for a soul singer whose album they're putting out/promoting but the pay is shit. i'll probably do it anyway because i need an excuse for a personal project, but come ON

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Yeah, what the hell. Keltoi and i would have kept you company. Would have been awesome. (the meet up, not the lamernesque. Posy, large size, tat covered, wannabe suicide girls aren't really my thing.)




i'm not into tats, piercings or largeness either but i'm partial to curves in all the right places on an almost translucent, porcelain complexion... and nipple tassles... oh and the beastie boys of course... oh oh and a beer or 10 with taubs and delet.

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only two people want to spend time with me, one is about as far away as you can get on this bit of land and the other is on the other side of the world.


btw there are some lovely hurlesque girls with a good amount of boobs and arse but none of the unnecessary stuff

Edited by tauboo
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The guys in the local chip scene threw a party on the weekend, and nobody invited me. Why is it that no matter which scene I try to become a part of, I always feel like an outsider? I also only ever get gigs if I complain about not getting any.

Is there something they're not telling me? Am I some kind of asshole who makes shitty, substandard music and they're just too polite to let me know? I'd rather they tell me if that were the case, so I can work on being a better friend.


In addition to that, I went to see some friends' bands lastnight, bumped into another friend there, and the first thing he said to me was, "you're looking a little pudgy there, rob". Put me in a fucking shitty mood all night (and all of today, in case you didn't already notice). Gee, thanks for telling me, I totally didn't notice that I've put on a few kilos lately.

Edited by modey
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If someone told me i was fat, i'd agree. Don't worry about it man seriously. If this is all you can dislike about a person, you're going about socializing wrong.


As for not getting invited to parties, it's about being 'cool' i guess. But also about hanging out with the peeps, if you don't, you won't. Are they heaps younger than you? Maybe that's it? Bunch of boring shites that you'd rather ignore. I can understand, chips musics is so old now and the new guys have done fuck all with it. Their scene might as well still be in '99. Back when people were actually making some nice tunes. Seems to be more about the cool these days. So there, we answered why you didn't get invited, and why you shouldn't care that you didn't get invited. ;-] happy?


As for not getting gigs. If you have to complain to get gigs fucking do it. This is your main connection point with new unsolicited fans. And if no one puts you on the bill, make your own gigs, with a couple of friends in support, in places that you already frequent. Then bring your A game, an slay some.




Also, it must be noted that i never go to parties or put on gigs, let along bother trying to build new friendships. So take'a what i say'a with a grain of salt'a.




love dleeta

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If someone told me i was fat, i'd agree. Don't worry about it man seriously. If this is all you can dislike about a person, you're going about socializing wrong.

Well, it's not all that I dislike about him. I won't get into it too much here, but he gives me a lot of shit about just about anything I talk about. I try to not let it get to me too much, but the fact is just about every time I see him he says something that makes me either angry or depressed.


As for not getting invited to parties, it's about being 'cool' i guess. But also about hanging out with the peeps, if you don't, you won't. Are they heaps younger than you? Maybe that's it? Bunch of boring shites that you'd rather ignore. I can understand, chips musics is so old now and the new guys have done fuck all with it. Their scene might as well still be in '99. Back when people were actually making some nice tunes. Seems to be more about the cool these days. So there, we answered why you didn't get invited, and why you shouldn't care that you didn't get invited. ;-] happy?

I'm around the middle when it comes to age. As for the music.. well I like what everyone in the scene is doing—both the new and old performers are doing interesting things with the sound. It's not just videogame music anymore, people are actually making amazing dance music. But that's just my opinion. And kinda irrelevant to my point anyway. I'm trying to make friends. Part of coming to terms with being single means that I don't want to just spend my time sitting alone in my house getting lost in my thoughts—I need to spend time with friends, etc. How am I supposed to do that if nobody tells me about these events?

I do have a couple of friends who I see on a regular basis, which is nice, but I still spend too much time on my own. I'd like to be able to use that extra alone time to work on music but it just doesn't come as naturally anymore.


As for not getting gigs. If you have to complain to get gigs fucking do it. This is your main connection point with new unsolicited fans. And if no one puts you on the bill, make your own gigs, with a couple of friends in support, in places that you already frequent. Then bring your A game, an slay some.

Yeah, I've tried to organise my own gigs, but the truth of the matter is, I fucking suck at promotion. I'd rather stick with the people who put on gigs that actually attract large crowds—and that just happens to be the chip scene. They do put me on pretty often, I must admit. But it's generally only when I say HEY WHAT ABOUT ME HEY LOOK IT'S ME PSELODUX REMEMBER ME rather than doing what I thought was the right thing to do when trying to get gigs, ie. attending other gigs and getting friendly with the promoters, other performers etc.



Why is it that no matter which scene I try to become a part of, I always feel like an outsider?


this made me wince as if kicked in the nuts.

What part? My use of the word 'scene'? Or the fact that I'm trying to get in with a bunch of people who regularly gather? Like I said earlier, I just want something to do with my spare time other than sitting alone in my apartment working on music that nobody is going to hear or getting depressed about being single. Socialising helps to take my mind off whatever stupid shit might be happening in my life, so if that makes me some kind of hipster, then so be it.

