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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Ha yes. First duplicate post was because I got a board error about the page not existing so I went back and submitted again (rookie mistake) and the second duplicate post was when I tried to edit my initial post to get rid of a stray question mark (yeah it's still there). It submitted it as a new post with only a quote in it BOARD'S FAULT

oh, and the fact that I'm on a fucking phone lol

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Haha yeah I hear ya man but removalists cost money I don't have, and I can't get any loans because I'm paying off my now exs fucking credit card debt which we plan to shift over to get but not sure if its possible because she has bad credit as it is which is thy the loan was in my name in the first place.

Its all very irritating because I am actually very responsible with money. I make my own sandwiches for work and cook heaps of cheap shit its just a few key things have fallen away and left me in a mess. I can fix it it will just take a lot of time and patience.

Man that sucks. I was in a similar situation with Liv—her phone bill was under my name because she didn't have a good credit rating. When we broke up I kept having to ask her for money to pay the bill, and eventually she stopped giving me money for it. It didn't take long for me to cancel it though, but still, I should have cancelled it earlier!


Are you gonna move, or stay and try to find someone else to move in? If you need help with moving I might have some friends who could help for free or cheap..

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Haha yes! We are the tight butthole! (lol workaholics)


I don't know yet. Ideally I'd like to get a full time job and stay here on my own because man I love this area and this apartment.


Megan is awesome though. She won't just try and make me pay it all.


Fuck man that sucks about the whole thing with Liv! She was always a firey one from memory

Yeah I guess that's the danger of having other peoples shit in your name


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i have a rather large paper to prepare for uni so i'm procrastinating like there's no tomorrow. so i decided to google my zodiac sign traits and characteristics (capricorn) and found most of it scarily accurate in describing my character. wtf ?



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I had occasion to walk around in Long Beach for approximately 47 minutes wearing shorts, a t-shirt, and sandals this weekend, and today I am sunburned everywhere. Tomorrow I will have to go to federal court with a suit and tie rubbing off flecks of broiled epidermis.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

I hate those mugs with concave bases so when you unload the dishwasher they are full of water and splashes on the other dry stuff. gah. fml.

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Oh and also? I work at an arcade so pretty shithouse money to begin with. I love the job so much but such as in relationships sometimes love just don't cut it and you gotta find something else involving a desk


Yeah that sucks man.

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Guest jasondonervan

It's my birthday today, hottest day of the year... and as of last night I have a nasty cold/sore throat making me feel terrible. Tonight's plans for a nice meal and some drinking cancelled. Rubbish.

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There's a big party on on Saturday that most of my friends are going to but I've already basically promised that I'm going to someone I work with's BBQ. And the two friends I will be there with won't be drinking very much.

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I just realized I accidentally posted a "stupid first world problem" in the facebook quote thread a day ago, and now I feel a little bit embarrassed:

"I wanna eat something but I don't wanna prepare anything or spend any money. That leaves me with literally no option other than to starve. (Yeah yeah, I could do something I don't want and fix the hunger problem, but that goes against my philosophy of never doing anything I don't want to do.)"


For those wondering how i ended up resolving my FWP, I caved and poured myself a bowl of Vector Cereal.

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Guest underscore

on the 25th of every month I receive a text during the evening that gives me the hope for a moment that another soul is reaching out to me.




f u virgin mobile

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I just realized I accidentally posted a "stupid first world problem" in the facebook quote thread a day ago, and now I feel a little bit embarrassed:



that's alright, when I read your post in the FB thread I confused it for the FWP thread, so the end result was all the same.


then I wondered why the hell gmanyo was posting stuff from his FB feed in the FWP thread :wacko:


lol, awesome. That does actually make me feel a bit better.


New FWP is that my girlfriend just got a smart phone and is obsessed with all its online capabilities, despite already vehemently hating the fact that we're glued to our computers so much of the time. Now she's a full time online prisoner and there's nothing I can do to save her.

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I'm sick of waking up at 7:30am every morning for this stupid summer job.

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Guest Sprigg

If I get full-time work it will put my roommates and I over the income limit for the apartment I'm about to move into.


I want toast but I'm too lazy to go put it into the toaster.

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I was so hungover at work tonight that I nearly blacked out while serving a customer

but at the same time it was sort of awesome


true story; I still have a sore neck from passing out while doing a gigantic shit six months ago.

It was HUGE

it made me black out on the toilet

my girlfriend found me face down with one foot in the cat litter and my boxers around my feet

bleeding into the tiles unconscious

I told everyone on facebook immediately

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Start with the BBQ, then head to the party.


It's not so easy. There are a fair few miles between destination and the BBQ place is "in the country" so there's no travel from there. I could probably manage a lift home but the trains stop around midnight so I won't have enough time I don't think.

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