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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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my roommate has been eating my fig newtons. I'll fucking kill him!


i'd say this calls for at least a heavily-ritualized disemboweling and use of his preserved colon as both a door ornament and a warning

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my best friend is moving to portland and tourists are invading my fucking city...oh and marijuana clinics have been shut down in all of costa mesa/ newport beach/ huntington beach due to IRVINES fucking mayor..excuse them. So I have to travel to Santa Ana..as the hipsters would say "#firstworldproblems

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Guest disparaissant

i have a job interview on monday and nothing to wear for it and no money to buy anything to wear for it because i don't have a job


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i have a job interview on monday and nothing to wear for it and no money to buy anything to wear for it because i don't have a job



if you have nothing to wear, you're going wearing nothing, and therefore guaranteed the job! fixt.




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Guest disparaissant

just go there, "try some stuff on", interview, back to the changing room, SORTED

this is brilliant

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at some point I'll also have all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed in one go. yikes.


I went through this, no big deal, they put you out real good for it, plus you get some decent painkillers. If it's hydrocodone, you can easily extract the codeine from the acetaminophen by cold water extraction, after which you'll be riding pretty fucking high :sorcerer:

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Guest zaphod

power was out today for 12 HOURS. had to go to BARNES AND NOBLE to plug in and charge my iphone! WTF I MISSED SO MUCH INTERNET

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Woke up hungover and got this message from my friend's nephew:


"This is jamies nephew dante you p00p allot

Its weird your poo looks like 7 inch sundae. In a out house see ya poo face"


...and I really don't know what to say to that.

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Guest disparaissant

it's like the temperature of molten lava out so i got an iced coffee bit then i decided to stay in the coffee shop and it's too cold in here to enjoy an iced coffee. but i don't want to leave. quandary.

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Guest disparaissant
what the fuck is keeping you in there?

i was waiting for a friend to meet me there, JEEZ

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Guest jasondonervan

Just received an email stating that a birthday cake is now sat on the desk of an insanely good at home-baking colleague.



I'm working from home.

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I woke up at noon yesterday and today and I work at 9am every weekday. I will never get used to have a regular sleep pattern and it affects my behavior.

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