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Why is it that no matter which scene I try to become a part of, I always feel like an outsider?


this made me wince as if kicked in the nuts.

What part? My use of the word 'scene'? Or the fact that I'm trying to get in with a bunch of people who regularly gather? Like I said earlier, I just want something to do with my spare time other than sitting alone in my apartment working on music that nobody is going to hear or getting depressed about being single. Socialising helps to take my mind off whatever stupid shit might be happening in my life, so if that makes me some kind of hipster, then so be it.


sorry if maybe i misunderstood you but i guess it kind of came across as a bit desperate to me, you going out of your way, exasperated as you seem to be, trying to become part of this scene and that. i just think the best music is made without 'scene' in mind and then it finds its place. maybe i miss the point or i'm out of touch or both? maybe you need to promote yourself more so these guys take notice? maybe they don't like your stuff or don't think it fits in with their nights? maybe putting on your own night might be the best approach, then you can invite the guys you want to get in with?


i'm certainly not putting you down for getting out and socialising cos that's to be commended rather than sitting around moping... but are you being a bit free and easy with the 'F' word? i mean this guy doesn't sound like much of a friend if he puts you down every time you see him. fuck him. friends don't do that (unless it's light hearted, piss-ripping, established norm accepted by all parties) especially when you're feeling somewhat low or insecure about yourself.

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I have to get another root canal today.



It sucked.... My tooth wouldn't freeze so every time they started drilling it felt like death. They ended up having to use 2x the regular freezing amount, 8 needles.


1650$ too =(

Edited by StephenG
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sorry if maybe i misunderstood you but i guess it kind of came across as a bit desperate to me, you going out of your way, exasperated as you seem to be, trying to become part of this scene and that. i just think the best music is made without 'scene' in mind and then it finds its place. maybe i miss the point or i'm out of touch or both? maybe you need to promote yourself more so these guys take notice? maybe they don't like your stuff or don't think it fits in with their nights? maybe putting on your own night might be the best approach, then you can invite the guys you want to get in with?


i'm certainly not putting you down for getting out and socialising cos that's to be commended rather than sitting around moping... but are you being a bit free and easy with the 'F' word? i mean this guy doesn't sound like much of a friend if he puts you down every time you see him. fuck him. friends don't do that (unless it's light hearted, piss-ripping, established norm accepted by all parties) especially when you're feeling somewhat low or insecure about yourself.

Well, yeah, I'm continuing to do my own thing regardless; it just seems that the chip scene is the one that my music gravitates towards.

The guys in the crew seem to like my music, don't get me wrong, and at the last chip show (I wasn't on the lineup), I got asked by several people why I wasn't playing.. So I'm not sure what's going on there.

I can't put on my own nights. I'm a performer, not a promoter. The one time I did put on a show, I was so overwhelmed by anxiety that my set was just mp3s played from winamp; and I didn't promote it very well so only about 10 people showed up (it was a venue suited for 30 people max so not so bad, but still pretty shitty). I'd rather focus on playing, and let the promoters do their thing, especially since the guys who put on the chip nights can fill a venue with no problem. I just need to communicate somehow to them that I can indeed get a crowd moving.. which I thought I already did with a ridiculously bouncy rave set I played last year where afterwards the guy running it said, "man, if I'd known you were gonna play stuff like that, I would have put you on later!"..


And as for the guy I mentioned.. well, for a while I considered him to be a friend but after all of the shit he gives me, I just can't be bothered anymore. The only reason I see him anymore is when he just happens to be at the same gigs I attend, or I might go over his place because I've got a crush on his housemate (but that's a different story altogether).

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I finally accepted a facebook app request for maybe the first time ever, and of course it was a bullshit scam that's going around, "enable dislike". Should've known it was too good to be true. Now I feel like a stupid asshole.

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Guest disparaissant

had an appointment this morning a half hour from my house. or so I thought. turns out the reminder card I had from the secretary had the wrong date on it. it's tomorrow. so frustrated.

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Guest Sprigg

I started an application for a local college but I can't be arsed to finish the thing because I'm depressed, stressed and lazy.

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Guest Sprigg

I started an application for a local college but I can't be arsed to finish the thing because I'm depressed, stressed and lazy.

If it's the "big one" (MCCKC), I've had nothing but good experiences so far



Nah I'm actually applying for Park... a few friends of mine have gone and love it, but the way my financial situation is looking I might just go to longview or something instead, then transfer later.

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Guest viscosity

Ready for a Root Canal!


they give nitrous oxide for that i hope?


feel like steinvord would compliment this experience well

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My "smart phone" frequently plays a happy little jingle as though I've received a text, but then it turns out to be absolutely nothing whatsoever. To add insult to injury, I thought I dropped it off an abnormally high bunk bed onto a hard floor and shattered it, but turns out that was only a dream.

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Ready for a Root Canal!


they give nitrous oxide for that i hope?


feel like steinvord would compliment this experience well


yeah, they didn't put me out for mine. =(

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