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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Guest underscore

I'm going to an island where everyone including grannies and kids smokes pot, but I don't smoke pot.


you mean you don't smoke pot until you're on the island. everyone on the island smokes pot

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I sketched out some music in Propellerhead's Figure app and it sounds halfway decent, but if I post it on watmm everyone will recognize it as a hack dicking around in a cheap iPhone app.

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lol, there is indeed a small amount of shame in using Figure and claiming the results as "a song I made"


the app is fun but it's really gonna drive up the number of people who think they're electronic musicians because they can hold a button or wiggle their finger

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Found a bag of old hash brownies, gave them a taste and didn't enjoy it to say the least.


So I mixed it all in some greek yogurt but didn't realize it had expired two weeks ago.


Ate half of it so far and I feel pretty good now, but I almost puked initially.


Still have to eat the second half or I'll feel like a wimp.

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Guest disparaissant

i count 6


fwp: my foobar config file got corrupted and i lost my really awesome setup and i really can't be bothered to fix it as i'm migrating to mac in a week and a half and no foobar. i guess that's another fwp, i love foobar and it doesn't exist on mac.

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2/3rds down the hatch


I'm doing this to myself cause I think eating disgusting things is a positive trait to have because it allows you to try a wider range of food.


I don't buy into the expiration dates too much, it doesn't seem to be that rotten, probably a day or so past.


So in the end its good practice and I don't waste money.


Also I recently got this new type of toothpaste, so I know when its all said and done Ill have a nice fresh mint breath. I typically don't like the taste of toothpaste... but "tooth polish" is pretty good.

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I think Im gonna actually alternate between toothpaste and eating. The yogurt is now luke warm and I saved the largest dried out chunks for last cause biting into them is like cotton candy sand + mustard.

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Guest jasondonervan

I'm looking to move into a new place (renting) by the end of this year, but I can't decide if I want to move in with a good friend or go it alone. He's offered to move cities for it as he prefers the lifestyle here to where he currently lives/works, and would be fine with commuting. I can afford to pay my own way, but with the two of us paying rent, we could get a nicer place, probably?


Also, I'm trying to fit in when to go on holiday to Japan for a few weeks.. but I want to do it properly by getting out and about in the country (gotta ride that Shinkansen!) as opposed to a half-baked effort of just mooching around Tokyo the whole time I'm there. Also not sure whether to go before or after I move...


Oh, and the icing on this disgustingly FWP-riddled cake - I somehow only took 5 days leave from work so far this year, and I have 5 weeks worth to take before Dec 31st. It sounds terrible to say it, but with work commitments as they are, I'm actually going to struggle to take it all.

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Guest Sprigg


Oh, and the icing on this disgustingly FWP-riddled cake - I somehow only took 5 days leave from work so far this year, and I have 5 weeks worth to take before Dec 31st. It sounds terrible to say it, but with work commitments as they are, I'm actually going to struggle to take it all.


Do you get paid for days you didn't take?

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one of my roommates had a psychotic break yesterday, went totally nuts and the police came, tazered him and took him away. needless to say, i now need a new roomate, so my buddies gf will probably move in which i'm fine with but hoping it won't turn into a fwp.

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one of my roommates had a psychotic break yesterday, went totally nuts and the police came, tazered him and took him away. needless to say, i now need a new roomate, so my buddies gf will probably move in which i'm fine with but hoping it won't turn into a fwp.


first world polyandry

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Guest jasondonervan

Oh, and the icing on this disgustingly FWP-riddled cake - I somehow only took 5 days leave from work so far this year, and I have 5 weeks worth to take before Dec 31st. It sounds terrible to say it, but with work commitments as they are, I'm actually going to struggle to take it all.


Do you get paid for days you didn't take?


Nope, use 'em or lose 'em. I used to be able to carry over a maximum of 5 days into the next year, but as of this month my job was TUPED to another company, so all the HR stuff is still filtering through to us regarding (mostly favourable) changes to various policies. I should be okay though.

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one of my roommates had a psychotic break yesterday, went totally nuts and the police came, tazered him and took him away. needless to say, i now need a new roomate, so my buddies gf will probably move in which i'm fine with but hoping it won't turn into a fwp.


first world polyandry


lol! i had to look up what polyandry meant

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I somehow only took 5 days leave from work so far this year, and I have 5 weeks worth to take before Dec 31st. It sounds terrible to say it, but with work commitments as they are, I'm actually going to struggle to take it all.

this sounds unethical. You have paid vacation, but they won't let you take it (even if it's just implied that it would be Bad)?

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Guest disparaissant

my girlfriend's dog* smells bad and is really old and pants really loud constantly and makes me feel bad for just absolutely hating it. i mean fuck. it's a dog. it doesn't mean to be as awful as it is. but i fucking hate that dog anyways. fucker. just constantly panting and stinking up the room. jesus christ.


*actually her mom's dog and she's not too fond of him either

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I'm going to an island where everyone including grannies and kids smokes pot, but I don't smoke pot.


you mean you don't smoke pot until you're on the island. everyone on the island smokes pot


Oh shit!

I just got back from the island, where I mostly wandered around drinking whisky sour and picking blackberries.

FWP: girlfriend is vacuuming and there's no sound I hate more than the sound of a vacuum.

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Skrillex's super-compressed snares sound like an empty 2L plastic bottle dropping on the floor. or maybe like taking a hollow piece of PVC pipe and banging it on a steel railing.


I didn't know where to post this so I just posted it in the thread I'm currently viewing. maybe I should start a "random musical thoughts" thread.


edit: although it is a FWP that I listened to Bangarang once and can't get that horrible snare sound out of my head

Is it bad that the super-compressed snares are the only thing I like about brostep? I haven't heard Bangarang but the snares in recent dance music just remind me of 80s pop.

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Found a bag of old hash brownies, gave them a taste and didn't enjoy it to say the least.


So I mixed it all in some greek yogurt but didn't realize it had expired two weeks ago.


Ate half of it so far and I feel pretty good now, but I almost puked initially.


Still have to eat the second half or I'll feel like a wimp.



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Guest jasondonervan

I somehow only took 5 days leave from work so far this year, and I have 5 weeks worth to take before Dec 31st. It sounds terrible to say it, but with work commitments as they are, I'm actually going to struggle to take it all.

this sounds unethical. You have paid vacation, but they won't let you take it (even if it's just implied that it would be Bad)?


Oh, they'll let me take it. It's just that we've gone through such a period of adjustment lately with moving to another company, as well as losing key staff members on the way that I've unofficially had to take up some of the slack. It's nobody's fault but my own, it's just bad timing more than anything else.

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