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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I am sleepy.


Let me guess: do you still stay up too late while you know you should really go to sleep? If yes, I feel you, bro.

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Guest jasondonervan

I really want to bid on the TB303 auction that's about to end on ebay in 7 minutes time, but I really don't want to pay the price a good TB303 goes for nowadays.

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we had our LGM today (where all the labourers meet with us managers and a business agent to discuss problems in the operations) and about 50% of the people tried to throw me under the bus for shit that is 99% their responsibility. Thankfully, the other 50% weren't fooled and/or stupid and were on my side.


I seem to be a divisive figure. =(


Edit: Meh. I'm confident I do a good job. It shows in the metrics etc. I don't need their approval to feel good about how I've done.

Edited by StephenG
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we had our LGM today (where all the labourers meet with us managers and a business agent to discuss problems in the operations) and about 50% of the people tried to throw me under the bus for shit that is 99% their responsibility. Thankfully, the other 50% weren't fooled and/or stupid and were on my side.


I seem to be a divisive figure. =(


nah, throwing people under buses provides the kinetic energy that every business uses to keep its lights on

Edited by baph
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we had our LGM today (where all the labourers meet with us managers and a business agent to discuss problems in the operations) and about 50% of the people tried to throw me under the bus for shit that is 99% their responsibility. Thankfully, the other 50% weren't fooled and/or stupid and were on my side.


I seem to be a divisive figure. =(


nah, throwing people under buses provides the kinetic energy that every business uses to keep its lights on


Is that how that works? We need to start throwing people under buses more! =)

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Just got a new kitten, and he's terrified of the litter box and ain't pissin' or makin' stink. The internet wants me to massage his nethers like I'm a mother cat to stimulate his business areas. That's gross.

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he'll get used to it, Zeph. just make sure he knows where it is and he can get to it. in the meantime he may poop a couple of times in places where he shouldn't, don't be too mean to him for that.


I think he's afraid of it because it's got a strong scent and is a strange sandy texture he's not used to. I'm going to get the same stuff he used at the SPCA tomorrow and hopefully that will make it more obvious where he's supposed to go. Speaking of, he just chose the most reasonable easy to clean area for his first piss in his new home: bath tub. I think he chose it because the curtains were drawn and it seemed more private. So all i had to do was rinse it away afterwards, easy. I'm not looking forward to finding a lump of cat shit in there tomorrow morning, but it's still the best place for it aside from the litter box. Now he's crying out mournfully because he's shut in the bathroom and wants attention, but I've been giving that non stop since we brought him home, and he's got to learn to cope by himself for a change. I'm sure it's tough as he's used to being surrounded by a dozen other little buddies all day at the shelter. That aside, he seems to have adjusted to his new surroundings remarkably fast. As soon as we opened the transport box he was jumping around, nudging us, purring and generally seeming happy as fuck to be here. Once he befriends the litter box he's going to be the best cat ever.


ah...kitties. my cat just attacked my step dad. gave him stitches, a swollen eye and tetines shot. little fucker....


Yikes! I had an old cat who was inclined to do that kind of thing. He was not a happy cat, but we loved him just the same. Also, he was a mute. Any time he did attempt to use his voice it came out as a pathetic little half squeak. He died while I was in Disneyland, perhaps out of loneliness. :cat::cry:

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i feel like i'm the only gay person who just doesn't give a damn about chik fil a


Isn't the whole thing ridiculous?


An individual who happens to be the CEO of a company has an opinion. That's nice. Who gives a flying fuck!?


If they make good chicken, eat it.



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Well it's certainly made the world talk about it. Their fucking marketing is top notch. I don't know much about the whole thing but it seems they can lessen their opinions and still the world would have heard of them. Unlike many other chicken shops dotted all over the place.

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i feel like i'm the only gay person who just doesn't give a damn about chik fil a


Isn't the whole thing ridiculous?


An individual who happens to be the CEO of a company has an opinion. That's nice. Who gives a flying fuck!?


If they make good chicken, eat it.




He has an opinion and he donates to anti-gay causes with the money you give him from eating his chicken, so I wouldn't eat there. Because money is the only thing that matters in politics. But, as stated in the other thread, I was not going to eat there anyway, because it's just a shitty fast food chicken sandwich that only people with no standards would like.


Basically, leave me alone so that I can eat this caviar and fap to transgressive pornography with this velvet glove, in peace. STANDARDS, PEOPLE.

Edited by baph
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I have to go to the DMV. This is worse than starvation.


I've been to hell, I spell it... i spell it DMV!


Here are some pics of my pussy as requested:





My FWP is that I had to clean cat shit out of my tub today. I'm really glad that's where he decided his alternate toilet would be.

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Guest Sprigg

I'v come to realize that I have way, way too much pointless crap and getting rid of it/cleaning/packing it up to move is a pain in the ass.

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I have to go to the DMV. This is worse than starvation.


I've been to hell, I spell it... i spell it DMV!


Here are some pics of my pussy as requested:





My FWP is that I had to clean cat shit out of my tub today. I'm really glad that's where he decided his alternate toilet would be.


Cute cat.

The good thing about cats is they usually try to be clean with the shits 'n piss, and to locate their bidness in an appropriate location. I mean, they try. Fail frequently, but I can respect the effort.

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Yikes! I had an old cat who was inclined to do that kind of thing. He was not a happy cat, but we loved him just the same. Also, he was a mute. Any time he did attempt to use his voice it came out as a pathetic little half squeak. He died while I was in Disneyland, perhaps out of loneliness. :cat::cry:


yeah, same here. we love him but lots of family members don't.

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i feel like i'm the only gay person who just doesn't give a damn about chik fil a


Isn't the whole thing ridiculous?


An individual who happens to be the CEO of a company has an opinion. That's nice. Who gives a flying fuck!?


If they make good chicken, eat it.




He has an opinion and he donates to anti-gay causes with the money you give him from eating his chicken, so I wouldn't eat there. Because money is the only thing that matters in politics. But, as stated in the other thread, I was not going to eat there anyway, because it's just a shitty fast food chicken sandwich that only people with no standards would like.


Basically, leave me alone so that I can eat this caviar and fap to transgressive pornography with this velvet glove, in peace. STANDARDS, PEOPLE.


Lol. I can see your point. Transgressive pornography abound!


faptastic caviar

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Guest disparaissant

it's not just the guy's opinion, it's corporate money that goes into this. and their hiring practices are questionable at best.


but i don't like boycotts in general because i don't think they help at all. and i don't think it's as big an issue as say, a non-discrimination clause for employment on a federal level, you know? there's a lot of energy going into this chik fil a debate that would be MUCH better used on actual worthwhile causes instead of something that, in the end, means very little.


anyways fwp: hanging out with girlfriend before she leaves for a cruise on saturday and we are both SUPER cranky because we are quitting smoking together (yes, this time i am ACTUALLY DOING IT) and other things so our last two days together for a while will be spent bitching at each other about stupid little shit and then she will get back and have a few days off and then is having surgery SO that kind of sucks.

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but i don't like boycotts in general because i don't think they help at all. and i don't think it's as big an issue as say, a non-discrimination clause for employment on a federal level, you know? there's a lot of energy going into this chik fil a debate that would be MUCH better used on actual worthwhile causes instead of something that, in the end, means very little.

This! There's a similar thing happening with a coffee chain in Australia. So many of my friends are boycotting it (for similar reasons), and meanwhile they're ok with using technology produced in sweatshops.

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